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Will and Amelia lay naked on the bed. She cuddled close to him and rested her head on his shoulder. They remained quitter for a while, basking in the afterglow of the passionate sex until Will saw that his lover had regained her senses.

“I wasn’t just saying it, you know? I really want you to be mine.”

Amelia smiled, kissed his shoulder and sighed. “Landon has been acting strange lately,” she started, and it made Will remember that her husband’s name was Landon. “He’s never been one to show a lot of emotion, but there are days when he tries to act more friendly, like he’s feeling guilty about cheating on me and is trying to make up for it. However, there are days when he’s been just… cold. Colder than he usually is. He barely speaks to me, answers my questions in a single word and his tone clearly says he doesn’t want to talk. He even looks at me like I’m nothing but a bother. It’s part of why I didn’t go to you. I thought he might be suspicious of us, but my intuition says that’s not it.” She sighed again and moved to get on top of Will, pressing her chest against his and looking at him directly in the eyes, her face close enough for him to feel her warm breath. “I’ve been seriously considering divorce, and I think he wants it too.”

Will’s eyebrows shot up. “A-Are you serious? But last time you said…”

“…that I wasn’t willing to throw away seven years of marriage and the business we had built over the best cock this side of the planet,” Amelia finished, remembering perfectly. “But things have changed. To be honest, this has been a long time coming. Landon and I have just been fooling ourselves. There’s nothing left for us together. I made a wrong business decision and we had a big fight over it. I think that was the last straw for me.”

“What did you do?”

“I recently bought an apartment complex for dirt cheap because there were all sorts of ghost stories around it. I don’t believe those, but now they’re saying there was some sort of gas leak that knocked all tenants unconscious. We might get sued if we don’t give a proper compensation…”

Will blinked. Ghost stories around an apartment complex? A recent incident where all tenants were found unconscious? It couldn’t be, could it? Will gave Amelia the exact address of Reina’s apartment building, and she started at him with wide eyes.

“What? How do you know!?”

“My… One of… my girlfriends lives there.”

Amelia furrowed her brow, not in annoyance or anything such, but in contemplation. “There’s a lot to unpack there. First off, is she okay?”

“Y-Yeah, she and her guest managed to escape with only some light dizziness,” he told her. He wasn’t ready to tell her everything yet.

“Thank god,” Amelia sighed in relief. “Alright, then second of all. Girlfriends?” she asked with a grin. “As in more than one?”

Will swallowed, but nodded in confirmation.

“Well, that’s not strange. You really are too good for a single woman.” She moved her hips, rubbing her stomach against Will’s erection. “And you want me to be one of them?”

Again, Will nodded. “I don’t care that I’m rushing into it like an idiot. I want you to be mine and mine alone. And I’ll make it so you never regret it.”

“You do have a very convincing argument,” she chuckled. She then sighed and rested her head on his chest. “Maybe this is the reason Cynthia wouldn’t tell me more about what was going on between you two. Did she get serious about you?”

The situation was complicated, but the memory of their last stay at that love hotel was still fresh in his mind. Cynthia wanted to be with him. She had said yes to being his woman.

Will nodded to Amelia’s question.

“Then no wonder. That woman has a hard time speaking of her own feelings.” Amelia lifted her head again and held Will’s face as she looked deeply into his eyes. “Listen to me, William. Sex is not the same as love. Yes, faithfulness and trust are necessary for a couple in love, but don’t be confused. Just because the sex is good doesn’t mean people are in love. I married Landon even though the sex was awful because… well, because I loved him back then. This is how I view things. And do you know why I’m telling you this?”

“I’m a little scared to find out,” he said with a sheepish, nervous smile.

Amelia then leaned in and kissed his lips, tenderly and slowly. She then smiled at him and continued. “I’m telling you this so that you understand that I’m not in love with you, but that I’m willing to give you a chance. I’m crazy about you, don’t get me wrong. I want to be with you. I want you to ravage me, to claim by body over and over again. I want to go on dates with you and spend hours talking and laughing and making out. And while that’s not love, it can turn into it. So yeah, I’ll be your girlfriend. That means no more silent treatment for two weeks, you hear?”

Will’s heart could leap out his chest from how hard it was beating. But before he could feel truly happy, he had to ask. “And you don’t mind that I’ll have others?”

“Right now? No. Like I said, I’m crazy about you. So much so that I can handle having to share.” She smiled at him once more and kissed his forehead. “Show me you’re a man worth sharing, William.”

He couldn’t contain himself anymore. He pulled Amelia into a deep, euphoric kiss that she was all too eager to return.

“It’ll take me a while to divorce my husband, and we’ll have to talk business as well. Would you mind keeping our meetings a secret until that’s done? It’s playing dirty, but it’ll give me a bit more leverage if I say he’s the one who’s been cheating on me.”

“Alright,” Will agreed. And her speaking of business made him remember something else. “…About the building where the gas leak happened. What will you do?”

Amelia grunted. “That one’s to my name, so Landon will be happy to leave that mess in my hands. We own about an equal amount of buildings, so while we’ll both be losing by ending our partnership, none will get more than the other.”

“…I know someone who has an idea of what happened there. Would you like me to introduce you?”

“Oh? That would be very helpful,” Amelia smiled. “If I can fix whatever problem the building has I may be able to salvage the investment.”

Will had to suppress a grimace. The problem was nothing she could fix. That building was dangerous due to having a portal to another world in its basement. Will would put Aoi in contact with Amelia and maybe they’d be able to work something out.

Whether it was good or bad luck that Amelia had bought that building, Will didn’t know. Maybe he would just have to tell Amelia the truth, but that was something he couldn’t rush.

“That aside,” Amelia continued, licking her lips. “While the fucking you just gave me was somehow even better than it used to be, it was a little too short. Think you can spend a little more time with your new girlfriend?”

Will’s answer was to push his cock right inside Amelia’s pussy again, driving himself to the hilt in a single thrust as he grinned up at her. She gave him a smoldering look and rocked her hips along with his.

He could only stay for a little while longer, but he would make sure it felt like hours to Amelia. In the good way, of course.


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