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William was left stunned by the realization. There were too many implications that he had no time to ponder on at the moment. Nevertheless, he needed to have an answer for her. Ishtar actively encouraged him to sleep with women, so her asking him not to do it with a succubus was something to consider carefully. She was adamant in her claims to be on his side, to help him get his harem in return for a steady flow of sustenance. She had even been there to support him when she didn’t need to be. A proper conversation would be needed after all this, but Will would be an idiot to ignore his partner’s plea.

“Tempting, but I’m not currently looking for new sex friends,” he told Ariana with a casual smile and a wave of his hand. “Besides, there are people you know waiting for your return.”

The disappointment was crystal clear on Ariana’s face. “Are you sure you want to refuse me? I’m being serious, you know? Have you ever had a succubus for a partner?”

Well, with all Will knew now, that was a very difficult question to answer. “I only just found out yesterday that you people existed at all. I don’t even doubt that you’re serious, but I’m sorry, I’m gonna have to decline your offer.”

Ariana sighed and shook her head. “A pity. If you ever change your mind, be sure to let me know. However, that means you can’t complain about what I’m about to do now.” Will raised an eyebrow as he watched Ariana step over the blue oni’s face, pushing his cheek with her heel. “Wake up, you oaf. You too, you brute,” she said, switching to shaking the red oni’s head with that same foot.

Will felt a short burst of sexual energy coming from her as she injected it into the oni. They opened their eyes and shook their heads, wincing and checking the back of their heads with their hands.

“What are you doing?” Will asked, tightening the grip on his knife.

“Getting us some extra hands,” Ariana said. She looked down at the two oni, and with a smile that was both intimidating and sexy, she spoke. “Well, hello my darlings. How are you this fine day?”

“Lady Ariana! Y-You’re free!” the blue oni said in a panic.

“Please, Lady Ariana, we need to tie you up again before the chief does something bad to you!” the red oni added, glancing over his shoulder towards the cave entrance in fear.

Ariana gently shushed them. “See here, boys, I’m feeling right as rain, and my girls and I have grown tired of this dull cave. We’ll be leaving now, but I have a little proposal for you.” Her smile widened, a fearsome mix of kind and sadistic. She pressed her foot against their cheeks, once more injecting a small amount of sexual energy into them that they didn’t seem to notice. “You have no place here, boys, and you know it. Getting scraps of food, always on guard duty, last to use us. Even now your friends are celebrating a good haul in the other room while you are supposed to be guarding the entrance. Doesn’t that frustrate you?”

The oni looked downcast, more depressed than angry.

“B-But if we don’t obey, the chief will beat us up again…” the blue oni said.

“Here’s where my proposal comes in.” Ariana leaned down, getting her face close to theirs as she gently traced her fingers over their jawlines. Adding to her already alluring presence, she was now exuding a particularly enticing smell that completely captured the oni’s attention. “Come with me, my darlings. Help us escape and I’ll make you both my cute little slaves. I’ll fuck you so good you’ll forget all about this miserable life. I know how bad you want me, and for your admirable loyalty, I will make you my personal toys. How about it?”

Will was taken aback. Was that how she was getting them ‘extra hands’? Was that supposed to sell them on the idea? She’d make them her slaves and treat them as her toys? The injections of sexual energy on them was more than likely helping her case. The idea made Will shudder. In the bad way.

‘Is this why you told me not to fuck her?’

‘What? No. You’re resistant enough to sexual energy that she wouldn’t be able to influence you, and she was being honest when she offered to submit to you. I just really don’t want you to fuck a succubus.’

‘You do realize we’re talking about your jealousy later, right?’

‘Damn good time you picked to learn to feel my emotions. Fine, we’ll talk, but later.’

The oni shared stunned expression, their jaws hanging before they turned back to Ariana. “Y-Yes! We’d love to!” they answered with excited, toothy smiles that Leo found just a little unsettling. Probably because of how big those teeth were.

‘I love happy endings.’

‘Nothing’s ending just yet. Can we trust those guys?’

‘They were already head-over-heels for her, their libido is off the charts and Ariana seems like a pretty capable dom. You can turn your back to them, and I’ll tell you if I sense a change in any of them.’

“If you guys are done, we need to free the rest of these girls,” Will said.

“You heard him, boys,” Ariana said, pointing to the tied up succubi with her chin. “Be gentle with them and I’ll be sure to reward you properly for your efforts.”

The oni stood up and got to work with the enthusiasm of a child who just got told Santa would be generous if they did their chores right. They undid the knots with surprising ease without even using a knife.

“They’re the ones who tied us up,” Ariana clarified. “They’re dumb, but they’re quite useful. I’ll be happy to take them with me.”

“And you trust them?”

“Not quite. Not yet.” Ariana smiled, putting a hand on her hip. “But right now I don’t need to trust them. I need them to be desperate enough to do as I say, and getting them to agree was far easier than I thought. Your handiwork, I’m guessing?”

Will shrugged.

The plan was going better than he expected. Giving Ariana her strength back had been a good choice. She brought two oni to their side, at least for the time being. Getting the succubi out would be far easier with their help.

But just as the oni were untying the last two girls, the voices coming from the other side of the cave got louder with laughter, and with them came clear footsteps. Rising lust oozed from just around the corner.

They’d been too slow.


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