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Chapter 136: Intermission - Snooping (Part 2).

No, no. That had to be something else. It couldn’t have been the first thing that came to Isabelle’s dirty mind.

“Sarah, we promised we’d behave.” That was Grace. The brunette giggled, her chiding carried zero weight behind it.

“But he wants to!” Sarah argued. It made Isabelle realize the moans were coming from her.

“Well… I did promise we’d make out on his bed,” Grace said.

Isabelle’s body stiffened and every small hair of her body stood up. This wasn’t… It couldn’t be. There was no way.

“Well, Oliver’s an expert at quickies at this point,” Milana said.

“Hey!” her brother exclaimed, sounding offended, and Isabelle had to try very hard to stifle her own unexpected laughter. Thankfully the three other girls laughed louder.

“Hahahaha! Sorry, sorry! Hahaha! That came out wrong!” Milana said, and Isabelle could almost picture her holding her stomach from the laughing fit.

“You’re a monster both in 5 minutes and in 5 hours, love,” Grace said, and Isabelle clearly heard the noises of a deep, wet kiss. The bed rocked and the frame hit the wall a couple of times. “But while I’d love nothing more than to do it here, I’d rather not risk getting caught by your mom. She said 20 minutes, but you can get a little carried away at times. The last thing I want is to have her hate us.”

A sigh. “Your sister already doesn’t like us,” Milana said.

Isabelle flinched at the mention of her.

“I know, I know,” Oliver said, sounding frustrated. “But I’m… excited to have you here, in my room. I never thought something like this would happen.”

“Okay, so we can’t fuck,” Sarah said. The explicit confirmation made Isabelle’s face burn. “Doesn’t mean we can’t do something else.”

Oliver let out a short little grunt. No one said anything, and Isabelle pressed her ear harder against the wall. It didn’t help her figure out what that was.

“Sit up, baby,” Sarah said.

‘Love’? ‘Baby’? Those were pretty strong pet names.

Isabelle heard people moving around and the bed creaking. They were silent and making so little noise that the low music from the computer and the sound of her heart in her ears made it even more difficult to tell what was happening.

Then more moans came, followed by gasps. What was going on? What were they doing? Was it just two of them? Three? All four? Isabelle had to cover her mouth with one hand when she realized her breathing was getting heavier.

A slurping sound sent a chill down her back. Heavy breathing was audible, and even Oliver was starting to moan a little louder.


Her brother.

Isabelle pulled away from the wall. Why on EARTH was she snooping on her brother doing… whatever he was doing!? But she couldn’t leave. If she made any noise, they’d realize she was there. She was trapped.

And if she was trapped, then she might as well…

Swallowing hard, she put her ear against the wall again. More sensual moaning coming from three girls. Sometimes gasps for air. More slurping. Isabelle’s mind conjured the images on its own before she could stop them.

Maybe the three girls were kneeling in front of Oliver, three mouths assaulting his dick. Maybe it was only two mouths, and the third one was making out with him.

A delighted squeal came from one of the girls, and it made Isabelle wonder. Where were his hands?

“Fuck…” Grace breathed. “I love this peerless cock.”

“Are you close, baby?” Sarah asked, breathing heavily as well.

“...Not yet.”

Not yet!? They’d been at it for at least 10 minutes! What was this!? Porn!?

“You can’t leave a mess, Oliver,” Milana spoke softly, teasingly. “Whose mouth will you come inside? Sarah or Grace?”

Two mouths, then, and he was making out with Milana.

WHY DID THAT MATTER!? Her brother was getting a blowjob! A double blowjob! Maybe. And the third girl was asking him in whose mouth he wanted to come!

They were doing that in his room, right next to hers! Isabelle was listening, and…! And they didn’t know. They didn’t know she was there. If they knew, they wouldn’t be doing it. But they didn’t know. Her brother was being serviced by three girls at the same time, and she was listening in.

Serves her right, huh? Was this how Oliver felt? The awkwardness, the uncomfortable heat, the… strange and complicated feeling of jealousy?

Isabelle tugged at the hem of her shirt, gripped her knee as hard as she could, pursed her lips so hard she was biting on the inside. And she continued listening, and her mind kept painting pictures.

Maybe one of them had her lips around cock and was bobbing her head up and down while the other licked his balls. How… What did her brother’s cock look like?


Her fingers gripping her knee twitched with the urge to move somewhere else, but she kept them firmly where they were.

“Hng! Sarah!” Oliver moaned.

“Aww…” Grace pouted.

She didn’t hear the climax. If Oliver had come, then he wasn’t a screamer. She had no business finding that a good thing. She did hear Sarah letting out a delighted sigh, and though low, she could swear she heard her mutter something like, “So fucking good!”

Isabelle checked her phone. Exactly 20 minutes had passed since their mom left. She’d be back any second now.

“How was it?” Milana asked knowingly.

“I love you girls so fucking much…” Oliver gasped.

Isabelle’s heart skipped a beat. She looked down at her knees and mentally beat herself again. If that was how he felt, then no wonder he snapped at her for all the crap she spouted.

What the fuck was wrong with her?

The noise of a car parking outside drew everyone’s attention. She could hear them scrambling around to fix themselves and make it look like nothing happened. The sound of the video game became louder, both from unpausing and because they’d turned up the volume.

Isabelle took that chance to escape her room as silently as she could. She went to the bathroom and waited for her blush to subside before going down to the kitchen to chug a glass of water in one go. Her mouth was dry as a desert.

Her mom came in with a plastic bag on one hand and the other holding a box with the cheesecake she went to buy. Isabelle tried to play it cool and went to help her mom with the box.

“So? Is your brother behaving?” her mom asked casually.

With her back to her, Isabelle answered. “They’re playing video games in his room. I didn’t want to interrupt, so I didn’t check on them, but they’re still laughing loudly.” She made herself sound annoyed at the noise, and her mom bought it. She could act when she wanted to.

Her mom chuckled. “Like you’re any quieter when your friends come over.”

“...” Isabelle swallowed. “I guess I can’t deny that.”

For the rest of the day, Isabelle didn’t even think about her ex-boyfriend.


Chapter 137: An important detail.

Keeping on with how bizarre it all was, we continued playing games like nothing ever happened. If mom walked into my room this moment, she would never even think two girls had just given me a blowjob. My dick was kind of satisfied, but my hand still itched. It wanted to keep groping Mila’s tits, and my eyes kept moving to her chest. The damn tease even gave them a little shake. Cruelty incarnate.

Mom did bring us drinks and a slice of cheesecake for each a little later, for which the girls were eternally grateful. When we were sure she was downstairs again, Grace spoke softly.

“What do you think she’d say if we told her we were going out?” she asked me.

“I don’t know,” I told her. “She’s been very supportive, but this… might be too much?”

“My parents would freak out, probably,” Sarah said, frowning. Whether it was at her parents' supposed disapproval or the fact that Mila just hit her character with a sweep, I wasn’t sure. Her eyes were still on the screen.

“Same,” Mila admitted. “But maybe since it’s you two, they’d understand?”

“I think my mom wouldn’t care,” Grace said, “but my dad would go ballistic.”

“None of this bodes well for me, huh?” I said. My chest felt tight.

“You asked us out. Deal with the consequences, baby,” Sarah said, then cursed under her breath as Mila took another round from her. “I don’t understand how this game works!”

“Want to try another game?” I offered.

“No, I like this one.”

Sarah was still playing with the arcade stick. She kept losing, but kept playing, too. I had to believe this wasn’t for my sake anymore.

Deal with the consequences, huh? I suppose she wasn’t wrong, but the thought was more frightening than anything else. Meeting their parents as I was at that time…

If the only good thing they could say about me was that I was good in bed, then that’d definitely get me killed. I needed to be… better, whatever that meant. Or everything that meant.

“Hey, don’t worry too much, Oliver,” Mila said. “It’s not like you have to meet our parents tomorrow. And if you do, we’ll just introduce you as a friend. They don’t need to know we’re going out yet.”

“If ever,” Sarah said. “Just a thought.”

“Right…” Grace sighed. “That might be the safest route.”

We weren’t full adults yet. Regardless of how the law saw us for being 18 years old, we still lived under our parents’ roofs and answered to them. Maybe if I lived alone in a shed somewhere far from my family, I wouldn’t have to worry about it, but that wasn’t the case, was it?

We didn’t do much the rest of the afternoon. We talked, we played games, we watched videos on my computer… It was a comfortable afternoon. I worried the lack of excitement would bore the girls, but that didn’t happen.

They left around 7:20 pm. When we went down so they could say goodbye to mom, we saw that Isabelle was there with her. It was an awkward moment where they exchanged short greetings and farewells at the same time. Isabelle had a hard time looking at them in the face.

Dinner was silent, but not that uncomfortable. Mom was happy to hear how much we’d laughed and screamed. She said my room had never seen so much activity. Isabelle was quieter than usual, but it wasn’t hard to guess she wasn’t happy that the three girls she didn’t like had been in her house.

Tough luck. This was another contender for best day of my life.


Monday came quickly. the start of another week. Already almost a month since school started. I couldn’t decide if time was flying or passing slower than I was used to. Probably both. Each day had more meaning than before, but at the same time there weren’t enough hours in the day to spend them with my girlfriends and do the things I needed to do. Like studying.

I spent most of Sunday finishing my homework and reviewing material. It was such a pain, but I was pushed forward by a very simple thought. If any of the girls’ parents asked me how I did in school and I had to answer the truth, I wasn’t going to be earning any points. Any motivation is good motivation, I suppose.

That Monday morning, after our usual early meeting in the old music room, the girls and I went back to our classroom with a couple of minutes to spare. None of us expected to see Kevin and Ben waiting right outside the door. They perked up when they saw us. When they saw me.

My steps faltered, but Sarah gave me a little push. The girls waved a quick hello to the guys and went into the classroom. They both looked like they wanted to talk to me, so I stopped.

“Mind if we talk over there?” Ben asked, pointing a thumb further down the hallway.

I nodded and followed them. We didn’t have much time, but by now almost everyone was in their classroom already. We were alone even in the hallway.

“We needed to apologize,” Kevin said, grimacing. “We stepped out of line the other night.”

“We thought we were just playing, but we clearly made you all uncomfortable,” Ben added. “I’m sorry. We’re used to acting like that with our friends, but we barely know you and you barely know us. We shouldn’t have pushed the matter.”

“We seriously didn’t expect… You know.” Kevin sighed. “It’s no excuse, I know. We fucked up. We’re serious, though. We won’t tell anyone. It might not look it, but we can keep our mouths shut when it matters.”

This was unexpected. I pursed my lips and pushed away the small desire to tell them that, yes, they fucked up and should’ve kept quiet. Saying that when they were already apologizing would’ve been out of line, too.

“Thanks,” I said. “I… didn’t handle the situation well, either. I’m… not used to hanging out with people. I may have overreacted. But thank you for apologizing.”

Both guys nodded. “So, we good?” Kevin asked. “Think we can still hang out?”

‘It might be too soon to write them off,’ Sarah told me that same night.

“...Yeah. I’d like that,” I answered.

Both guys smiled and offered a fist-bump, which I met with a relieved smile of my own.

Then a teacher walking down the hall yelled at us for standing there and we had to run to our respective classrooms.


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