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Maybe the anticipation was too noticeable in Will’s face, because Aoi immediately had to add something.

“However, it’s important we find the right time to do it. I’d be pointless to undo the mind control only to have her return home and have it reapplied, not to mention a dead giveaway. Besides, I’m told it takes its toll on her.”

Will flinched at that. “Couldn’t I just free her and let her hide here while we take care of her husband?”

“And warn Jack that someone is making a move against him? No,” Aoi shook her head. “Our best bet is to take him by surprise. Give me two days. No more. I’ll investigate to see if there’s anything he didn’t tell me, something we can take advantage of.”

“But it’s dangerous!” Nanami told her. “What if he catches you again?”

“…I made a mistake last time. I’ll be sure not to go near him. If I don’t show myself, he’ll think I’m still looking for an aether crystal in that other world. Even he knows that’s not an easy task and that it will… SHOULD have taken longer.”

Will took his hand to his pocket. The crystal was still there.

“Keep it,” Aoi told her. “Nanami still has a point. I’ll be careful, but I’m not free of danger. We really don’t want him having that.”

“What could he use it for?” Will asked.

“We mentioned the black market before. The existence of the supernatural is a secret, but not to everyone, as you can see. It’s no wonder that there are people trying to profit from it. Information, inventions, weapons, tools, spells… You can find plenty of things related to the supernatural if you know where to look. Say he found a gadget of some kind that needed a high amount of magical energy to function. That crystal could easily power it. There are also other uses for it, which I’ll be sure to disclose once things have calmed down.”

“And speaking of calming down, food’s ready.” Reina stepped in. She poked Will’s nose and frowned. “You haven’t eaten anything since this morning, right?”

“…Right.” Though technically sex with Nanami did recharge him, it didn’t quite replace actual food.

“And I can’t imagine you’ve had a proper meal in the past couple of days,” Ruth told Aoi.

“I haven’t,” she admitted with a grimace. “And I’m not experienced in things like hunting and camping.”

“Then how did you manage?” Nanami asked, tilting her head curiously.

“I had to steal the meal of a group of goblins.” Saying that made her face twist in disgust. “All I know is that it was some kind of bird.”

There was a collective shudder all around.

“I was going to apologize for only offering some spaghetti, but I bet that sounds like high class cuisine right now.”

“I’m sorry for imposing.”

It wasn’t like Will had the space to host four people comfortably, so while Aoi and Nanami ate at the kitchen counter, Reina, Ruth and him ate at the couch. Will ate unusually fast, clearly hungrier than he thought he was. Aoi tried to keep a semblance of manners, but was still the second in cleaning her plate. Lunch went quickly and quietly, but right now, it was welcomed.

“Should we leave then?” Nanami asked. “We have plenty to do.”

“We do,” Aoi said, then turned to Will. “We’ll stay in contact.”

“Ah. My phone’s dead,” Will said.

“Right. So are ours,” Ruth said. “They broke when we entered that place.”

“Keep mine for the time being.” Nanami reached into her pocket and handed Will her cellphone. He blinked at seeing it. It was and old flip phone. “New ones are too delicate and complex to modify to not break in that other world,” she explained. “I have a smartphone, too, so I can use that for now.”

“Um… Can I ask you something?” Reina spoke. “What’s gonna happen to that building? I know the people who passed out are now in the hospital, but is it safe to return?”

“Will has the incubi watching the portal, but I hesitate to take that as guarantee,” Nanami said, grimacing. “It’s a complex situation. People need to return to their homes, but that place is simply not safe.”

“It hasn’t been for a while,” Reina pointed out. “There were already ghost stories around the neighborhood and people getting attacked by dogs. Now it all makes some more sense.”

“Let’s see who we can still trust in the police,” Aoi said. “We have our work cut out for us, but at least there’s something to do.”

“For what is worth, Reina, you can stay here,” Will told her. “For as long as you need.”

She shot him a suggestive smile. “That’s one good thing to come out of this, I guess.”

“Thank you for everything, Will,” Nanami said, bowing to him. “My aunt is safe thanks to you. I promise I’ll do my part as well. We’ll find every advantage we can exploit and we’ll help you get Mrs. Evans back.”

“I’m counting on you, then.”

Nanami and Aoi left his apartment, leaving him alone with his two girlfriends. Will inhaled deeply to take it all in, then wrapped an arm around both girls’ waists and pulled them close to him, hugging them tightly.

“Will?” Ruth chuckled. “You okay there?”

“We did it last night, but I want you both again.”

Reina kissed his neck and began to rub his crotch. “It’s always nice when you’re in synch with your partner, isn’t it?”

“I was about to ask if you really should,” Ruth laughed. “It’ll take some time to get used to the fact you get healthier with sex.”

“Well, yes, but now I just really want to fuck you.”

“So charming,” Ruth shook her head and locked lips with him. “For worrying me, I want you to fuck me until I’m seeing white.”

“And I want you deep inside me as I drink your cum out of her pussy,” Reina whispered into his ear.


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