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‘Three guys coming over, clueless and eager to fuck some prisoners. We can get the drop on them.’

William never claimed to have come here looking for a fair fight, anyway. The approaching danger made his adrenaline levels rise. The moment he caught sight of one of the oni turning the corner to enter the cave, he dashed with unnaturally high speed and used his sexual energy to enhance his power. Before any of the three oni could react, Will drove his elbow into the ribs of one them, feeling as several of them broke. Unfortunately, his victim let out a loud, pained scream that was certain to alert the others deeper inside the cave.

Will was getting ready to defend himself against an assault from the other two, but he hadn’t counted on Ariana following right behind him, matching his pace only a couple of steps behind. He watched her use her wings to blow a small cloud of dust into the eyes of the remaining oni. Then, taking advantage of the momentary distraction, she jumped on top of one of them with the skill and grace of a gymnast and wrapped her thighs around his neck. Will felt a pulse of aggressive sexual energy just as Ariana twisted her hips and legs. After the blood curling snapping sound, she jumped back to the ground while the oni fell limply and… lifeless.

Ariana sneered and spat on the body, turning to the only one left. “Oh, how I would like to take my time with each and every one of you. A shame we’re in such a hurry. I suppose pragmatism wins over pleasure this time.”

“B-B-BOOOOOOOSSS!!” the remaining oni screamed and turned to run. Will picked up a stone from the ground and hurled it at him, missing by a generous meter. He clicked his tongue in frustration. The stone had torn a chuck of the rocky wall. Had it hi itt would’ve been a clean knockout.

“There is a total of eight oni,” Ariana informed him quickly. She turned back to look at her new slaves. They were hurriedly getting the succubi under their arms, each carrying four each. “These two are coming with us, two are down for the count. That leaves us with four, including their chief.”

“Do you think your friends would be willing to fight their own?” Will asked.

“Probably, but they’re so weak-willed there’s a big chance they’ll turn on us if their chief yells loud enough.”

“Then go meet with Xal and Inoran outside. Let them lead you to a big building. I’ll buy you time. I don’t want to leave those two alone with eight helpless succubi.”

“…Don’t you die, you hear? We need to find a way to thank you properly.”

“I have girls to return to. I’m not kicking the bucket here. Besides, I won’t be doing any of the fighting.”

‘Fucking finally.’

‘Remember it’s still my body. Be careful with it.’

‘Sure, but don’t be a baby for a bruise or two.’

“What do you mean you won’t be fighting?” Ariana asked. Then she noticed the change.


Ishtar quickly settled into Will’s body. The sense of urgency helped with the initial discomfort. She noticed how tense his shoulders were, so she made an effort to relax. He’d been doing a good job at keeping himself focused and calm, but Will wasn’t used to this sort of stress. Not that this was an everyday thing for Ishtar, but people had pointed knives at her before. Or at her hosts, rather.

“W-Wha…? What happened?” Ariana asked.

“Oh? You noticed? William is the host of this body. I’m Ishtar, a spirit that lives inside his head. We’re partners. Now, no time for chitchat. The others are coming, and not in the fun way. Get the girls out of here while I teach these sons of bitches not to deny pleasure from anyone. Do you mind if I steal your revenge?”

“I need a good fuck far more than I need to see these guys on the ground.”

“If I come back to an orgy, I’ll consider myself paid. However, there’s a human girl there called Nanami. No one there is allowed to touch her.”

“Be careful, okay? We need to find a way to thank you properly.”

“Sure, just go!”

“Okay boys, say goodbye to this shithole,” Ariana told her two oni. “Are you ready to leave?”

“Yes, Ms. Ariana!”

“We’ll follow you everywhere!”

“Good boys. I can’t wait to reward you when we have some time. Let’s go!”

Ishtar saw the four remaining oni coming out of another tunnel. She stood firm between them and the escaping succubi. One of the oni stood out from the others. He was huge. Not so much in height as in muscle mass. His skin was red, his tusks here bigger than the others and he had a big ass sword in his hand. It looked like those samurai swords, but it was a little too big to be one. It was at least twice the size of Will’s arm and about twice the width, too. In his hands, however, it looked proportionally fitting.

“What’s this? Do I spot a couple of traitors running away with our dolls back there? After all I’ve done for you two?” His voice was rough, low and menacing. He approached with unhurried steps, and Ishtar took a quick look back.

Ariana’s new friends had stopped moving.

“What are you doing!? Get out of here!” Ishtar yelled, and taking a page out of Will’s book, picked up three stones from the ground. Her aim was true, but the stones too small. They hit the oni walking behind the big one, who she assumed was the chief, but did so on the body. It seemed to have hurt, but didn’t hinder them at all.

Ariana clicked her tongue, but she made her tone sweet and inviting. “Alright boys, first one to get these girls to safety gets to pick any one of my holes.”

Their lust rose even more, to the point they probably couldn’t hear their chief anymore as they ran out the cave with eager steps and a creepily giddy giggle.

“WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING!? COME HERE THIS INSTANT YOU DAMN THRASH!” The chief’s voice boomed, but the very horny oni paid him no heed. They ran along with Ariana, successfully escaping the cave.

Now Ishtar had four very angry dudes running towards her, wielding swords and wooden clubs. She held into the knife Nanami had given Will and braced herself.


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