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William kissed Nanami’s aunt until she fell asleep from exhaustion. Whatever magic had its hold on her had taken a clear toll on her mind. He used his own powers in an attempt to soothe her distress, but didn’t know how much it had actually helped. Now he was feeling a little lightheaded due to all the power he and Ishtar had spent, and his own body was growing heavier now that the adrenaline of battle was wearing off.

‘I got rid of the magic that was controlling her but didn’t put my own spell in its place. I figured you’d prefer it that way.’

Will nodded. “All the oni are dead and the prisoners are escaping with some pretty strong bodyguards. We were hoping to enlist the incubi’s help to find Nanami’s aunt, but she ended up showing up in front of us.”

‘Seemed to me like she came here with very specific orders and that’s why she ignored us at first. She was looking for that crystal over there.’

Will turned around and saw the crystal Ishtar mentioned, discarded after the struggle. He went to pick it up and inspected it closely. It felt and looked kind of similar to quartz in the real world, only smoother and glowing with some innate white light.

‘It’s… aether.’

“You mean the stuff that this world is made of?”

‘Yeah. It’s like a pure, solidified chunk of the stuff.’

Was this important, then? What was it used for? Will decided to pocket it just in case. If Jack Evans had sent someone to get it, then it had to have some value.

“I guess it’s time for us to head back. We have nothing left to do here, don’t we?”

‘There’s one more thing, Will. We need to take care of those fucking ropes.’

“Oh.” Right. The enchanted ropes. Will looked around and gathered them all into a pile, dragging them with his feet to avoid touching them. “What should we do with these?”

‘Burn them and leave nothing left.’

“Are you sure? I know they’re dangerous for us, but burning them seems like a waste. They may come in handy someday.”

‘They could be made of solid gold and I still wouldn’t give a damn. Knowing these things exist makes me want to vomit. Burn them, Will.’

“Alright, alright.” Will looked for his discarded jacket and held the bundle of ropes with it. He remembered the oni had a fire running in the other area, so he went and threw them into it. Said area stank with the stench of dead animals. Boars, coyotes, some large birds and even something resembling a lion were all laying around. These were all game the oni had hunted for food. Bottles of booze ranging from empty to half-full were scattered around, as well. Will considered taking some back with him, just in case he could find another use for them, but he didn’t have the energy. All he wanted was to get back to the building and then go back home, maybe sleep with Reina’s tits serving as his pillows.

Will put on his jacket, leaving it open. He went back to the prison area to get Nanami’s aunt. He saw her sword on the ground and went to pick it up. He couldn’t imagine how expensive that thing must have been, so he figured he should take it back as well. However, when he leaned down to pick it up, the thing just… burst into a myriad particles of light, all of which slowly traveled back to Nanami’s aunt and were absorbed into her.

Will groaned, scratched his head furiously and kicked the ground. “Gah! I’m so fucking tired of all this weird shit! I don’t understand anything! All this magic and supernatural crap is too much for me!”

‘Finally letting out all that frustration, huh.’

“Shut up. You’re part of the problem,” he sighed.

‘Hey, what gives? I’m your partner in all this, remember? I’m as confused as you are. You know full well that if it were up to me we’d be having orgies right now, not fighting monsters.’

“I know. And that does sound nice. So let’s get this all over with so we can do just that, okay?”

‘Yep. Now get that sexy lady on your back and carry her home.’

“She is sexy, isn’t she?” Will sighed again. “Would’ve liked to meet her under different circumstances.” He lifted her and started carrying her piggyback, her arms hanging on his shoulders and his hands holding her by the thighs. “Praying she doesn’t hate me after this. Couldn’t blame her if she did.”

‘You saved her from a life of being someone else’s puppet, though.’

“By outright molesting her. Someone else might have found a better way.”

‘Beggars can’t be choosers. She’s free, and if she holds too much against you for the method, she isn’t worth our time, sexy as she is.’

Ishtar made some sense, but there was no point speculating. He began walking out through the tunnel, holding his breath and avoiding the corpses of the oni. Once out of the cave, he allowed himself to breathe again, though the scent of blood was still present.

“Please tell me you remember the way back,” he begged Ishtar.

‘What? You don’t?’

“I was a little too anxious about what would happen to pay attention.”

‘You’re hopeless without me, aren’t you? Exit the ravine and then I’ll give you directions. We’re looking for the only tall building in this wasteland, so it won’t be hard to find.’

The trip back was slow, with Will being tired from the events and him having to carry someone else. However, no one tried to hinder his return. At one point he caught sight of some small, children-like creatures with greenish skin peeking from atop of small hill. Once he turned to them, though, they all ran away in a panic.

Finally, the building was in sight. The woman on his back slept soundly, and the closer they got, the clearer Will could feel it. It made Ishtar perk up as well.

‘Oh! Oh! Will, hurry up! Hurry up! I don’t want to miss this!’

Will quickened his step, but for his own reasons. The incubi and succubi had already met, apparently. And now Will needed to make sure Nanami was okay and that she was finally reunited with her aunt.


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