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Hello everyone,

This may be coming out of the blue, but I realized just now that I haven't written a sex scene since chapter 113 of Spirit of Lust 2. There are times when I write in bursts, getting like six or seven chapters done in a couple of days, so I didn't realize this until now.

It's mostly all been slice of life and plot happening, so I'm wondering if this is a flaw for the story's pacing or not. I know many like it for the story and characters, but even I feel strange that we've gone 18 chapters so far with no sex scene (and more to come).

It's a difficult thing to balance. For some, a sex scene might feel like it's getting in the way of plot, while for others, no sex scene might be defeating the point of erotica.

So yeah, I'd like to hear your opinions on this, if you care about it.



The lack of them is high compared to other stories but honestly the plot is good enough for me to see them as more of a special event to a normal story than a porn story


I enjoy the plot. I really like that this is more a slice of life romance story, no big plots and sex feels special. It provides something more than just a cheap porn story.