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Hello everyone,

I've been kinda sick these past few days and it's gotten me in a really downer mood. I've been thinking about what I do, comparing myself to others and such. That's no good. I much prefer to think of the good things in my life, so even if it's a little cheesy, I still want to thank you all for the support, for reading.

It really means a lot, so it got me thinking what else can I do here to make it worth your while even more. Thing is, I don't know. I have some few ideas, but I thought I'd at least ask you:

Is there anything you would like to see me do here?

For example, would you guys like some updates giving some details or background info on my thought process for what happens in the stories? Something like a behind the scenes? Maybe give you some details of where I want to take events or where I want the stories to go? Or maybe more general posts, like updates on how progress is going?

I'm not good at this Patreon thing, but if there's something you'd like to see and it is  within my abilities, let me know.

Again, thank you all so much for everything. I hope you will continue to enjoy my writing.

Take care, everyone. Be well.



If you want to do more by all means go for it. Don't feel pressured to do it though. I'm here because I really enjoy Spirit of Lust2. So long as I have time to keep up with it I'll be here at my current teir :). I enjoy your work and I'll gladly give to it.


Here's an idea. What if you posted some of the ideas you have for other stories, as if they were the summary at the back of a book. To give us an idea of possible future works.


I've been thinking of doing that, but if I did it, i'd prefer to write short stories, at least. I have dozens of ideas, and I've tried to write some of them. Once I start them, I start to see the problem with them being long-term stories. But maybe short stories could be possible...