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Victoria closed the gym for the day, took a cold shower and dressed herself in a loose blouse shirt, tight blue jeans and black leather boots. She looked at herself in the mirror for longer than she usually would, checking her outfit for wrinkles or anything that was off.

Leo hadn’t asked her to dress in any particular way. In fact, he said it was just normal dinner, nothing fancy. But… Was it so bad that she wanted him to pay a little more attention to her? Dressing in something she didn’t usually wear was how she intended to do that. Plus, Victoria was confident she had an amazing ass, so she had no shame in wearing something tight.

Yeah, the outfit would do. Trying for something fancier would just make her look ridiculous. She had to remind herself that she wasn’t competing with the other women for his attention. They all had his attention already. And if Victoria could comfortably be at their house without any drama, she would get to spend more time with him. She would have to share him more, but that wasn’t the issue. It was being able to get along with the people she had to share him with that worried her.

She let out a heavy groan. Leo always said he liked how she was so confident about everything she did, but that couldn’t be furthest from the truth. Thing was, Victoria tried to leave her comfort zone as little as possible. Back in her days as a professional fighter, she’d leave everything to her manager and just step into the ring to punch her opponent. It was simple. And now as a personal trainer, if she ever had a client, she found troublesome she could just tell them to go away, no matter how much they paid her. Of course, she knew one couldn’t go through life without trying new things and meeting new people. That’s just how things are, so she always approached new experiences and relationships knowing she could just walk away if she didn’t like it. That was what made her look confident. Now it was different. She wanted to stay with Leo, but what if she didn’t get along with the other women? She didn’t want to just walk away from him.

Well, nothing to it. She would have to cross that bridge when she got there.

She left her house and started making her way down the mountain. The last thing she expected was to find Angela walking her way.

“Hm? What’s this?” the older woman asked. “Did something happen?”

Angela shook her head. “Sorry. I just… wanted to talk to you alone before dinner.”

Victoria only hoped it wasn’t what she feared. “Sure, what do you need?”

“…Advice,” the younger blonde admitted with slumped shoulders. “Sorry to be a bother.”

“You’ve been a bother for almost half a year already,” Victoria joked and laughed, capturing Angela in a weak headlock. The girl laughed along and let Victoria do as she wanted. “What do you need advice on?”


Victoria clicked her tongue and tightened her headlock as she groaned. “STILL doubting yourself!? Angela, it’s been a month!”

“T-That’s not it!” Angela retorted, not even trying to escape. “I made up my mind, alright? I just… feel awkward. I’ve been messing around for so long… Can I really just go up to him and ask him to get back together?”

“Of course you can! He’d be happy to say yes. Did you hit your head or something?”

“Not what I meant!” Angela groaned and finally pushed back to get out of the headlock. “I mean it as… Shouldn’t I do something for him? For being such a pain in the ass? The thing is… I get it now.”

“You get what?”

“I’ve been watching them since they started ‘officially dating’. It’s been a whole month now. And you see… nothing’s changed much at all.”

Okay, that got Victoria curious. “What do you mean?”

“They are a bit more lovey-dovey, yeah. And sure, everyone in the island already knows about it and they all make a big deal out of it. But it’s still the same as it was before, after they arrived at the island and started to actually get along. We still eat dinner together, we go to school, we talk about trivial things, we watch movies… If anything, the only difference is that I’M the only one feeling weird. The tension that used to be there… just isn’t anymore. What’s worse is that I’m still in there. One would think they’d be in their own little world, but they include me in everything, so ironically, I end up feeling left out because when the day’s over they… you know.”

“Oh, Angela…” Victoria sighed. Sometimes it was easy to forget because Angela looked a bit older than she actually was, but she was just an inexperienced kid. The fact that she had mostly brawling in her brain didn’t help her, she supposed. “Hey, did you know I’m scared shitless of going to your place?”

Angela shot Victoria an incredulous look. “Hah!?”

“I like Leo, but what if I can’t get along with the others? I can be stubborn and single-minded, but even if he says he likes that about me, I worry I’ll just be a bother to everyone else. I haven’t had a boyfriend in a long time because of it, see?” Victoria chuckled and resumed her walk towards the Tensai Residence. “Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna try. Some things are worth taking the plunge, right?”

“R-Right…!” Angela answered, following her. Her face hen turned red as her voice shook, which was quite uncharacteristic of her. “S-So… What I REALLY wanted to ask with all this, was… W-Would you be against having a threesome with Leo and I?”

Victoria had to blink several times in surprise. Had she heard that right? She had. But instead of immediately questioning Angela, she had to stop and consider. All the times she and Leo had been together it had been alone, but the fact that her boyfriend loved group sex was no secret to her. She figured there would be a time when she would give in and indulge him, and though she wasn’t expecting that time to come NOW… Yeah. Why not give the boy a nice surprise? And if it was with Angela, then she’d be helping her students get along AND it’d be better than doing it with a stranger…


When Victoria and Angela arrived at the Tensai Residence, they could smell dinner from the entrance. It was something like cooked onions, meat and bread. It made Victoria’s stomach growl in anticipation.

She knew they lived in a traditional style house, but this was her first time being inside one. The place was at least five times bigger than her own house, and even more impressive was the fact that it was spotless. It made her shudder to think of the time needed to keep it all tidy.

Angela announced her and herself at the entrance, and after leaving their shoes at the door, she led her to the dining room.

It may have been a little silly, but the sight inside made her heart skip a beat. Leo was behind the kitchen counter with a black apron and over mitts on. He had just closed the oven when she entered, and he turned to her with that calm, sweet smile of his.

“Welcome. Glad you could make it. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Food’s almost ready, so get comfortable. Can I get you anything?”

“Do you have a beer?” Victoria asked.

Leo shot her a cocky smile and brought out a can of her favorite brand out of the fridge.

“See? This is the reason you’re my boyfriend,” she laughed.

Leo walked over to her, but before he gave her the can of beer, he got an arm around her waist and gently pulled her to him, placing a soft kiss on her lips.

“Thanks for coming over,” he told her. “It really means a lot.”

“Thanks for inviting me.”

Still, as nice as it was, Victoria couldn’t help but look over to Angela, who was surprisingly calm about the display of affection right in front of her as she took a seat at the low table. Then again, she did say Leo acted more lovey-dovey with the others, so this probably wasn’t anything new to her.

“Leo, have you seen my black bra?” A woman’s voice came from the hallway, along with the sound of bare-footed steps on the wooden floor.

Victoria turned to the door and saw her, her own heart nearly stopping at the sight. It was a woman with damp, long, black, straight hair; the face of an angel and the body of a goddess wrapped in nothing but a white towel.

“Oh my god! She’s already here!” the woman yelped in a panic and hid behind the sliding door. “I’m so sorry! I thought you’d arrive later.”

Leo and Angela let out a resigned sigh at the same time.

“Sorry about her,” Angela said. “Seina can be a bit of an airhead when it’s not about her job.”

“A-Angela!” the woman exclaimed. Her face was still visible enough for Victoria to catch her blushing, which only seemed to make her even more attractive.

“The lace one is in your second drawer. The silk one is still drying,” Leo answered. “And I told you Victoria would be here at around 7:30.”

The gorgeous woman blinked. “It’s already 7:30?”



“See?” Angela chuckled. “An airhead.”

“I’ll, uh… I’ll go get changed,” said the woman, then slowly backed away and left.

“Sorry,” Leo said, smiling sheepishly and apologetically. “She’s been more relaxed these days, so unless she’s working she doesn’t pay much attention to the time.”

“That’s… alright.”

Victoria figured such things were common in large households like this one. No, the issue wasn’t catching another one of Leo’s girlfriends in nothing but a towel. The issue was seeing HER of all people.

That was Seina Miryoku, right? The woman from the radio show people were talking about. Victoria new she was dating Leo, and she had heard people comment on how beautiful she was, but… words really didn’t do it justice.

“So… Why would you want to date me or anyone else when you have her?” Victoria asked, gesturing with her thumb towards the now empty doorframe. Silently, Angela nodded on the side, agreeing with Victoria’s question.

Leo tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. “Elaborate.”

“Well, she’s just… you know! How do you expect me to compete with that?”

“…I don’t expect you to compete,” Leo said blatantly. “Seina is gorgeous, yes. Passionate and hardworking, too. She’s also not you.”

Right. She should’ve expected that answer. If he was satisfied with having only Seina as his girlfriend, Victoria wouldn’t be here in the first place.

“…Alright. Point taken.” She sighed.

“Oh! Coach!” Valerie’s voice came from the door now. The girl stepped into the dining room to greet her, followed by another girl her age. A cute brunette with long, straight hair that Victoria didn’t know. “It’s great you could make it. Ah, this is Kaede. She goes to school with us.”

“Ah, Kaede,” Victoria exclaimed. “You’re the genius Leo talks about.”

The girl blushed and looked past her to Leo with a frown. “What did you say about me?”

“I told her that you’re a pretty smart girl trying out new things,” Leo said. “I’ve told her lots of things about all of you.”

“Nothing embarrassing, I promise,” Victoria felt the need to assure. “It’s a pleasure, Kaede.”

“Ah! Likewise!” The girl quickly bowed.

“Okay, we’re about ready,” Leo said. “Valerie, can you call Seina and Lucia?”

“Sure. SEINA! LUCIA!” Valerie screamed, walking off to look for them.

“Come on, coach. Sit down,” Angela told her, patting the spot on the table right next to her.

Well. This was it. Victoria was finally in Leo’s home. And if she was honest, it all would’ve been more overwhelming if the smell coming from the oven wasn’t taking a good chunk of her attention.


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