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Ishtar had to watch old man Belphegor walk away with no choice but to believe that he would honor his promise. If he didn’t, well, she and Will would have A LOT of work to do

Someone, however, couldn’t just leave it at that.

“I’m sorry,” Aoi said, biting her lip as she stood next to Ishtar, her eyes still on Belphegor’s back. “I understand how far out of our league he is, but I can’t sit still.”

“You’ll die if you fight him,” Ishtar said bluntly.

“I know. I won’t. I’ll grab Nanami and we’ll keep an eye on him together. You’ll hear from us soon, don’t worry.” She smiled at her. “Besides, you and your partner have plenty of loose ends to tie, right?”

Yeah. What a pain. “Be careful.”

“We will.”

Aoi finally dismissed the Construction spell that kept her sword materialized. She walked in the direction of the building as well, in no hurry to catch up to the old, powerful spirit.

She’d have a lot on her plate, and so would Will, but neither of them combined would match the amount of trouble that had fallen on Ishtar’s.

Ariana, Azazel and all the incubi were now kneeling down around her with their heads down in deference. Once, she would’ve enjoyed this more. Now…

“I hate responsibilities…” she muttered to herself.

‘You always said you wanted to help them.’

‘Wanted to, yes. Now I have to. It’s not that I’m not willing, it’s that I don’t know how!’

“Lady Ishtar,” Azazel suddenly said. “Please, forgive us! We should’ve recognized you as one of the royal family the moment we sensed your strength!”

Ishtar blinked. “Oh yeah… WHY didn’t you recognize me?” she asked, puzzled. “Some of my memories came back, and none of you are there, but shouldn’t you know me?”

“We don’t have memories of the destruction of the kingdom,” Azazel said. “We were but babes. Our elders spoke of Lady Inanna, but…”

“I got forgotten?” Ishtar asked with a raised eyebrow. None of them answered. “That kind of pisses me off.”

‘Okay, so do you want to help them or not?’

‘I do. My mother said to rebuild, but… but where do we start?’

‘Ask them.’

‘Ask them?’

‘No one knows their needs better than them. If we know what they need, we can start working on them.’

Ishtar took a deep breath.


“Azazel, Ariana. Come forward.” Without missing a beat, incubus and succubus came to kneel in front of her. “Tell me, what are your greatest needs right now?”

“Water, My Lady,” Ariana answered. “Sex sustains us and keeps us strong. So long as incubi and succubi remain together, we will not perish, but a part of us still requires regular sustenance.”

“Water is our main concern,” Azazel continued. “We’ve found small streams running down the farthest mountains, but the trip is at least five days long, not to mention dangerous. And we will not leave this fortress, as it houses the portal Lord William tasked with protecting.”

Ariana could help the wry grin. “It’s also a perfect defensive spot, so we’d rather not leave, if possible.”

Azazel nodded. “Which would bring us to our second greatest issue.” Azazel grimaced. “Power.”

“Power?” Ishtar asked.

“The wasteland is dangerous. Tribes of different races wage constant war over territory and resources. This fortress is easy to protect, yet it also draws the attention of those seeking to take it from us.”

“Azazel and I are strong enough to take care of most enemies,” Ariana said. “But we lack the numbers other tribes have, and we’re hesitant to give birth to children with our lack of resources.”

“Incubi and Succubi children can’t feed from sex until a certain age, you see…” Azazel clarified. “Until they reach that age, they’re no different from children from other races.”

“So… water, food and protection. That’s what you need the most?”

“Yes, Lady Ishtar?”

Ishtar felt… uncomfortable. She’d been spending all her time chasing sex, at first unconsciously as a wandering spirit, but always out of a desire to keep herself alive. Lately, things had become complicated, but more fun. Being with Will was fun, learning more magic was fun, helping him manage his harem and living in the human world was fun. These guys, though, who were like her, were struggling to survive.

Being brutally honest, the connection Ishtar felt towards these incubi and succubi was faint. She had little interest in them as individuals. Azazel was too earnest, serious and boring for her liking, and Ariana had offered herself to Will the moment they met (it was the right thing to do, sure, but it left Ishtar with a bad taste in her mouth). She knew little of the others, and frankly didn’t care much. But she had to clarify that, again, she meant that as individuals. She didn’t care about Azazel, Ariana or whoever else, but she cared about them as a people… As HER people.

She remembered the rage she felt when the oni denied them pleasure, and knowing of their current struggle made her chest hurt. She had to guess she’d always been like that. Selfish and hedonistic, but with a sense of responsibility. One day, it would’ve been her duty to rule an entire kingdom, but right now she didn’t even feel ready to help a small tribe.

‘Will… Would you help me?’

‘Do you really need to ask? I already have some ideas. Don’t worry, I’m with you on this.’

‘...Thank you.’

Without letting her brow move or her lip quiver, Ishtar kept the facade of a capable leader based solely on vague memories of Queen Inanna. She kept herself composed, her back straight and a steady gaze on those kneeling before her.

“We’ll do something about it. Keep yourselves together, protect the building and your people. I will need you all if we’re to see the late Queen’s wish come true.”

“...Her wish, My Lady?” Azazel asked.

“We will rebuild the Kingdom of Lust. That is, if you’re willing to put the effort into it.”

The eyes of her people shone. Their smiles were reminiscent of the day incubi and succubi finally reunited. Ishtar could not feel happy. Instead, she felt the weight of expectations on her shoulders, a familiar feeling she thought forgotten.


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