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Summnary: Oliver Brooks is a high school senior with serious social anxiety. One night, after hearing his sister spend the night with her her boyfriend, he unknowingly gets possessed by a Spirit of Lust, a being who feeds on sex. The very next day, he's forced by a friend to go to a party, where he has an encounter with three girls who have always had his attention.

Separated by chapters as they would go if posted on Chyoa.


2 - Oliver Brooks

Thinking back, it all probably started the night before the party. Mom had to help our aunt with some business out of town, so she was out of the house and would come back in a couple of days. I didn’t much care since I would be alone in my room anyway, but I was the only one with such a plan. My sister took full advantage of the house without authority.

That night I walked out of my room to fetch myself a can of soda from the kitchen, and that meant I had to walk past my sister’s door. When in my room, I’m wearing headphones that isolate most of the noise outside, so I had no idea how long this had been happening. I heard my sister moaning in an erotic sounding voice. I heard the sounds of soft slapping. I heard her bed rocking. I heard the voice of a person I knew only in passing.

My sister had brought her boyfriend home.

I stood there for a few seconds, body shaking despite myself. I didn’t exactly know what I was feeling. It was a mix of anger, jealousy and disappointment, I think. All of those emotions were illogical. I knew it even then. But for a virgin 18 year-old boy, hearing real sex so close causes all sorts of emotions to well up.

I was frustrated, but apparently I wasn’t the only one.

“Come on, you can go again, can’t you?” I heard my sister complain. “I haven’t come yet!”

“Are you even able to come?” her boyfriend groaned. “Give me a few minutes, alright? I have stamina, but I’m not a monster!”


Not proud, but hearing that cheered me up if only a little. It’s a petty thing most of us are guilty off. If I’m not happy, no one else is allowed to be. Only when I’m satisfied will others’ good fortune please me. Don’t lie, you’ve felt it too at one point or another.

I grabbed my can of soda and returned to my room, putting on my headphones, upping the volume of the amp, and picking up my electric guitar again. I tried going back to playing the song I was practicing, but images of what my sister could be doing were at the forefront of my mind.

I groaned and threw my guitar on the bed, nearly having a heart attack when it bounced and almost fell on the floor. That managed to calm me down a bit. I sat on my bed with my headphones still on to keep the sounds in the other room at bay while I sulked like I generally did at that age.

To be fair to my younger self, my sister was irritating most of the time, and now she’d stepped out of line. We used to be really close, but at some point we just… drifted apart. And now she had brought her boyfriend to spend the night without even telling me, fucking right next to my room. I couldn’t help feeling resentful and jealous, but like always, I swallowed those feelings and did nothing about it but feel pity for myself.

Yep. Thinking back, that was more than likely the trigger. Pretty simple, really.

That night, I had a strange dream. I was in school, in my classroom. I was wearing my uniform in a ragged, messy way for some reason. In front of me were three of my classmates, arguably the three hottest girls in school.

“Dude, what do you even want?” the blonde asked me. The three of them watched me with curiosity and contempt. Maybe because it was a dream I knew it wasn’t a question asking about my intentions at that very moment. No, they were asking about my life goals.

An uncomfortable and painful sensation settled in my chest when I realized I didn’t know the answer. It was like I was uncomfortable in my own body. How many 18 year olds know what they want out of life, anyway? As such, I gave the answer my jealous heart wanted to give.

“I don’t know. I want like… 20 girlfriends,” I said with a groan. An arbitrary number. That wasn’t what mattered. What did was the desire hidden deep within my words.

“Very well,” said another of the three, the brunette.

All three of them shared a loud, hearty laugh. They then undressed to their birthday suits and walked up to me. They embraced me at the same time, and as the blonde leaned closer with the clear intention of kissing me, she spoke again.

“Yes, your hunger is enough. You’ll do for a first host. I’ll use you for my own growth.”

“Help me, and in return I’ll give you my powers,” said the third girl, one with shiny silver hair.

“I’m weak, boy, but even weak as I am I can easily give you what you want,” the first girl said. She leaned even closer, and the moment her lips were about to touch mine, I woke up. I did so sweating buckets and with a huge and painful boner, too.

‘Fucking…! Can’t get laid even in my dreams,’ I cursed in my thoughts and turned my phone alarm off.

I got out of bed, and doing so made me notice something strange. I felt… good. No, not just good. I felt incredible. As in, way better than any other morning. I wasn’t a very active young man. I didn’t play sports or did any exercise. The only reason I was slim was due to blessed genetics. I never felt like I was in bad condition until that morning, when I woke up feeling like weights were taken off my wrists, legs and shoulders, like my body was more flexible, like I could jump four times higher, like I could carry a boulder in my arms with little issue. It was strange, but also amazing. So much so in fact, that I only remembered that my sister had brought her boyfriend home when I saw her walking out of her room at the same time as I did mine.

My heart skipped a beat. She was in a loose tank top and pajama shorts. For a moment I feared her boyfriend might come out behind her and we’d have an awkward scene on our hands, but for some reason I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her.

I said I have blessed genes, right? Well, my sister does, too, only she took better advantage of them. We’re fraternal twins, you see, meaning we were born on the same day and have the resemblance of normal siblings, not identical.

Isabelle and I do share a few features. We both have chestnut colored eyes, for starters, but whereas her hair the same color as her eyes, shoulder-length and straight, mine’s black, shorter and wavy. She also has no problems with her vision while I have to wear glasses. We were both about 1.65 cm tall at the time, something she enjoyed mocking me over. Normally, that’s all I’d say when describing my sister, but I was suddenly extremely aware of… more. I looked at her from head to toes, and I just…

‘Was my sister always this hot…?’ I caught myself thinking. Her bare legs were toned and smooth, her figure curvy in just the right places, her skin lightly tanned, and her chest and ass generous in size.

Isabelle turned to me with a scowl, surely ready to say something confrontational, but when her eyes fell on me, she blinked in surprise. She looked at me up and down, just like I had her. I wasn’t comfortable with how aware I was of her and I didn’t want to bump into her boyfriend, so I walked past her and went to the bathroom without saying a word. Not like we ever spoke much, anyway.

I started undressing to take a shower and looked at myself in the mirror. It was yet another strange thing happening that morning. I could understand why Isabelle would do a double take.

I looked… fit. Like I had burned all extra fat I had and built up some more muscle. My face looked more, how to say it? Awake. The gaze staring back at me was sharper and deeper. Simply put, I looked hotter but not drastically different. On top of that, my boner still wouldn’t go down, making me realize I was… bigger. I had to be having a weird morning, so I pushed the matter way from my mind for the moment. It was healthier that way.

I masturbated in the shower, doing my best to remember a porn scene I’d watched recently, but… the moment I came, I was picturing my sister and hearing her moans from last night. Worst was, my dick still wouldn’t calm down and I had to do it two more times.

Sick, right?


3 - School.

My sister and I went to the same private school but we were in different classes. Our senior year had just started and summer was still going strong. I left the house earlier than my sister and walked for 20 minutes all the way to school with my headphones on, trying not to let my anxiety choke me.

Why the hell had my body changed overnight? Why did I feel better than ever? What… What would people at school say? Would they look at me funny? Would they be surprised? I couldn’t even hear the music with how loud my thoughts were.

I entered the classroom and silently went to my seat at the very back, middle row. I was the first to arrive. I watched as all my classmates came in, greeted each other with smiles, laughs, handshakes and hugs. I made myself small in my seat out of nerves, worried about what they might say about my new appearance.

But nobody even looked at me.

I felt pressure in my chest, and thought myself stupid for thinking anything would actually happen. I wasn’t close with any of my classmates, so of course they wouldn’t bother with me. And if I went up to them and asked, they’d just cringe and ask why I was even talking to them. Maybe I was just imagining things and nothing had really changed. They’d just laugh at me.

Then I saw the three girls I always paid attention to. The same three I had the dream about. The same three I’d been aware of since freshman year. The school was funded by a Japanese man who brought over many features of the educational system they use over there and mixed them with ours. One of the most notable is that every new school year we get randomly placed in different classes with different classmates. Supposedly it’s to encourage students to socialize and meet new people, but to me it just made things even more difficult. That said, it did allow me to be in the same class as the three girls I liked this year.

The first one to enter was Sarah West, a tall, slender blonde of blue eyes. What I got about her watching from afar was that she had a… confrontational personality. She tended to wear her school shirt with a couple of buttons undone, showing some of her amazing cleavage, and didn’t care when teachers asked her to button up, asking why she should.

The second was Grace Valentine, the girl who I had a serious crush on until the end of sophomore year. She had the biggest chest out of the three, perhaps even in school. She had clear green eyes and wore her light brown hair tied into a long, loose braid. She always wore her uniform properly, one of the things that, along with her soft demeanor, made her look like a very gentle person. What killed my crush on her was that I once caught her at the back of the school extorting money out of another student. I think I heard something about incriminating photos. Still didn’t take away from how damn hot she was, with her voluptuous hourglass figure, but seeing that made me believe I was better off looking at her from afar.

The last one was Milana Aliev, a Russian girl of long silver hair and dark green eyes. Her face was almost like a doll’s and her body as sexy as her friends’. I’d heard she had been scouted to be a model once she graduated, and I could totally see why. She had that foreign aura that just attracted people’s gazes to her, and she was incredibly hot. Her chest was about as big as Sarah’s and her thighs a little thicker.

At one point in my mental observations, Milana’s eyes turned to me, which made my heart jump to my throat. Scared of being called out for staring, I turned away and laid my head on the table, pretending to be asleep. Great tactic, I know.

When first period ended, I made my escape. I was feeling too paranoid to be in the classroom, and since I wanted to be alone, I knew exactly where to go. The music room used to be on the west wing of the second floor, but after getting more equipment they moved it to a bigger room on the first floor. The old music room was now a storage room for things nobody cared about, like broken desks and chairs that were supposed to get fixed but never did, boxes with equipment for clubs that no longer existed and other stuff like that. It had become my own little safe space that no one knew nor cared about.

Only one day someone did found out.

“Oliver, you here?” I groaned internally as I heard his voice along with the door opening.

I looked at him from my sitting spot, a forgotten gym mattress beside the windows overlooking the yard. Yep, that was Thomas, a guy that had no business being my friend, and openly claimed to be despite me thinking he was just taking the piss. I mean, could you blame me? It was high school. The sociable people make friends and are admired while those of us with communication issues get forgotten even when people look at their yearbooks when they’re adults.

Thomas Pierce was the guy picked to be this year’s captain for the basketball team. He was a tall, athletic dude with a bright personality that everybody loved. Diligent, fun to be around, reliable and attractive. He had short, dark brown hair and a big build. His one flaw was that his eyes were a little small for his face, but I bet that was just me looking for something to criticize. Why would he want to be friends with a guy like me, who couldn’t even hold a proper conversation with him?

“Why are you here, man? I told you to look for me during the first recess,” he said, walking up to me and casually taking a seat beside me.

“…” I grimaced. With all my anxiety, I’d forgotten.

“Never mind. You’re coming to my place tonight, right? We made a bet and you lost, so you’re coming.”

He was talking about a big party at his place. His parents were out of town, but he was an upstanding guy, so he had permission. He had invited about 30 people, and one of those people was me. I didn’t go to parties, so I had declined. Then Thomas came up with a bet, saying that if he was made team captain this year, I had to go because we’d have two reasons to celebrate.

Believing I would come to regret it, I nodded. I’d go to his party that night.

“Cool. Believe me, you’ll have a good time. It’ll be good for you. I have a pool, so bring a swimsuit if you want. We should take advantage of the last days of summer, don’t you think?”

Again, I nodded slowly.

“Also, I wanted to ask you one last time. Are you sure you’re okay with me inviting your sister? Are you sure it won’t make you more uncomfortable?”

I gave it one last consideration before I answered. “Invite her if you want,” I said in a low voice.

“Alright. I’ll tell her not to bring her boyfriend though. I can’t have my house be filled with people I don’t know.” The incredible thing was that everyone would honor Thomas’ condition of no extra guests. He was that much of a charismatic guy. No wonder his parents let him throw such a huge party. “You pretty much know all the people I’m inviting then. Any of them catch your fancy?” he asked with a big, teasing grin.

I flinched, and my mind immediately went back to my three classmates. They’d be there.

My sister would also be there, but I forced myself to push that thought away. I lifted three fingers up to Thomas without looking at his face, and the guy burst out laughing.

“Hey, a man’s gotta have options, right?” he said, giving me strong pats on the back. That, however, made him frown all of a sudden. He stood up and gave me a look over. “Hey, Oliver? Stand up.”

Blinking in confusion, I did as he asked. He looked me up and down before he said, “Have you been working out? You put on some muscle. You’re looking a little taller, too. Why didn’t I notice it sooner? Did you get fit over summer? What the hell, man? You should’ve told me! We could’ve been working out together!”

Thomas noticed there was something different about me. Everyone else ignored me, but he noticed. It meant I wasn’t imagining things.

“Actually, you’re looking great,” he said, nodding with his fingers holding his chin. “You might have a bigger shot at any of those three girls than you think. Try talking to them tonight. Even if it comes out as a stutter, you won’t know until you try, right? Have some damn confidence in yourself, man.” With a neck stiff from imagining myself talking to them, I nodded. “Good! Now, I have some stuff to do. I promised to have lunch with my girlfriend today, and you know you can join us if you want. I get that it makes you uncomfortable, but the invitation is there if you want to take it. See you tonight, Oliver!”

Thomas turned to leave, and I watched him silently. Only when he was at the door did I manage to make the words come out. “T-Thomas…! Happy birthday.”

Thomas grinned and waved at me. “Thanks!”


4 - The party.

Guests for Thomas’ party were scheduled to arrive by 21:30, but I decided to go earlier. I put on a black t-shirt and blue jeans. I left the house alone since Isabella was still getting ready and I bet she wouldn’t be done for a while. I figured if I got there early I could help Thomas get things ready. Only when I started getting closer to his house did the idea that I might be a bother popped into my mind, but it seemed I made the right choice. I was there by 20:20 and I caught Thomas running around his two story house.

“Oliver! God, I could kiss you right now! Mind helping me out? I had to run an errand for my dad that made me late. I have nothing ready for the party.” Dude was outright panicking, so there was no way I wouldn’t help.

We moved tables, chairs, made space for people to dance, and got expensive and fragile items out of the way. I went out to buy the things he needed while he made the rest of the arrangements.

Thomas’ house was big. Two stories like mine, yeah, but his was far bigger and more spacious. The back yard alone would’ve been enough to hold a party for 20 or so people. It had a pool and shiny grass all around. His family was well off, obviously.

“Man, you’re a lifesaver,” he laughed. We had his house ready in record time, and as expected, Thomas played a perfect host the moment people started arriving. I got out of the way for him to greet all his guests. I picked a spot in the backyard that let me see the main entrance through the glass doors, and as I watched people entering and walking around, I noticed one of the people I was most aware of.

Milana was here on time, but her friends weren’t. The Russian girl was glancing around, more than likely looking for her group. Then again, perhaps she was looking for her boyfriend? I didn’t know if she or the other two had boyfriends at all, but I didn’t want to find out anyway. It wasn’t like I believed I had a shot, but knowing the doors are closed makes things sting more.

Despite not everyone being there yet, the party didn’t take long to get started. Music was playing, people were drinking and some even jumped straight into the pool. I settled on a more secluded spot and watched them. I saw them dancing and heard them talking, and the only person I really knew in this whole party was being his annoyingly sociable self and going around making sure everyone was having a good time. Seriously, it was HIS birthday party. He should’ve relaxed more.

Every other moment or so, my eyes went back to Milina, who was walking around with a beer in hand and taking small sips. She was still alone, much to my surprise, but after turning away from her to see someone do a pretty impressive double front flip into the pool and then back to her, I saw the foreign beauty talking to someone. A guy.

I didn’t want to watch that, but they were talking by the door to the living room. If I wanted to get into the house I’d have to walk past them. Yet that was better than seeing a girl I had some moderate interest in getting hit on by another guy, so I pushed through.

I walked as fast as I could, but by the time I was at the door they were squarely in the way. I’d been trying to ignore whatever they were talking about but I couldn’t walk past without asking the guy to move out of the way. Problem was, I couldn’t.

“Come on, Mila. You know I’m a nice guy. Do you have anything against me?” the big guy asked.

“I don’t. We barely know each other,” Milana said. “And only my friends can call me Mila.”

“Then let’s get to know each other a lot tonight,” the guy insisted, grinning confidently.

“Um…” I tried to speak, but my words got caught in my throat. The guy turned to me with a deeply annoyed look, and my face just froze.

I was bothering them. The guy was trying to have a calm talk with Milana and I was bothering them. I didn’t dare look at her. I didn’t want to see her giving me the same mean look. Besides, my face was stuck looking at the guy. I wanted to apologize and walk away, but I was too scared to even do that. My voice wouldn’t come out.

Then, surprisingly, it was him who stepped back. His annoyance turned into a faint grimace as he looked at me. I think I even noticed him shaking. He gave me one last glance before he stepped away and into the house.

And I had no fucking idea why.

All I could think of what that I had interrupted their conversation and that Milana was going to hate me for it. What if she wanted something with that guy and I got in her way? Such are the thoughts that normally plague the mind of a socially anxious teen.

And yet…

“Oh thank god he left…” Milana said, letting out a relieved sigh. “Thanks for scaring him off, Oliver.”


I had to believe I hadn’t heard her right. She knew my name? We’d never spoken, not once in the three years we’d been in the same school. Yet she knew my name?

“That guy just WOULDN’T shut up,” Milana complained. “Funniest thing is, I know he only approached me because Sarah and Grace aren’t here yet. No balls at all, don’t you think?”

“I’m definitely not the one to ask that,” is what I wanted to say, but couldn’t. I was too worried about the kind of face I as making that’d scare away a guy bigger than me, and about the fact that this gorgeous girl was talking to me like we knew each other.

My heart was beating loudly and painfully, my mouth was dry, I was feeling lightheaded and my ears were burning. I still have a hard time remembering what kind of expression she had as she talked. All from the simple act of being in front of a girl I found extremely attractive. God those were terrible years.

But that night was the start of my growth.


5 - A sixth sense?

“I didn’t expect you to be here,” Milana said, taking a small sip from her beer. “I thought you weren’t one for parties. But I suppose it is Thomas’ birthday. You two seem close.”

I wanted to speak. I really, really did, but my mind was drawing a blank. I had no idea what to say that would be interesting, or funny, or engaging. Would she be disappointed if I said something boring, something stupid? Indecision itself made me scared to speak.

“We met around the end of junior year. The team manager got injured and our coach got Oliver to cover for him when we went to a tournament,” Thomas said, appearing from the door and seamlessly entering the one sided conversation. “He’s a man of few words, I’m afraid, but he can take action when he needs to.” He grinned and patted me in the back. I didn’t want to admit it, but I felt a bit more comfortable having him there.

“Is that so? I thought you’d known each other for longer.”

“Nah, about five months or so, though we didn’t see each other during summer break, so I guess that’s even less.” Thomas shrugged. “He’s one hell of a reliable guy, though. He came in early today and helped me set everything up. Which brings me to why I’m here.” He turned to me and put a plastic cup full of beer in my hand. “I noticed you didn’t have a drink and I couldn’t let that stand. Stop being so stiff and make yourself at home. If any of you need anything just let me know, okay?”

Without waiting for a response, Thomas just turned and left, leaving me alone with Milana once more. I didn’t even drink at the time! Still can’t handle my liquor very well these days, much less back then. Nevertheless, I drank. Small sips every once in a while. It tasted bitter and I hated it, but I still drank.

“Let’s move from here,” Milana said. “We don’t want people going in and out of the house to interrupt us, do we?”

She wanted to keep talking to me? Despite me not uttering a single word the entire time? I knew I shouldn’t, but I was getting my hopes up so I followed her and we sat at a round metal table some distance away from the bustling of the pool.

I was starting to feel like I was imposing on her, that perhaps she felt obligated to talk to me after Thomas had intervened or something. “Sorry,” I said. The last thing I wanted was to make her uncomfortable.

“Sorry for what?” she asked, shrugging. “You scared off the guy that was hitting on me, and thanks to you being here no one else is bothering me.” She drank from her cup and I did the same. “By the way, that look you gave him was cold,” she chuckled. “He was actually shaking. Even I got a little scared.”

I frowned in confusion. Was that how I’d looked at him? I was the one afraid!

“Hm? What’s this? We arrive a little late and find you picking up a guy on your own?” The person speaking went up to us and took a seat at the table, resting her chin on her knuckle as she eyed me up and down. It was Sarah West, the slender blonde that was friends with Milana.

“And who’s this hottie?” asked a second voice who sat at the table as well, only she sat closer to me. It was a mix of emotions hearing Grace Valentine ask that. On one hand it meant my former crush didn’t know who I was, but on the other it meant she found me attractive.

“Really? You don’t know him?” Milana asked her friends, raising an eyebrow. “Oliver is in our class this year.”

Grace gave me a thorough look as well, and though she was smiling her words still cut deep. “Really? I didn’t notice him.”

“I mean, he looks familiar,” Sarah said, “but I would remember a guy like him being in our class.”

Not knowing what to do or how to react, I lost myself in my beer, hoping I was one of those drunks that suddenly got all social. I had already drank over half the cup and was starting to feel its effects, but I wasn’t getting any more talkative. And yet… I started to feel something burn inside me.

My vision blurred only for a moment before it cleared just as quickly. I looked at the three girls at the table. Sarah, the blonde, was wearing a black top with spaghetti straps that showed her cleavage and midriff, an opened, light violet shirt over it and dark Capri pants that hugged her legs. Grace was dressed in a white shirt, a long red cardigan and black denim pans, her braid resting over her shoulder. Milana wore a white t-shirt with a low v-neck, a light, short brown suede jacket that ended around her waist and distressed jeans with only a few small holes on them that allowed me to see some of the porcelain skin underneath. All three of them were absolutely gorgeous. Their faces, their bodies, their very presence. Who was I to be sitting at the same table with them? But the more I thought that, the more my chest throbbed, the more aware I became of their every movement, the hotter my desire for them burned.

I was so conscious of them that I noticed when they blinked at the same time while looking back at me. I saw their cheeks blushing, I saw Sarah grinning, I saw Grace licking her lips and I saw Milana sucking in a breath.

“You know,” Sarah began. “I’m not in the mood of having random dudes coming up to hit on me tonight. What about you girls?”

“Mmm, I agree,” Grace said, her voice soft and sultry. “Not like any other guy here catches my interest, anyhow.”

“Then should we have Oliver escort us for the night?” Milana suggested. “He’s been doing a great job so far at keeping bothersome guys away.”

Only later would I find out the reason, but after that sudden burst of dizziness, I found myself... understanding. Somehow I understood the intentions of these three girls like it was a sixth sense. There was no logic behind it, simply a pure, strong and primal instinct that made me 100% sure I was right.

They were into me. Gods knows why, but they were into me.

“…I’d love to,” I said. It was in a low but clear voice. I could hardly believe I had said it.


6 - Second floor, last room to the left.

For a good part of the night, I did nothing more than listen to them talk as we drank. After my third cup I was sure more wouldn’t help me become the social butterfly I wished to be. I was feeling dizzy and slow though, so I stopped there. The girls were drinking me under the table, too. They’d each had at least four, and though their cheeks had a faint blush, they didn’t sound completely drunk. They stood up and had me follow them into the house, where the music was playing and various people dancing in the spacious living room.

“Wanna dance?” Sarah asked me, sticking so close to me I could smell her perfume. It was sweet and even slightly spicy. It nearly dragged me to close in on her neck, but her question took all my attention.

“I… can’t dance,” I managed to say. If anybody saw my awful dancing I’d be the laughing stock of the school for the rest of the year. I specially didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of these girls.

“Ah! He speaks!” Grace said, giggling and hugging me by the arm. Her huge and soft breasts pressed against me, and I had to shift uncomfortably to hide my boner. “Just so you know, Oliver, none of us has a boyfriend,” she said. “So it’s not like you have to be afraid of anyone.”

“Oh please, it’s the others who are afraid of him!” Sarah said, laughing loudly. “Look at them. They’re all glaring but they won’t even approach! Bunch of cowards.”

I looked around to confirm and, yes, I saw other guys glaring my way. Of course they’d glare. The three hottest girls in my class were hanging around me. I was afraid something would start, but when I met their eyes, every one of them hastily turned away and continued a conversation or kept on dancing. Still no fucking idea why.

In my scouting of the room I even caught my sister, Isabelle, looking at me for a brief moment, frowning, before she headed out to the backyard with a couple of her friends.

“I kind of get why they’re scared,” Milana said. “His stare is super intense, but when you’re close he’s actually rather cute, isn’t he?”

“Yes he is,” Grace said. She licked her lips and leaned in even closer. Her perfume was that of delicate roses. I think my heart almost stopped at that moment.

“Urgh, she’s making her move already,” Sarah groaned and shook her head. “You can’t have him to yourself, you hear?” The blonde poked her friend’s cheek a couple of times, annoying her.

“Hoh? I thought you weren’t interested in getting hit on by random dudes?” Grace’s chuckle carried both teasing and menacing hints.

Sarah didn’t flinch, however. “Getting hit on, yeah, but I didn’t say anything about trying to get a guy myself.”

“I thought you didn’t like sharing,” Grace said, her tone innocent as she hugged my arm closer to her chest.

“Let’s say I have a feeling about this guy. Don’t you?”

“Mmm, I do,” Grace chuckled. “We’re in agreement, then.”

I couldn’t be listening right. That conversation WAS NOT happening in front of me. My chest hurt from how hard my heart was pounding, but something even more unbelievable happened next.

Milana stepped in front of me, held my cheeks in her hands and pulled me into a passionate kiss that was WAY too deep and intense to be my first ever. The Russian beauty shoved her tongue inside my mouth with no ceremony, wrapping around mine and tasting me thoroughly. She held me close and pressed her chest against me, running her fingers over my hair and letting out soft moans of pleasure.

Hiding the tent in my pants was going to be an impossible task. My whole body burned, yet I was frozen in place from shock.

Milana finally pulled away with a heavy gasp, a thin strand of saliva connected us for a lingering second before she turned to her friends with firm eyes. “I’m not letting you two get ahead of me. I saw him first,” she proclaimed.

I feared a fight, yet Sarah and Grace grinned. “Hoho? Our little virgin friend is finally making a move on someone? I’m shocked,” Grace chuckled.

“See? I told you there was something special about this guy,” Sarah said.

“I like that he doesn’t talk much. Better than annoyingly spouting cringy compliments,” Grace nodded in agreement.

I could’ve fainted right then and there if my phone in my pocket hadn’t started buzzing. I both cursed it and thanked it. It was interrupting this seemingly amazing moment, but my own deeply rooted insecurities still told me there had to be something wrong here. It was easier to believe that stupid voice in my head telling me there was no way these girls were actually into me than the new sixth sense that assured me they were.

I pulled out my phone, but instead of finding an escape, I only found a message from Thomas that sank me deeper into the hole of confusion.

‘Second floor, last room to the left. Don’t worry about anything. You can spend the night. If it turns into something bad, give me a shout. Good luck!’

I bit my quivering lip. I was scared and confused, yes. This was far from any realistic scenario I could imagine, no doubt. But the taste of Milana’s lips yet lingered in mine, her breasts were still pressed against my chest, as were Grace’s boobs on my left arm while Sarah leaned on my right shoulder. Those sensations, that odd sixth sense and the three beers I had made me want to bet everything on this being real.

“F-Follow me,” I said and started walking to the stairs. I didn’t see their faces, but my three classmates followed behind me.

Second floor, last room to the left. The master bedroom.


7 - Acting on instinct.

The four of us got into the bedroom. A nice, comfortable room belonging to a married couple. It was Thomas’ parents’ room, but I was too horny and tipsy to care about it at the time. I’d feel bad the next morning. For the moment, what mattered was that there was a queen sized bed and that Sarah had already locked the door.

“Thomas was right,” Milana grinned. “You can take action when you need to.”

“Well, since Mila went ahead and stole that kiss, you won’t mind if I take my turn, will you?”

If I thought Milana’s kiss was intense, I wasn’t prepared for what Grace had in store for me. She pushed me against the door and pressed her lips against mine. The way her tongue tangled with mine was completely different. I felt my legs grow weak as we made out. Grace and I were kissing, and as we did I realized that my crush on her had never actually gone away.

I lifted my hands to hug her back, but she quickly unbuttoned her cardigan, took my hands in hers and guided them to her chest. My mind short-circuited at that moment. I was touching boobs. Grace’s huge and supple boobs. All that was between my skin and hers were her shirt and her bra. I even felt her hard nipples in my palms.

It was then that I truly didn’t care about anything anymore. In that ephemeral moment, I knew I’d felt something akin to true happiness. Like the search for that feeling was what life was all about, and I had found it.

“Look at him!” Sarah laughed. “He’s so happy! I had serious doubts, but he’s obviously a virgin!”

“I’ll take his first if you don’t want it,” Grace said, breaking the kiss and licking our mixed drool on her lips. “Fuck, my switch’s been flipped. That was such a good kiss, Oliver. And your hands don’t stop moving, huh?” she said, grinning. “Yeah, play with them all you like. My tits are my most sensitive spot, you know? You’re making me so wet right now.”

“Hey, I never said I didn’t want him,” Sarah said, stepping up. “Give it a rest. It’s my turn now.”

Grace pouted cutely, but still stepped away. Sarah got in front of me and ran her tongue along my neck while her hand rubbed my crotch. “Mmm, you’re hiding something big in there, aren’t you? This is do or die, Oliver. You need to satisfy all three of us tonight. Think you can do that?”

‘Fuck no,’ I wanted to answer, but I didn’t. Like they had guessed, I was a full blown virgin who hadn’t even kissed a girl before this. I had been feeling close to coming ever since Milana’s kiss. Yet at the same time, I’d been feeling different since that morning. I felt healthy, strong. Something, maybe that weird sixth sense, was telling me that this was something I could definitely do.

My response to Sarah’s question was to get an arm around her neck and pull her into a kiss I initiated. My hands shook from nerves, but I still managed to unbutton her pants while I sucked on her tongue. I sneaked my hand inside her pants and gently brushed my fingers against her panties. Purple, I noticed from a short glance.

“O-Oh. Oh wow,” she gasped holding onto me by the shoulders. “That’s… oh yesss…!”

Her panties quickly grew moist at my touch, she was shaking and her knees were weak. I kept kissing her as I got my hand inside her underwear. I thought it was the shallow knowledge of sex porn had given me that was making me move that way, but I could feel some weird instincts kicking in, guiding my every move. I snuck my middle finger inside Sarah’s pussy despite not seeing a thing, and the blonde moaned loudly into my mouth.

“Oh! Oh! He’s in! He got his finger in!” she exclaimed before kissing me even more passionately. “Mmm! Haaah! Hmmm!!”

In my first ever try at fingering a woman, I made her come like a firecracker in my arms. She broke the kiss to take several deep breaths. She looked into my eyes with shock and lust in equal measure.

“Are you seriously a virgin…?” she asked in disbelief.

With my chest swelling with pride, I nodded.

“Urgh! You two are getting ahead of me already!” Milana groaned and pulled Sarah away from me. She then held my arm, letting me notice her hands were shaking just like mine. “You’re both just a couple of selfish bitches, huh? Come on, Oliver, sit down!”

She pushed me to sit on the edge of the bed and started working on my jeans. She unbuckled my belt, undid the button and pulled them down along with the boxers. My dick rose vulgarly in front of the three girls, and seeing it completely erect made me confirm that yes, it was larger than it used to be. It throbbed painfully, with the tip moist with pre-cum.

“Holy shit,” Sarah exclaimed with a soft laugh.

“Oh my,” Grace chuckled. “Certainly impressive. Don’t you think so, Mila?”

“A-Ah? Er… Y-Yes,” Milana nodded stiffly.

That was when it hit me. Grace had called Milana a virgin before, meaning… she and I were perhaps on equal footing. The thought helped me relax, though the warmth of her breath on my dick kept me oh so very awake.

“I’ll beat you to it if you don’t hurry up,” Grace sang with her usual innocent smile.

Milana narrowed her eyes, and with her mind made up she opened her mouth and wrapped her luscious lips around the tip of my cock. I swear I could’ve burst right there, but something held me back. And thank fuck because I didn’t want it to end just yet. She liked the head gently and slowly while she got her thumb and index finger around my girth, not quite closing the circle, and stroke me with a similarly slow rhythm. She looked up at me, and when she saw that my reaction was to bite my lip to try to hold back my climax, she smiled and redoubled her efforts, taking more of me into her mouth and making my breathing all shaky.

“Mmm, I can’t just watch,” Grace said and sat to my left on the bed. She took off her cardigan and undid her shirt to the last button, revealing a red silk bra holding her amazing chest. She unhooked it at the back and let it drop on the floor, letting me see her naked boobs. “Suck on them, please,” she begged.

It was a mental struggle. I wanted to keep my eyes on Milana’s beautiful face as she blew me, yet my lips itched at the thought of tasting Grace’s nipples. In the end, my nature as a lover of boobs won. I leaned down and greedily took nipple and flesh into my mouth, tongue twirling around the little nub.

“Oh god…! Yeah! Suck on them…! Suck on them!” she gasped, holding my head to her bosom.

“Oh don’t you dare leave me out,” Sarah said. She took the spot to my right while she discarded her violet shirt, lifted her tank top and threw aside her purple bra. “You actually made me come with a single finger,” she whispered in my ear as she rubbed my chest. “I can’t wait to have you inside me.”

That was it. The sound of Sarah’s voice and Grace’s moans, the taste of her nipples in my mouth, and most importantly the warm and wet feeling of Milana as she tried and struggled to take half my dick into her mouth.

I saw white.

I came in the Russian girl’s mouth without warning, but instead of the anger I feared would come my way, I heard her earnestly swallowing bit by bit until she pulled away and took a deep breath. She looked at my cock with wide, hungry eyes and licked from it whatever cum remained in it.

“So thick… So sweet…” she muttered. “I… I didn’t know…”

“Well, stud? Did that calm you down a bit?” Sarah asked.

The four of us looked at my dick, only to see it standing just as proud and just as hard as before. I yet burned with the desire for more, despite the mind-melting orgasm I’d just gone through.

“Doesn’t seem like we’ll have to worry about him running low on energy,” Grace said. “So? Who do want to fuck first?”


8 - Milana goes first.

At Grace’s question, the answer came to me surprisingly quickly. Yeah, I had just realized I still had a crush on Grace herself, but… It turned out the same applied to the two other girls. Cute, sexy and all over me? How could I not? But when asked who I wanted first, the answer was clearly Milana. She knew me before introductions, she was the first one to speak to me, the first one to kiss me, the first one to give me a blowjob, and on top of all that, she was a virgin, just like me.

I swallowed my nerves and answered. “Milana? W-Would you… like to?”

Her eyes lit up. She stood up and, in front of me, stripped from every article of clothing she had on. I saw her fair, pure white skin, her perfect curves, and her beautiful and plentiful bosom. She fixed her hair and got close to me, her nose almost touching mine.

“Call me Mila, okay?”

I put my hands on her slim waist, enjoying how soft her skin was and pulled her to me. “Mila,” I muttered before kissing her pink lips once more.

“Oliver,” she whispered my name back, and it’s hard to describe the feeling of elation that gave me. She slid her tongue inside my mouth and we moaned into each other.

“Oh? So you’re the kind of guy who can kiss a woman after she’s swallowed cum?” Sarah asked. “Not bad.”

I honestly hadn’t even considered it. My only thought was that I wanted to kiss Milana, I mean, Mila again.

“Alright, mister, let’s get you out of those clothes,” Grace said, breaking my kiss with Mila as she pulled up my shirt. The Russian girl worked on getting me off my pants while Sarah greedily kissed my now bare chest.

“Seriously, how did I not notice you were in our class?” she asked. “These broad shoulders, these toned arms, this slim waist, these nicely defined abs. Urgh, you’re just my type!”

I swallowed a grimace and pushed my hypocritical thoughts aside. It didn’t matter that she was only paying attention to me now that I had suddenly become fit. I liked her because she was hot, too, so I didn’t have room to speak.

“Always the superficial one, aren’t you?” Grace sighed. “For me, I think I’m enjoying more and more how quiet he is.” She traced her finger long my jawline. “Makes every word all the more special.”

Hearing all that was both incredibly uplifting and every bit as embarrassing, but I was getting tired of the teasing. Every fiber of my being asked me to take Mila, who had already silently laid on the bed. It pained me, but I turned away from Sarah and Grace to approach Mila.

I swallowed as I got on in front of her, watching her slowly spreading her legs. Her crotch was a waterfall dripping on the bed. Her pussy was of a pretty pink color and completely hairless.

“It really is my first time, so be gentle with that thing,” she told me. I nodded firmly.

“Actually, stop. We’re gonna have a problem…” Graced noticed. “Sarah and I are on the pill, so there’s little issue there, but…” Only as she moved her hand did I notice the condom. “We brought a couple of condoms, but I don’t think they’re gonna fit.”

“It’ll be fine so long as he pulls out, right?” Sarah shrugged. “Mila just got a load out of him. He should last a bit.”

Mila swallowed nervously. “Do you think you can pull out?”

Considering it had taken me a while to come despite the insane stimulation I’d been under, I was confident I would be able to. “Yes, I promise,” I told her.

She smiled and took her fingers down to her pussy. She spread her lower lips, indicating precisely where I was supposed to put it in. With my heart beating loud enough for me to hear it in my ears, I pushed in carefully. The head of my cock went in, and I was already feeling the intense heat enveloping me.

“Remember to tell him when it hurts,” Grace told Mila, sitting close by. “And you, remember to stop if she says so.”

I nodded again and continued pushing inch by inch. Mila had her eyes glued to our hips, watching as her pussy took me inside. I kept going forward, expecting her to stop me at any moment.

“Ugh!” She flinched and put a hand on my thigh. I stopped to let her breathe, but surprisingly, Mila grinned. “You two totally lied to me,” she said. “It hurt, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as you said.”

“Tsk. Lucky,” Sarah said.

“You can keep going, Oliver,” Mila said.

I did so, and more and more of her engulfed me. It was hot, wet and incredibly tight. I felt my every muscle burning with pleasure, my mind going blank for a moment. I wasn’t completely in, and I didn’t dare to go any further, but even so, I felt a sense of ecstasy that masturbation just couldn’t imitate.

“Oh God…! Oh I feel so full!” Mila groaned in pleasure.

“And it’s not even all in,” Sarah said, licking her lips.

“You can move, Oliver,” Mila allowed me.

I leaned down close to her, my forehead pressed against hers. I stared into her eyes as she did into mine. I gently groped one of her breast with one hand as I caressed her cheek with the other. My hips started moving, her walls coiled around me. Her moans were soft and erotic, her doll face adorned with a blush. I can’t describe how much it all filled me with joy. There was carnal pleasure, of course, but more than that it was the contact I always craved. Mila and I were connected, enjoying and sharing pleasure. I knew for certain she was as excited as I was. We only stopped looking at each other when she pulled me into a kiss by the back of my neck.

Sarah and Grace watched on, now silent.

“Oliver…! Mmm! Haah! I’m gonna come already…!” Mila moaned. “You’re gonna make me come…! Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!”

I kept moving my hips, my cock only going halfway inside her. I could feel myself rising to my own climax, but I wanted to give Mila hers, first. I pinched her nipples as we made out, and she finally came. She shook below me, holding me tightly against her. Her eyes were lost in the pleasure, barely able to focus on looking at me directly. Her post-orgasmic smile was gorgeous.

I was about to pull out, but she wrapped her legs around my waist. “Mila…!” I said, wanting to urge her to let me go.

“Use me to come,” she whispered. “You promised to pull out, but please use me to come,” she urged. Hesitantly, I nodded. I kept thrusting my hips, this time faster. Mila kept moaning into my ear, whispering repeatedly. “Come, come, come! FUCK, I’m coming again!”

Mila’s body was rocked by a second and even a third orgasm before I started feeling myself close to coming. I pulled out of Mila and shot my second load on her taut stomach. She let out a soft, content sigh and smiled.

“It was my first time but I still came so hard. Three times, too.” she giggled. “I don’t think that’s normal.”

“Definitely not,” Sarah assured, looking at my still hard cock.


9 - Grace’s turn.

“Urgh, that was hot,” Sarah said. “Now do me, Oliver!”

“Nope, you already came once, Sarah,” Grace said, discarding her last article of clothing. “I’m the one who’s been waiting the longest.” Her body was just like I had pictured it in my head countless times. Voluptuous, thick thighs, a chest that I worried hurt her back, flawless white skin. “Don’t you think it’s fair, Oliver? I’ve been waiting long enough, haven’t I?” She made a pouty face and used her arms to press her boobs together. An unnecessary attempt to seduce me, but nevertheless a welcomed one.

“Yeah.” I nodded, using the time to catch my breath.

“Okay, fine! But make it quick!” Sarah said.

“Come here, Oliver. Sit down,” Grace said, patting the edge of the bed. I moved there and placed my feet on the floor. She then put her hands on my shoulders and sat on my lap. “You and Mila looked so into each other it made me a little jealous. You better pay lots of attention to me, you hear?”

My dick twitched against her belly. I grabbed her tits and started sucking on one while I firmly groped the other. Grace purred and lifted her hips to guide my cock inside her. She sank into it slowly and carefully, eyes shut and sucking in a deep breath.

“Oh it’s big…!!” she gasped. “Fuck…! It’s big but it fits so perfectly!” She bit her grinning lips with her face turned to the ceiling once she was completely seated. Unlike Mila, Grace took me completely inside her. Every inch of my cock was tightly wrapped around her warm, wet pussy. “Do you like my pussy, Oliver? If you do then kiss me.”

Well, that left me with no other options. I made out passionately with Grace as she rocked her hips back and forth. Feeling her soft, voluptuous body against mine made me crazy, and that was without mentioning how her pussy kept contracting around my dick. She had said it herself. It was a perfect fit.

“Oh God…! Oh my God! It’s… It’s never felt like this before,” she moaned and held onto me even tighter. “Haaah! Yes! I love it! Fuck me, Oliver! Fuck me!” Her voice, her whimpers, her heavy breathing only further fueled my lust. “You can come inside me. Please, shoot it all inside. I want to feel it! Give it to me!”

I held her close, rubbing her back with one hand and cupping one of her cheeks with the other. I stared into her eyes, not breaking contact even as she bounced on my lap. I kissed her cheek, her neck, still not believing I had Grace Valentine herself in my arms. I started to match her rhythm with my hips, moving and thrusting into her.

“God, I love it! Mmm! Oliver…!” She held my cheeks and whispered in a barely audible voice. “Kiss me as I come.”

I did so. Out tongues danced happily inside her mouth as she shook violently from an intense and long orgasm. Her quivering pussy drove me to my own climax, and I shot a third and still powerful load inside her that apparently made her come again. I felt her arms holding me with all the strength she could muster before we both came down from our high.

“Oh Mila,” Grace said, gasping for air and still looking at me with the most satisfied smile in the world. “You have no idea how lucky you are to have lost your virginity to him. How I envy you.”

“I don’t know,” Sarah interjected. “You’re looking pretty blissful yourself.”

“It was amazing. It’s never felt like that before. I came twice in a row, and I didn’t know orgasms could be that strong.” She shuddered. “I’m still having a few aftershocks.”

“Okay, I get it! Stop telling me about it and let me have my turn!” Sarah said.

“He’s come three times now,” Mila said. She had some toilet paper in hand with which she had cleaned her stomach, making me realize the master bedroom had its own bathroom. “Are you feeling okay, Oliver?” she asked me.

“Why don’t you ask his little friend?” Grace said, getting off my lap with a line of cum still connecting us. “Answers the questions better than a thousand words, right?”

My cock was still fully erect. I admit I was a chronic masturbator, but even this was out of the ordinary for me. I didn’t feel tired or anything. In fact, I wanted more. I looked towards Sarah, who had already undressed herself. She had the most athletic and toned body of the three. I remembered she used to be in the tennis club at school before she quit for some reason. Point was, I really wanted to do it with Sarah, too. I had the feeling I wouldn’t calm down until I’d done it with all three.

“Yep, he seems ready to me,” Sarah grinned.


10 - Sarah’s turn.

“Alright stud, lay on your back. I want to ride that dick,” Sarah said.

I wordlessly did as she asked. I laid on my back and Sarah quickly straddled my hips. The view from below was every bit as exciting as with the other two. She held my cock and lined it up with her slit, rubbing the tip with her pussy lips.

“You feel it, right?” she asked. “You can feel how fucking wet I am, can’t you? You’ve got some nerve making me come once with your fingers and then neglecting me. You made me watch as you fucked my two best friends in front of me too. How will you make it up to me?”

“Haaaah… Sarah always needs to try and sound tough,” Mila said, shaking her head. “Don’t worry about her, Oliver. Just fuck her good and she’ll mellow down.”

“Pretty much,” Grace agreed, chuckling while covering her mouth with the back of two fingers. “She acts like she wasn’t begging for it two seconds ago.”

The blush that rose to Sarah’s face was insanely cute. She shot her friends a mean glare that didn’t affect either of them. Still, I sort of knew what it felt like to lose face, so I forced myself to speak again.

“…I’ll make it up to you,” I told her, setting my hands on her thighs. Sarah blinked at me, then bit her lip in anticipation and sank down on my cock until I bottomed out.

“Holy shit!” Her body trembled on top of me, her pussy contracted tightly around me. Sarah stared at the ceiling with wide eyes and a hanging jaw.

“Oh wow,” Grace laughed. “Did you come from him just putting it in? That’s amazing!”

“S-Shut up…!” Sarah shot back, the looked down at me. “This isn’t enough, you hear me? You need to do it properly!”

Mila let out an exasperated sigh, but refrained from saying whatever was on her mind. On my part, I was happy that Sarah had come once and wanted more, because I definitely wanted to do it more with her.

I thrust my hips up with strength, rhythm and endurance I was aware would’ve been beyond me but a day ago. Sarah’s ass hovered slightly above me as I pushed my cock inside her again and again.

“Fuck! Fuck! What is this…!?” she asked while she moaned. “So good! So fucking good!”

Some of her strength left her and she fell on top of me, her face just inches away from mine. My hands left her thighs, and with one I greedily groped her ass while I used the other to pull her into a deep kiss. I couldn’t help it. I had no idea kissing felt so good, and doing it while being inside a woman was just ten times better. It was more than I’d ever imagined in my fantasies, and Sarah just looked so damn cute with her flushed, ecstatic face. She returned the kiss sloppily, but it was just as arousing. It was like we were mindlessly mashing our tongues together as we fucked.

“Shit, I’m gonna come again! Fuck me more, Oliver! Fuck me harder!” she grunted, making me redouble my efforts. I held onto her ass with both hands and thrust upwards with more strength, driving my cock as deep inside Sarah’s delightful pussy as I could. “Aaah! Yes! YES!” she screamed the moment her third orgasm of the night rocked her core. The sensations, along with the realization I had made her come three times, no, that I had given three women multiple orgasms on my very first time having sex, drowned me in a feeling of ecstasy I could not describe. I came together with Sarah, my cum sloshing inside her while her pussy shook from pleasure.

I was breathing hard now, the exhaustion from it all suddenly coming over me.

“Oh my God…!” Sarah purred. “How did I not know you were in our class?”

“…You should’ve paid more attention,” Mila said, pouting and looking away.

“Mm? Wait a moment,” Grace said, noticing something. “Mila came three times, Sarah came three times, but I’ve only come twice. That means you owe me a second round, mister.”

At that point I was hearing their voices like they were far away. My eyelids felt heavy, and I could barely move my body. I was falling asleep, but I didn’t want to!

“I think he’s out for the night,” Sarah said. “I’m surprised he lasted as long as he did for his first time.”

“I’m surprised he made us all come,” Grace said. “Not to mention how amazing it felt. Have I just been unlucky all this time to get underperforming men?”

“I… I think he’s just… different,” Mila said. “You said your first times were awful, right?”



“Well, I’m not going back down to the party after this,” Sarah said. “I’m gonna shoot Thomas a text and ask him if I can sleep here tonight. What will you two do?”



“Okay, then let’s get this big guy cleaned up and under the covers.”

“Dibs on his right side!” Mila said.

“Ah! Then dibs on his left side!” Grace immediately answered.

“Ugh, you bitches,” Sarah groaned. “Then I get to lick the cum off his dick!”

I don’t know what happened after that. I tried my hardest to fight off sleep. I wanted to do more. I wanted to keep having sex. I didn’t want the night to end. I feared that… I feared everything would go back to normal the next morning.


To be continued...?



I could definitely do with more of Oliver. Seems like a solid character, and I feel like he's a character you could write quite well. So long as you feel like you could write this story, you can know you'll have at least one reader for it.


This was great! would definitely read if you decided to continue it.