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Chapter 11: A dream?

“Finally feeling healthy.”

I heard a voice I didn’t know in front of me. I was in my room, sitting cross-legged on my bed and looking at some sort of black fog with the vague shape of a curvy woman. It was my first time experiencing something like it, but I was aware that it was all a dream. Or maybe it was best to say I knew it was happening in my head.

“Thanks for the sex, boy. I really needed that,” said the fog in a woman’s voice. “Three women at once, too. I was worried I’d picked a terrible host, but it seems you have your merits.”

I was calm. Something about the atmosphere made me feel relaxed despite speaking to a disembodied voice. At least she sounded amicable enough. “Who are you?” I asked casually.

“Frey, a spirit of lust. Nice meeting you, even if your awake self won’t remember what we talk about here.”

“I won’t?”

“Let’s get the boring stuff out of the way. Like I said, I’m a spirit of lust. Think of me as a ghost who feeds on energy produced by sex, but I also need a host to live in. To make it simple, I possessed you.”

I nodded. I believed her words, yet I wasn’t worried at all. Rather, I couldn’t feel worried, even though I knew I should. “Then… are my changes and everything that happened because of you?”

“Hey, you’re quick on the uptake. Nice. Yeah, it’s because of me. I have powers, see, so if I’m gonna have you feeding me sex for who knows how long, I need to make it easy for you to get. Problem is, I’m… not a very strong spirit of lust. I used almost all my strength changing your body and getting those girls to like you. Though that last one was easier than I thought it would be.”

“So… what does this mean for me?”

“One thing only. If you don’t have sex for long periods of time, I’m gonna be very, very pissed. We shouldn’t have a problem there, should we? When I asked you, you said you wanted ’20 girlfriends’, so I’ll be helping you with that.”

I nodded, knowing she was referring to the previous dream. I still couldn’t question anything she was saying, simply accepting it all as it was.

“So here’s the thing, boy. I helped you get laid, and it’ll only get easier from here. The more sex you have, the stronger I’ll become. The stronger I am, the more ways I can help you. Right now I’m only strong enough to influence those three girls, and only lightly. See, I used my power to have you exude something akin to insanely strong pheromones that made them stupidly horny and even more attracted to you. Then, just by virtue of me changing your body, your stamina and technique improved without any previous experience. Finally, I made sure to create a link between you and them. We’ll call it a sex link. You made me use all the energy I had left, so hopefully this’ll get the ball rolling.”

I was starting to understand. Frey had me in a state of complete detachment. I could only listen, understand, and accept it. She had complete control over this dream and how I felt during it.

“So you’ll leave me alone so long as I have lots of sex?” I asked.

“Exactly. I have no desire of becoming friends with you, but I don’t mean you any ill will, either. I may speak to you from time to time in your dreams, but you won’t remember it while awake. At most you’ll have vague ideas of what you should do. This is me implanting some suggestions on you. For example, and this is important, I need you to fully trust that ‘sixth sense’ you’ve been feeling. It’s part of the sex link I mentioned. Again, for now this is only directed towards those three girls, but you’ll be able to feel some of their lust and emotions as if you had a strong hunch that you are right.”

It was starting to make sense. Frey was the reason I could tell Sarah, Grace and Mila were into me, the reason they were okay with a foursome all of a sudden, the reason I was suddenly an expert at sex. I wasn’t special or anything. I had simply been possessed by a spirit and was being used.

“My hunger for it has become yours, too,” she continued. “Basically, you’ll know I’m starving the hornier you get. Still, I’m hoping you’ll have sex every day. Don’t worry, your body is built for it now.”

“So… to summarize: You possessed me, you changed my body, are implanting suggestions in me and other people, and increased my sex drive so that I can have lots of sex to feed you?”


“And there’s nothing I can do about it?”



“Hey, I’m offering you a good deal, aren’t I? I’ll let you live your daily life however you want without bothering you, and the more you help me the closer you’ll get to your goal of 20 girlfriends. What’s more, once we establish a sex link, it’ll prevent any serious jealousy! Key word being ‘serious’. Like I said, I’m not strong enough to do anything crazy yet. If you work hard, however, there’ll come a day when you’ll be able to freely walk up to a random woman, casually grab her tits, and she’ll love it. Or maybe you’d like to have sex in public while people around you don’t think much of it? Don’t lie. I know what you like.”

Well, she had definitely read my mind. That or my browser history.

“Anyway, that’s all I had to say. I won’t be dropping by every night either. Just when I think I should or when I’m strong enough to unlock some new skill. Oh, but one more thing. Enjoy yourself, boy. You’re young. Don’t be so afraid, don’t overthink everything. This is just my advice though. I won’t go as far as change your personality.”

When she was done talking, I saw the black fog dissipate. With it, I felt myself waking up. Weirdest sensation of my life.


Chapter 12: Being afraid and overthinking everything.

That morning I woke up alone. Seeing I was in Thomas’ parents’ bed, I knew that what had happened last night wasn’t a dream. I didn’t feel too hung over, just very thirsty. But more importantly… They weren’t there.

Sarah, Grace and Mila weren’t beside me, and I couldn’t help the hole opening in my chest. I tried to keep a good mindset. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened and all that. But…

It was 9:15 in the morning. I got up, got dressed and went out to check things out. The living room was a mess, as it normally is after a party. The floor was littered with plastic cups, snack crumbs, beer… The backyard didn’t fare any better. To make things worse, I had sex on Thomas’ parents’ bed.

Realization was just beginning to set in and a wave of shame was washing over me.

“Yo, you’re awake,” Thomas said, walking down the stairs in boxers and a T-shirt. He rubbed his eyes and spoke in a groggy tone. “Everyone else who stayed already left.”

‘Everyone left?’ I repeated in my head. I looked around once more at the mess. So Thomas invited everyone to have a good time, some stayed over, and they just left without so much as lifting a finger to help clean? It pissed me off.

I started to gather all the cups and other garbage on the floor, but Thomas tried to stop me. “Hey, it’s fine, man,” he laughed. “I can clean on my own. You can go home if you want.”

I frowned at him and shook my head, then continued doing as before. I wasn’t gonna leave like that after coming over, staying the night and having sex on his parents’ fucking bedroom.

“…” Thomas blinked at me several times before he smiled and said, “Thanks man.”

We spent a good chunk of the morning cleaning up. I swept the floors and took care of the garbage while Thomas did the dishes and moved the furniture back in place. And as we were working, the damn chatterbox couldn’t help but ask.

“So? Can I ask how last night went for you or is it a sore subject?”

I flinched. I didn’t want to think about it. Not yet. There was a small lump in my throat, a familiar desire to talk, but who was I to bother Thomas with my problems? He was probably asking out of concern that I’d done something to his parents’ bedroom or something. I believed I couldn’t impose more than I already had.

But I had fears that outweighed my hesitance to speak. I had no one else I could consult on this, and Thomas was a smart guy. I swallowed my nerves, and still in a low voice, I spoke.

“I… I did it with all three of them.”

Thomas frowned, but not out of annoyance or anger, but concern. “You don’t sound happy though. Was it bad?”

I fervently shook my head. That was a statement I had to deny with all my being. Last night had been the best night of my life. I didn’t want it to end, but it did, and now… “I… I don’t understand,” I said. I struggled to put everything else into words. I didn’t understand why that had happened, why to me, and what it meant now. Had it been a one-time thing? How was I supposed to act when I saw them in class next time? Would they want to hide what happened? Most likely. My chest hurt from all these questions.

Thomas gave me a hard slap on my back that echoed in the living room. I turned to him with a look of betrayal, but he was grinning from ear to ear. “Oliver, don’t you get what happened? Three girls, three moderately sober girls from what I could tell, willingly had a foursome with you, and from how hard you denied my previous question, I can only assume it was amazing. I repeat, Oliver. Three girls. With you. Willingly. What else in the world could worry you?”

I smiled wryly. His question was proof that Thomas didn’t really understand. I would admit he was a great guy, but he couldn’t put himself in the shoes of a socially anxious guy like me. Maybe he understood what would have to happen after that, but I didn’t. I wanted to believe it meant they liked me, but… three girls? What if they fought over me? Not that I seriously believed anyone would fight over me.

“Still unsure, huh?” Thomas asked, crossing his arms and sighing. “Alright. I’m half-responsible for what happened, so I’m not gonna throw you to the lions and leave you to your fate. I’ll approach the girls on Monday and ask them for an update. I’m in good terms with them, after all, or I wouldn’t have invited them to my birthday party.”

That… actually made me feel better, and made me reconsider my previous thought.

“By the way… I’m not trying to tease you, but are the bed sheets dirty? I’ll have to throw them in the wash if they are.”

My face burned with the strength of a thousand suns as I nodded.


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