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Chapter 116: Intermission - Video-chatting.

After Grace finished her shower, she fixed her room as best as she could. Sarah had moved her stuffed animals out of place again. So had Oliver, but she'd cut him some slack because 1) he didn't know, and 2) it was during some very heated moments that still made her shiver.

As she was fixing her bed, her phone buzzed. Had She replied? She had.

-???: Something important to talk about? Is this what I think it is?

-Grace: Could be. You need to log in and find out.

-???: You know I've been dying to hear some updates, Grace.

-Grace: Give the girls 15 minutes and I'll log in, too.

And 15 minutes later, Grace set her laptop on her desk and sat in front of it wearing a short-sleeved pink pajama top and shorts. Her long hair was loose and she casually brushed it while waiting for the others to hop into the server and voice-chat channel. She used the camera recording her as a mirror for brushing her hair. There was a familiar beep indicating another person had entered the channel, and shortly after the video started playing.

From her own bedroom, a girl Grace's age stared back. She had shoulder-length golden hair, damp from a recent shower if the towel around her neck was to be believed. She also had blue eyes and a cute roundish face. She wore a spaghetti-strap white tank-top that called attention to her big chest and narrow waist. Grace could see no more due to the camera angle.

"Hello, Alice," Grace greeded.

"My God, look at that dumb smile," Alice giggled. "No wonder you said it was urgent. What happened?"

The smile still wouldn't leave her, huh? No helping it. "Give the others a couple more minutes. But how have you been, Ms. President?"

"Busy, and mad that all I'm hearing about you are rumors and nothing from your own mouth."

"I'm not gonna talk to you at school, Alice."


"Elections this semester are done, but you're still in the public eye. It'd be bad if people think the Student Council President was close with the school's Moriarty."

"The school's Moriarty? Seriously?" Alice laughed.

Grace laughed along. "I heard that one once, and I kinda liked it."

A second beep sounded, and Mila popped in with her own camera, wearing her pajamas as well.

"Alice!" the Russian girl greeded gleefully. "How's life as the school's top dog now?"

"I'm far from top dog, silly. At the end of the day, the teachers still have more authority. It'd be stupid if that wasn't the case. I'm basically just working for the school for free now."

"So why do it?"

"Alice wants to have the option to study somewhere else after high school," Grace told her. "Remember that the Student Council President gets a letter of recommendation to any university they want to."

Mila grimaced. "So you're gonna leave next year?"

"I don't know, Mila. Maybe. I'm… still not sure what I want to do, but I'd like to have as many doors open as I can."

"You should just…"

Another beep cut Mila's words short. Sarah's camera only showed an empty chair for a moment, but a voice could be heard in the distance.

"And stay out, Robert! You know you're not allowed here!" A door slammed shut and Sarah appeared, sitting down on the chair and slumping in her seat. "I swear I hate those brats sometimes."

Alice grinned. "Little brother giving you trouble?"

"All of them. They're still playing around when they should be in bed. They're hiding from mom because they don't want to take their showers."

"Sounds fun," Grace said.

"It's a pain. Robert tried to hide in my room."

"I kind of wish I had a younger sibling," Alice said.

"You're not missing much," Mila shrugged.

"And your older brother is far cooler," Sarah said.

"Do you still have a crush on him?" Alice teased.

"Nah. Just found myself one hell of a guy."

"What? So it's you?" Alice asked, surprised. "You're the one going out with Oliver? I thought it was Mila or Grace."

"Actually…" Mila's blush was clear even through the somewhat pixelated image of her camera.

"See, that's what we wanted to tell you," Grace continued. "We're all going out with him."

Alice blinked. "... Excuse me?"

"You heard her," Sarah confirmed. "One guy, three girlfriends. Weird, right?"

"He asked us out today," Mila explained. "We were at this coffee shop, he showed up all of a sudden and just asked us if we wanted to go out with him." She started giggling. "I got so excited I forgot to be embarrassed that there were people looking."

"My God!" Alice laughed with a hand hiding her mouth. "And you said yes?"

"We brought him to my place," Grace said. "We talked about it a little bit, but he didn't back down, and we didn't want him to." She sighed dreamily. "I swear, Alice. This guy is special. We wouldn't be okay with this if it had been any other."

"But are you sure about this?" Alice looked skeptical. "I can believe you all like him, but precisely because of that… I'm afraid that you three might end up fighting over him."

"Seriously doubt it," Mila said. "I mean…  How do I say it? We've… done things that should make us mad with jealousy, but we're okay with it. It's weird."

"What she means is that it all started with a foursome at Thomas' birthday party," Grace said.


"We saw him, we thought he was way too cute, had a little bit to drink, got to talking, and before we knew it… we were in bed with him."

Sarah nodded. "And he was better than anyone we've ever been with. Bar none. Then the days went by and he became even better."

Alice's face was beet red, yet at no point did she ask them to stop. She was all ears.

"He could barely talk at first, but now he's comfortable around us. It feels…" Mila sighed dreamily as well. "It feels pretty nice."

"I can't believe the rumors are closer to the truth than I thought…" Alice swallowed. "People are saying you're fighting over him."

"Huh. I guess we haven't been too subtle and people can tell we're into him," Grace noted. "But fighting?"

"Or maybe just competing," Alice clarified. "Oliver's been a bit of a hot topic lately. Thanks to you and a certain local basketball star."

"He's not gonna be happy to hear that," Sarah laughed. "But we warned him. He'll be fine."

"Still can't believe it. You girls better be careful, alright? I don't want you fighting over a guy of all things."

"I get why you're worried, believe me," Grace said. "But trust me when I say this isn't like anything I've felt before. I know this can work. I feel it in my bones."

"You're being surprisingly accepting, huh?" Sarah mused.

"What do you mean surprisingly?” Alice scoffed. “I know you're not stupid. You've thought this through. And besides… I know Oliver a bit. I like him more than any of the guys you dated before. He's more reliable."

"...Right, you're friends with his sister, aren't you?" Mila asked.

"Isabelle, yes," Alice answered easily. "I've been to their house a few times."

"Does she… not like us?"

Alice grimaced. "I think so. I've never heard her say anything bad about you, thankfully. Not in front of me. The thing is… for about two weeks now, she's been dating Ignacio, one of Albert's friends."

Grace let out a loud, guttural groan as she held her forehead. The sound was echoed by Mila and Sarah."No fucking wonder."

Albert. One of the two douchebags Grace told Oliver about. The ones who mistreated Alice. And Grace was aware of Ignacio, too. He wasn't someone who'd done anything to Alice, but was one of those who heard the asshole's bragging and excuses, undoubtedly filtered to make him seem like he never did anything bad.

"Alright, I see how it is. Albert tells Ignacio about how I ruined his life. Dude believes every lie. He tells the story to Isabelle, who also believes it because why wouldn't she? She's dating the guy."

"I'm guessing your name never came up," Sarah asked Alice.

"Never. As far as his friends know, he's a victim of a jealous bitch who wanted but never got his dick."

"I suppose I'm glad that he's still doing shady crap. Makes it easier to keep his mouth in check." Grace sighed. "Last thing I heard, he invited some friends to a whore house."

Alice swallowed a groan and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm so sorry."

"Stop it."

"If I'd been smarter or had some goddamn common sense…!"

"Hey, you didn't know, so stop it," Mila told her. "No one blames you, you don't carry ANY of the blame. Just forget about it and do what you want to do, Alice. Go and study abroad if you want to. We'll miss you, but do it if that's what you want. Let no one stop you."

"You shouldn't STILL be dealing with MY mistakes," Alice argued.

"It's not an issue," Sarah shrugged. "And besides, Grace finds the game fun at this point."

"She's not lying." Grace grinned. She didn't particularly enjoy the blackmailing, but seeing assholes fall was always cathartic.

"Yeah, sure." Alice shook her head. "I just… can't stop feeling pathetic when I think about it, you know? I fell for the idiot's sweet talking and… URGH!"

"But things are going well with your new boyfriend, right?" Mila asked.


"Alice?" When her friend didn't answer, Grace's tone turned into that of a questioning mother. "What are you not telling us?"

Alice sighed. "He broke up with me a week ago. Said I was too boring."

"You? Boring!?" Mila nearly shouted in outrage.

"Let me guess. He was pissed that you wouldn't put out?" Sarah growled.


"I’m guessing you didn't tell him about your little hobby?" Grace asked.

Alice shook her head. "Honestly, I'm not that mad about it. I thought dating a college guy would be better, but all he wanted was to party and smoke weed. He looked like such an earnest guy at first. It was disappointing."

"What about dating someone from the meets you go to?" Sarah asked.

"We share a hobby, but little else. They're fun to be with at the meets, but…"

"Not the type of people you'd be friends with. Got it." Sarah nodded in understanding.

"It's fine. Noelle and Isabelle are good friends. And if anything, I learned from dating this guy that I'm not ready for a relationship yet."

Grace clicked her tongue and hoped her mic didn't pick it up. 'Not ready for a relationship'? Bullcrap. Alice was still scared and didn't want to show it.

What if…?

No. No, that'd be crazy. Sarah and Mila wouldn't agree to it, anyway.

Would they?

No. Better stop thinking about it. It was a crazy idea.

Their situation was already crazy, though.

"Anyway, that's that," Alice said. "More importantly, I'll talk to Isabelle about you."

"You don't need to," Sarah said.

"Shut up. It's the least I can do. Even if I forget that she's your boyfriend's sister, she's still my friend. I can't let her get the wrong idea about you."

"That would help," Grace admitted. "She's not likely to believe anything we say. Still, don't reveal anything you're not willing to."

The four girls kept talking for hours, catching up on everything. They told Alice everything that was happening with Oliver, and Alice told them about her now ex-boyfriend and how Student Council stuff was going. All in all, a nice, much needed talk.

Just a while longer before stupid High School drama was behind them and they could hang out together again. Just a little longer.



"Alice's face was beet red, yet at no point did he ask them to stop. She was all ears." he->she typo