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Chapter 164: Intermission - A secret job (Part 2).

On the one hand, after she said that, she saw the number of viewers go down by about 60. Were those people who became disillusioned with her? It was a heavy blow to morale, really. Were they really here just hoping to get some attention out of a girl they didn’t know?

Maybe that was too harsh. Maybe most of the people who left simply didn’t like the fact she wasn’t focusing on playing the video game and made a fuss about something that happened in chat. That was fair, she believed. She’d need to be more careful about that in the future.

Then on the other hand, the chat was flooded with messages of praise and general encouragement. People saying they respected her more, or that it was good that she stood up for herself. It was nice to read, but she also had to be careful not to fall into an echo chamber, where she only listened to the people she wanted to hear.

Anyway, she couldn’t let the stream get caught up in that drama, so after things settled down a bit, she went back to playing the game and finished her usual night without any other issues.

Once the live-stream was off, Noelle Summers stood up from her desk chair in her bedroom and fell face-first on her bed with a loud groan. She played it cool and the chat forgot about the incident really soon. The numbers went up again when she started playing XIV, even. Maybe to the viewers it was nothing, but Noelle kept replaying the event in her head.

She messaged… YuriaSIMP01 and returned the money he donated. It was only fair. But even so, she couldn’t stop thinking about it. She really did start livestreaming out of curiosity and kept doing it because it was fun.

Noelle Summers was a soft-spoken, even shy girl most of the time. She had a hard time opening up to people. Even Alice and Isabelle, her two closest friends, didn’t know she streamed video games as Yuria.

People didn’t know who Yuria was, and that helped Noelle act more outgoing than she was in real life. She didn’t need to worry about what would happen if someone at school found out. She could talk about things without worrying that her schoolmates would start nasty rumors about her like they did with so many other people.

She was being honest when she said she didn’t want to take advantage of people. She didn’t want to build her… ‘fanbase’ on what the internet called ‘simps’, people who showed excessive attention to someone in pursuit of affection or more. It wasn’t fair to them and it was awkward for her.

Her mind replayed her own words over and over.

‘I’m not seeing anyone right now, I don’t have a boyfriend, but I might at some point. I’d rather not lead anyone on, give anyone any sort of false hope.’ That’s what she’d said to her audience.

“Not that I’ve ever had a boyfriend…” she muttered to herself, her cheek pressed against her pillow.

Noelle had never had a boyfriend, but… there was someone she liked. Kind of. It was complicated.

Isabelle’s brother, Oliver. Ever since she first saw him she thought he was cute. Not only that, but he always striked her as kind and caring from what she could tell from her visits to her friend’s house.

He rarely refused a request and seemed to always thoroughly think his words over. What few words he said. Noelle… liked him, yes, but approaching him was difficult. He seemed like he didn’t enjoy people’s company, and sometimes even got a scary look on his face when people approached him. That, combined with Noelle’s own shyness to try to strike up a conversation, meant that they’d never really spoken.

Until now.

She didn’t know what happened, but Oliver was changing. That was plain for anyone to see. Anyone who paid attention to him, at least. Alice was noticing it, too.

That scary look on his face was mostly gone. He was smiling a lot more, not to mention speaking. He looked and felt more approachable, to the point Noelle dared to ask him to help with the cat she found. A little over the line, maybe, but…

She buried her head in her pillow and groaned into it.

Yes, Noelle had sort of liked Oliver since she first saw him, mostly because he was the boy she felt a sort of connection with. But now? Now that he was growing out of his shell? Now that he talked more? Now that he looked like a model in a sports magazine?

Now Noelle REALLY liked him, and it was too damn late.

Three absolutely stunning girls hung out with him all the time now. Rumors said he was three-timing, but everyone knew that was impossible. There was no way he could keep the affairs a secret from those three girls who were close as sisters. But even if those rumors were clearly wrong, one didn’t need to be a detective to know there was SOMETHING between the four.

And so, Noelle was too late. She had a million chances to try to talk to Oliver before, and she didn’t go for any of them. And she was regretting it now that he was better looking? Pathetic.

A small part of her believed she still had a chance, however small. She was going to help him and Isabelle take care of the kitten however she could. That would give her more opportunities to grow closer to him, if only she took them. But like always, she was afraid to.

What if he was already seeing one of the three girls? What if he had feelings for them? What if she was getting in the way? What if she appeared superficial, only showing interest now that he was hotter?

With a knot in her throat, Noelle couldn’t even scream into her pillow.


Chapter 165: Tragedy strikes. Sort of.

Another day, another morning getting an unplanned, spur-of-the-moment blowjob from two beautiful women.

Mila and Sarah were kneeling in front of me as I sat on one of the many chairs in the old music room. They both licked my shaft from top to bottom in unsynced motions until Sarah took my cock into her mouth and swallowed it whole, making its length reach deep down her throat. I shivered and gripped the sides of the chair tightly.

“It still amazes me every time I see it…” Mila said, licking the drool off her lips.

Sarah bobbed her head up and down without pause, without hesitation, without gagging. She moaned softly, eyes closed and holding onto my legs. The intense sensation after about ten minutes of service made me explode and shoot it all directly down her throat.

Sarah shook, climaxing with me. Her eyes rolled almost to the back of her head, and she pulled away from my dick with an unintentionally loud slurp.

“Fuck, I’m such a pervert…” Sarah muttered, still shivering and enjoying her orgasm.

“I’m kinda jealous,” Mila said, giggling. “Coming from giving a blowjob sounds fun.” After saying that, she wordlessly assumed cleaning duties and began to lick the leftover cum off my dick.

I let out a sigh of pleasure. “I’m glad you enjoy it. Makes me feel a bit less selfish,” I joked.

The door to the classroom opened and in came Grace, grinning at the sight that welcomed her but not commenting on it. It was common now after a month. No, more than a month. Almost a month and a half by now since we started our physical relationship.  Sometimes the days drag on, and others time flies without you noticing.

“Grace, can you come from giving a blowjob or am I the only pervert?” Sarah asked her friend.

“Not from a blowjob,” Grace answered, kissing me and taking a seat beside me. “But I can come just from my tits if Oliver flondes them for a few minutes. And doesn’t Mila come from having her butthole played with even without penetration?”

“Grace!” Mila pouted.

“Not just that. The other day she came just from me fondling her butt,” I added.

“Oliver!” By now Mila was blushing madly.

“Not the only pervert then. Good.” Sarah nodded to herself, satisfied.

“Speaking of,” Grace started casually. “I watched this video last night about 10 weird facts about orgasms. It was done by a professional author and backed by serious research, but it was hilarious. I ended up also reading some of those papers and bought one of her books.” She started smiling as she spoke. You could tell she’d gotten into the topic. “I bring this up because, in one of these papers, there’s a case mentioned of a woman who orgasmed every time she brushed her teeth.”

My eyebrows rose, but Mila and Sarah were more vocal about it.

“No fucking way!”

“She had to be lying.”

“I’m telling you, it’s all backed up by research. The woman herself went to a neurologist because she didn’t think it was normal. Apparently she believed she was possessed by demons,” Grace said.

I don’t know why, but I felt a faint headache just as she said that.

“There was also a case of a woman who could, allegedly, will herself to orgasm if she thought about it hard enough.”

“That one’s scary if true,” I said.

“Is it?” Mila asked, curious.

“Yeah. I mean, imagine if you could do it. What would you need me for?”

That sent the girls into a fit of laughter.


I spent the first recess that day talking to Thomas. He was feeling down  because a practice game they’d had in which his team got, in his own words, ‘utterly fucking destroyed’ and that some of the members were taking it worse than him.

“Last year’s seniors were really good, and without them the team needs to find a new identity.”

“You’ve got your work cut out for you, captain.”

“Yeah.” He groaned. “Kevin skipped practice the other day, so I’m gonna chew him out later.”

“Maybe he had a good reason?”

“Is a date with a girlfriend a good reason?”

“Rip him a new one.”

Thomas snickered. That improved his mood a little.

And then, that second recess, tragedy struck.

I walked down the stairs with the girls, heading to the old music room like usual. When we were reaching the second floor, we noticed something strange. We could hear more voices than usual.

The second floor had nothing of interest down the hall to the old music room, no restrooms or even a vending machine. Worried, I hurried my pace, and when I turned the corner from the stairs to the hallway, I saw a bunch of students looking in the direction of the old music room. Further ahead, coming in and out of the classroom that had become my safe place for three years, I saw around five men in coveralls, moving chairs and tables out.

My chest froze.

“Hey, what’s happening?” Grace asked one of the bystanding students. “Why are they moving things?”

“Apparently they’re going to build a new science lab here,” the guy said. “I heard that they’re going to combine two classrooms and make a bigger one than the two we already have.”

I had to have heard that wrong, or that guy had to be mistaken.

There was no way. No one even remembered that room existed for three fucking years. It was my safe place. No longer just mine, even. It was a place where the girls and I could be at ease, talk about anything and everything, get as amorous as we wanted without eyes judging us.

And now… it was gone? Just like that, without a single warning?

My chest hurt.



Story and Plot discussion here. Avoid if you want to read blind. Not much to say here, though. The idea to take the old music room away from Oliver came from two places. 1) I noticed I was overrelying on it for sex scenes, and using a single place for it was getting boring. 2) It was what I meant some chapters ago by saying Oliver needed to step out of his comfort zone, both figuratively and literally. He needs to step out more into the world, both to see it and be seen.

B liz

Whole heartedly agree. Something had to give and it definitely started to feel like -too- safe a space.