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When William finished his story, his heart felt like it was twisting from the utterly disbelieving faces both Reina and Ruth were giving him.

“Seriously, Will?” Reina asked, her tone disappointed. “You haven’t spoken to her in two weeks!?”

Will flinched and tried to hide his head between his shoulders.

“Yeah, what the hell?” Ruth agreed. “Okay, sure, she’s married and that makes it difficult, but goddammit, never give a girl the silent treatment!”

They both sounded like they were personally offended by his actions. Or inaction, in this case.

‘Interesting how they’re upset about you not talking to her and not about you fucking a married woman, huh?’

‘And you find this all very amusing, don’t you?’

‘Obviously. I asked you if you were sure about not going to see her and you said yes. You can put the blame on me for many things, but not this one. So yeah, I told you so and all that good stuff.’

Will groaned and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I just… I saw her kissing her husband and thought she was trying to make things up with him.”

“You ‘thought’?” Reina asked. “Will, you can read minds! You don’t get to use misunderstandings as an excuse.”

“I bet you got jealous and THAT’S the reason you haven’t talked to her.” Ruth continued, crossing her arms in front of her naked chest. “Will, of course she’ll kiss her husband goodbye. She was keeping appearances. You can’t count that as a betrayal.”

Will shook his head at that. “I didn’t see it that way. Or rather…” He groaned, remembering the situation. Back then, he was under the side-effects of uncontrolled sexual energy. His emotions were an absolute mess, to the point of making him puke from how sick they made him feel. And yet… “No, you’re right. I was just scared to face her. I need to fix this.”

“Yes you do,” Reina told him. “Whether you still like her or not, or if you want to continue a secret relationship with her or not, you still need to make things clear to her.”

“Exactly. So up you go,” Ruth said, pushing will off the bed.

“W-What? Now!?”

“You’ve wasted enough time already.” Reina frowned. “Will, if it was me, I wouldn’t care how good the sex was, I’d be absolutely livid.”

“You have a lot going on right now, but she doesn’t know that. So go apologize and make up with her. Make out too, if you’re lucky.”


‘You really hit jackpot with these two, huh? Not many people care about others enough to give them a good scolding when they deserve it.’

‘…Yeah. I suppose you’re right.’

‘I agree with them. And besides, Amelia was the first woman I pushed you into seducing, so I have a soft spot for her.”

“Okay then. I’ll… go see if she’s home. My phone’s dead and I don’t remember her number. If her husband is there I’ll just make up an excuse.”

“And remember. Even if she yells at you, you take it like a man, you hear?” Ruth told him, yet she moved to rub his shoulders like a coach before a fight. “You’re the one at fault here.”

“Oh, but that doesn’t mean you should grovel and beg forgiveness,” Reina clarified. “Apologize, recognize your mistakes, hear her out and make your intentions clear, but don’t be a pushover, either. It’s only been two weeks, after all.”

That made Will tilt his head in confusion. “But you said you’d be livid in that long.”

“Yes, but I was single before I met you. She’s cheating on her husband, so she doesn’t have THAT much room to complain. Especially since you say she knows and accepts you’re a womanizer.”

“I’ll keep that in mind…”

Will took a quick shower, dressed up and got ready to head to the top floor, but not before both of his girlfriends kissed him for good luck and saw him off.

Sympathizing with another woman while remaining supportive of him? Will was very okay with that. It got a soft laugh out of him, even. It was a ridiculous situation, but his entire life was filled with those since Ishtar entered the picture. What was an awkward talk with a lover when he had also been to a weird world filled with magic and attacked with swords?

He took the elevator up to the top floor, stepped out of it and stood in front of the door to Amelia’s apartment. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. There was a chance she wasn’t even home, but he hoped that wasn’t the case. He really needed to have a good talk with her, especially now that he was into some bizarre crap. No regrets and all that.

He knocked on the door and waited. Then he waited a little more. Was there really no one home? He knocked again and looked at the peephole. Could Amelia have seen him but decided she didn’t want to talk to him?

‘Ishtar? Do you sense someone inside?’

‘Don’t mind me. I’m still enjoying my I-told-you-so moment.’

Will grunted and turned away from the door. No one was in and Ishtar wasn’t cooperating. He’d be back later. Or tomorrow. They lived in the same building, so he’d catch her eventually.

But then he heard the door open behind him. Someone grabbed his wrist and pulled him, dragging him into the apartment and closing the door behind them.

Amelia captured Will in a tight hug and rested her head on his shoulder.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been in contact,” she said. “You’re mad at me, aren’t you?”

…Wait. Huh?


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