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Chapter 84: Reflections at home.

By 7:30 pm I thought it would be a good idea to start cleaning up the house, and suggested so to Sarah. We had used plates to eat lunch and dinner, bowls to serve snacks, glasses to drink, and left several minor things out of place around the house. I wouldn’t leave without helping to clean, and I was insistent when Sarah said I didn’t need to do it.

We didn’t leave a big mess, so cleaning up was easy. The thing that bothered me the most and had to pay close attention to was the possibility of any… uh… leftover evidence of our escapades. A random drop of cum or the lingering smell of sex could give us away. We’d been careful enough, so we didn’t find anything after close inspections.

That took us just a little over half an hour, and although Sarah said her family would return around midnight, it was about time I returned to my own house.

Sarah frowned in disappointment. “You want to leave already?”

“It’s already 8:00 pm. I promised I wouldn’t be back late,” I said. I didn’t want to leave, but…

She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around my waist. “Stay a little longer. I’ll drive you home.”

I smiled wryly. “The rain let up. I don’t want to impose more than I already have.”

“You’re not imposing. I… had an amazing time, Oliver. You have to come over again, okay?”

“So long as it’s okay with your family.” I kissed her forehead. “I had an amazing time, too. Thank you.”

“Don’t forget we’re playing tennis one of these days. And you have to invite me over to your place to play games, too. Oh, and I also want to hear you play guitar.”

Shit, that made my heart throb. We spent the entire day together, talking, playing, laughing, having sex… and she still wanted to spend more time with me. I couldn’t believe it.

I hugged her closer and tightly. “Sarah?”

“What is it?” she asked, a little confused.

“Seriously. Thank you. I’ll… give it my best, I swear. I can’t promise to become a social butterfly like you, or that it’ll happen in a heartbeat, but I’ll try to become more sociable.”

She chuckled and pecked my cheek. “I’ll be watching and I’ll be sure to scold you when you falter.”

“Please do.”

“But don’t rush, okay? I’m watching not to put pressure on you, but to help when you need it. Baby steps are fine.”

I nodded.

“Come. I’ll drive you to the bus stop, at least. I told you it’s a ten minute walk, and now it’s getting dark and the rain could start again.”

That was harder to refuse, so I didn’t. Already dressed in my spare outfit, I gathered the rest of my stuff, threw on my jacket and Sarah drove me to the nearest bus stop, where she waited with me until the bus came. Before I could get in, though, she pulled me back by the wrist, planted a hard kiss on my lips and pushed me back into the bus without a word. Needless to say, that left me a little disoriented.


40 minutes later, I was home. And the first thing that happened was bumping into mom in the kitchen.

“Oh, you’re finally here,” she said with a glass of orange juice in hand. “I thought you said you’d be back early.”

“...This is early, isn’t it? Isabelle usually doesn’t come back before eleven.”

“Well, yes, but you don’t usually go out at all.” Fair point. “And… why are you wearing different clothes?”

Oh shit. She noticed. How would I explain this!?

The truth. Duh. Well, partly the truth.

“My friend invited me to a gym,” I told her. She didn’t need to know the gym was at her house.

“Ooh, okay. But… you? At the gym, Oliver?”

I nodded. “A-Actually, I was thinking… that it’d be good for me to start going regularly.”

Mom’s eyes widened. “Are you serious?”

I nodded. “I was… working out in my room over summer, but… m-my friend said it’d be good for me to start using the machines.” That was a lie, and my ears burned from saying it out loud, but telling mom the truth would be too embarrassing. Going to the gym to not lose the body my sex friends liked? I was NOT telling her that.

“Then why don’t you start going with me on Saturday mornings?” she offered. “A free drive to and from the gym, and we’ll finally have one thing to bond over.” Mom laughed, but the smile on her face was genuine.

Going to the gym with mom? I knew she went once a week and did some light exercises here at home, saying it was the only thing that let her have the energy to get through so much work.

On one hand, I could see people laughing at me for going with my mother. But on the other hand… I’d been pretty distant with her. Staying cooped in my room meant I didn’t speak to mom much, doing so mainly during meals. Maybe hearing Sarah talk about how close she was with her family was what pushed me to decide.

“Okay. If it’s not a problem to you…”

Mom laughed. “Why would it be? No, I’m actually happy about this. Since your sister abandoned me to be with her friends, I’ve been pretty lonely.”

Right. Isabelle now did yoga with her friends Alice and Noelle. Was I just realizing this? Everyone worked out, everyone exercised to a higher or lesser degree. Why?

Why was I even asking? Of course they did. Mila, Grace, Sarah, Isabelle, mom, Alice, Noelle… They all had terrific bodies. Thomas played basketball, but he had to go to the gym as well, right? With arms twice the size of mine, he had to.  You don’t get bodies like theirs with magic.

Don’t say it. I’ll shut up.

“We’ll start next week, then,” mom said. “I hope you’ll last more than two days.”

With the right motivation, a person can do anything. And dammit, I was motivated not to lose my relationship with Mila, Grace and Sarah. They liked my body, and even if I hadn’t worked my ass off to get it, I’d work my ass off to keep it.


Chapter 85: Intermission - Interrogation 3.

Sarah did another search around her house, looking for anything Oliver might have forgotten. He hadn’t brought much, but if for some unknown reason her parents found his underwear in the kitchen…. Well, that wouldn’t earn her any points with them to invite him again, would it?

Having found nothing, Sarah dropped on the living room’s sofa, laying on it and letting out a loud groan. Grace always had to have the last laugh, didn’t she? Let her be wrong for once, dammit.

Her phone buzzed and she reached for it immediately. Did Oliver make it home okay?

-Mila: We’ll be there in five minutes. Did you get the sauna ready?

Of course it was them. Not even 30 minutes since Oliver left and they were already coming here. Sure, Sarah had done the same thing to them, but now… ugh, she wanted a bit more time on her own. Her head was a mess, but every time she remembered the day’s events she would shudder in delight.

“Just give me 10 more minutes,” she groaned to herself. “Let me enjoy this.”

Her lips and her fingertips both itched with the desire to have him close again. Sarah would probably never look at her own house the same way. The pool wasn’t just the pool. It was the place where Oliver made her come simply by sucking on her tits. The kitchen was the place where she revealed she had really done some of the things the rumors said she had. The gym was the place where things clicked for her, and she knew Oliver would never hurt her.

She clicked her tongue and stood up. Better go check on the sauna.

Mila and Grace arrived soon in the latter’s car. Sarah let them in and her two friends made themselves at home, like usual.

Mila went up to Sarah and greeted her with a hug. “Had a nice day?” she asked teasingly.

The smile came on its own to Sarah’s lips. “...You could say that.”

“Save it for the sauna,” Grace told them, giggling. “I can at least tell by the face you’re making that it didn’t go poorly at all.”

Sarah felt her cheeks heat up. Yes, better go to the sauna quickly. That would hide her blushing, because she knew Grace would be relentless today.


Maybe to further emphasize how much of a mess Sarah’s head was, she couldn’t help but think that Oliver would love to be here, with the three of them, all naked and sweaty. But no, he wasn’t here, and the three friends had white towels wrapped around their bodies for a bit of decency.

“What? The heat’s already getting to you?” Grace asked her from her seat, having just sprinkled some water on the hot rocks. The water sizzled loudly and evaporated, raising the temperature of the room. “Or could it be that your mind is somewhere else entirely?”

Sarah sighed. “Cut me some slack. It’s been a weird day.”

“Good weird or bad weird?” Mila asked.

“...Good weird. Amazing, even.”

“Then stop saving it and tell us how it went!” Mila insisted. “We told you everything. Now it’s your turn.”

“Alright, fine!” Sarah groaned. “You barely left me any time to think of what happened today. My thoughts are all over the place.”

“Same as us, so no complaining,” Grace laughed. “So, you really did end up inviting him here.”

Sarah nodded. “I almost didn’t, but then it started raining out of nowhere and… I seriously didn’t want to cancel. He said he wanted to see me too, so I went for it. Thank God I did. Now I get why you two have been so esoteric. This shit is spooky.”

“Right?” Mila laughed. “So you can understand him better now?”

“Yeah. The more we did it, the more comfortable I was with him. I had no problems letting him do as he wanted. We fucked all around the house. In fact, we did it where you’re sitting, Grace.”

“No way!” Grace looked down at her own bench with wide eyes and a huge grin.

“Ugh, I don’t know where to start. But all the things you said… I get them now! I don’t know how, but in just a week he’s even better than he was at Thomas’ house. And that thing you said, Grace, about knowing that he just loves every moment he’s spending with you? I get that, too. It was SO reassuring.”

“See? We told you a one-on-one was totally different,” Mila giggled.

“And? Is tough-girl Sarah in love?” Grace teased.

To that, Sarah had to shake her head. “No.”

“No?” Mila asked, surprised. “Why not?”

“Of course I’m not. I’m not gonna blindly fall in love with a guy I’ve known for a week! No matter how good he is at sex, love is more than just that.”

“I can agree on that last point,” Grace said with a nonchalant shrug. “We’ve both fucked up enough to know good sex doesn’t equal love. But you’re really going to tell me you still only like him for the sex?”

“...” Sarah pursed her lips. “It’s only been a week, Grace. I won’t rush blindly into a big decision like this, not anymore. So what if he’s showing noticeable progress on his anxiety issues sooner than expected? So what if I feel comfortable with him? So what if I didn’t want him to leave? It was a single date!”

“Just a few days ago you said you were willing to ask him to be your boyfriend just to have an excuse to fuck,” Grace said. “Now you don’t want to rush into it? Sounds to me like someone’s getting serious.”

Sarah swallowed a groan. Always. She always hits bullseye.

“Why so nervous, Sarah?” Mila asked gently. “You’ve been with more guys than I have. I would think you’re more used to this.”

Sarah shook her head. “It doesn’t work like that, Mila. Why do you think Grace and I have been with more guys? Because we took risks and ended up choosing wrong, that’s why. If things had worked out with any of the guys I’ve been with, don’t you think I’d still be dating them?”

“Oh.” Mila winced. “Makes sense, actually…”

“Take a chance. Maybe it works out, maybe it doesn’t,” Grace said. “We’ve had good and bad relationships, but they all ended.”

“Some on worse terms than others,” Sarah added. “Fights over stupid things, fits of jealousy, shallow romance… I’ve said I don’t regret it, and I mean it, but it doesn’t change the fact that I dated a guy I thought was amazing and he turned out to be an ass with no tact.”

“...You think Oliver will turn out to be like that, too?” Mila asked, frowning.

Sarah shook her head again. “What I’m saying is that just because I’ve been with more guys, it doesn’t mean I know what I’m doing or how things will turn out.”

“You’re the one that says it’s okay to take chances, Sarah,” Grace said. “We’ve taken the metaphorical blows over bad relationships. Why be scared of a potentially amazing one? I know I’m willing.”

“...Because I don’t want to fuck up, Grace! Not with him!” Sarah took a hand to her forehead and massaged it. The heat of the room was starting to get uncomfortable. “I told you. I felt what you felt, uncomfortable as it was. I know how scared shitless Oliver is to do something that’ll make us throw him aside. I hated it. It was an awful feeling.

“Mila aside, Grace, you and I only approached him because of his looks. You can’t deny that.” Grace winced, but didn’t say anything. Sarah knew she couldn’t. “And we keep on saying how these are just casual ‘outings’, not even dates, yet we’re acting like we’re lovers already. I… I like him. A lot. More than a lot. And he’s so damn starved for contact that he’s letting himself be led on, even when he thinks we could just be playing with him. He doesn’t deserve that.”

Mila nodded. “He doesn’t, but he’s taking the risk, right? Him. The ‘anxious mess of a guy’ you keep saying he is. Oliver has his issues, but he’s not stupid. I don’t think he’s blindly going with the flow.”

“Still, I think Sarah has a point,” Grace said with a grimace. “I won’t take back my words. I really think I love him. But I can understand why Sarah is more hesitant. I don’t want to hurt him either. Let’s not forget, we’re talking about an open relationship with him.”

“Yeah… One where Oliver doesn’t want us to see any other guys,” Mila said.

“Are we still sure about this?” Grace asked. “We’re clearly all even more serious about him than we were when we first talked about this.”

“I am, at least,” Mila easily said. “I still don’t feel jealous that you two are having sex with him. Wait, scratch that. It’s more like what you said before. It’ll bother me more if you’re not serious. If you just want sex, then… stay away. You’ll just hurt him.”

“It’s not like that anymore, okay?” Sarah said, shaking her head. “I only tell him I like him for the sex because we won’t believe me if I say I like him for who he is. His self-esteem is too low to believe us.”

Grace chuckled. “We found ourselves quite the handful of a future boyfriend, huh?”

“Hey, he’ll have it worse,” Mila laughed. “He’ll have to deal with all three of us.”

“He can do it. In fact…” Grace shuddered and bit her lip. “Am I the only one here that finds the idea of a man with a harem pretty arousing?”

“There she goes,” Sarah chuckled. “What’s with you and your kinks? Wouldn’t you prefer to have your own harem of guys?”

“Nope. I like what I like, and if I had to rank my top three kinks, then third would be… Well, crap, I don’t know what the third would be. Okay, if I had to rank my TOP TWO kinks, then second would be the freedom to fuck anywhere, and the first would be powerful men.”

Mila raised an eyebrow. “Powerful men?”

“Yep. A man who can get what he wants is pretty hot, don’t you think?”

“I suppose Oliver could count as powerful. With how unnaturally good he is at sex,” Sarah said.

“See?” Grace grinned. “And if we give it time, I bet he’ll grow even more.”

“Okay turn the dial down. Don’t throw unrealistic expectations on him,” Mila said. “You’ll end up blaming him if he doesn’t live up to your unrealistic standards.”

Grace blinked. “...Okay, point taken.”

“Where were you when we needed you to be our voice of reason?” Sarah asked Mila. “Alright, miss pure maiden, why don’t you tell us your kinks, then?”

“M-Mine?” Mila swallowed. “I… don’t know. I couldn’t say. I guess… kissing feels really good…”

Both Grace and Sarah could help but burst out laughing. “And let me guess. Your favorite position is missionary?” Sarah asked.

“W-What’s wrong with that!? It’s close, it’s intimate, you can see his face…”

Her friends continued laughing.

“God! Vanilla to the core!” Grace said. “Don’t worry. I bet you’ll find something weird to like with Oliver. And how about you, Sarah? Found anything new about yourself today?”

“...I may have.”

“Alright, spill it!” Mila said, crossing her arms.

“So… I may also enjoy the idea of fucking anywhere without worries. I did it with Oliver here, in my room, in the gym, in the kitchen, in the pool… God, it felt amazing. He’s so fucking honry it’s insane.”

“I knew it!” Grace laughed. “See? I told you you could trust Oliver!”

“Yeah, yeah…” Sarah sighed. “Oh, by the way. I told him why I got kicked out of the tennis club and that I was involved in your blackmailing, Grace. I also… told him you were there, too, Mila. Hope that’s okay.”

Mila nodded. “It’s fine. I would’ve told him tomorrow. How did he react?”

“It was the best I could’ve asked for. Said it was wrong to do it, but that he understood. Like Grace said, it didn’t feel to me like he was just agreeing to be on my good side.” A gentle, longing smile crept up to her lips. “It was… a relief to get it out of my chest.”

Grace rolled her eyes and muttered to herself “And she says she’s not in love.”

“Shut it.”

“So? Where do we go from here?” Mila asked. “I love him, Grace loves him, Sarah’s in denial,”

“I’m not in denial!”

“...And we’re all okay with dating him at the same time,” Mila continued, ignoring her friend’s protest. “Do we ask him out?”

“...I don’t know.” Grace rubbed the bridge of her nose. “I’d love to, but… Are we rushing it? Are we not being aggressive enough? Should we wait for him to ask us out? I don’t want to fuck this up, either.”

“He’s not gonna ask us out,” Sarah said. “He won’t believe it’s okay to ask all three of us to be his girlfriends. And he normally wouldn’t be wrong. It’s us three that have a screw loose.”

“Then confessing is up to us,” Mila said, then blinked at the realization. “Oh crap. I’m suddenly getting nervous.”

“Right?” Grace agreed with a wry smile. “You usually leave it to guys to approach first.”

“Oh, stop being spoiled,” Sarah told them. “Guy or girl doing the asking is no different.”

“...Hey. W-What if he says… no?” Mila asked, her voice growing softer with every word.

“H-He’s not gonna say no, Mila,” Sarah assured. “You said it yourself, right? You know he likes you the way you like him. I’m sure of the same.”

“...But what if he thinks three girlfriends is too much for him?” Grace asked.

“Okay, you’re starting to get pessimistic out of nowhere. It’ll be fine!” Sarah said. “It’ll be fine…” she repeated.


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