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“How long are you going to keep touching my boobs for?”

“Until you tell me to stop. You want me to stop?”

“I didn’t say that.”

Leonardo and Reiko were properly dressed and simply snuggling together on her bed. Leo kept on mindlessly massaging Reiko’s tits as they did, and just as Leo liked to touch, Reiko liked to be touched. They could’ve stayed like that for longer if not for the fact Leo needed to go back home to make dinner.

“I’ll talk to Kaede tomorrow. The sooner the better, but it’s her turn with you tonight, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. I’ll try to talk to Valerie before retiring for the night, too.”

“Any special plans tonight?”

“Not particularly, but… Kaede has been wanting to try anal.”

“Ooooh. And you want to?”

“To try, at least, yeah. Why? Are you interested too?”

“Maybe. I’ll think about it.” Reiko let out a soft, but frustrated sigh. “Now you really do have to go, Leo. It’s getting late.”

“Are you kicking me out?” he jokingly pouted.

“Don’t be like that!” Reiko laughed. “One of us has to say it. If it were up to me we’d be doing far more than just some groping.”

“Alright, alright. I’ll go. I know when I’m not wanted anymore.”

It was Reiko’s turn to pout. “Do all people in South America share your mean sense of humor?”

“A little.” Leo grinned sheepishly. It had been too long since he’d felt comfortable enough to joke like that. He was afraid to offend people or give the wrong impression, but Reiko knew him well enough already. He finally did get his hands off Reiko and stood up from the bed.

“Maybe if things go well with Kaede tomorrow we’ll finally have our threesome.”

“One thing at a time, Reiko.”

“Right,” she chuckled. “Hey. One last kiss?”

Leo didn’t answer. He simply pulled her close and slid his tongue inside her mouth. Reiko moaned into him and held him tightly for a long, long while. Now it was her who didn’t want to let go. It was Leo’s turn to find the strength of will to pull away.

“Gah! Why can’t I just live with you?” she groaned. “I’d get to spend more time with you, Angela and Kaede.”

“Things can get pretty awkward in that house. Though I guess they’ve been alright lately.”

“Okay, I won’t stop you anymore. See you tomorrow?”

“Before or after you talk to Kaede?”


“Alright. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

They shared one last, quick peck on the lips before Leo left, stopping by the store to buy the things he needed before finally returning home.


When he arrived, he went into the dining room to be greeted by Angela, Valerie and Mrs. Wisler who were watching TV.

“What kept you?” Angela asked him. “I left the gym after you but got here first.”

“I had to talk to Reiko about something,” he answered, making Valerie flinch. Mrs. Wisler clearly caught it. “You all hungry?”

“Starving,” Angela groaned. “I was this close to go out and start looking for you.”

“Are the others here?” he asked.

“Lucia is reading in her room and Kaede is in the shower. Seina had some business at the radio station,” Mrs. Wisler told him.

“Hey show’s been getting pretty popular, huh?” Leo commented. “I actually started watching a couple of shows for her recommendations on them.”

“I think they want to give her more air time because of it.” Mrs. Wisler sighed. “When I went to get her, she was near the point of collapse. These were supposed to be her vacations. I hope she won’t start pushing herself too hard again.”

“Well, she has a big way to relieve stress now,” Angela casually said, shooting Leo a grin.

Mrs. Wisler chuckled. “Yes, there is that.”

Leo brought out his phone and sent Seina a quick message, asking her if she’d be home soon or if he should save her dinner. She answered quickly saying she’d try to make it but that she probably wouldn’t and to just leave her share in the fridge. Just like Mrs. Wisler, he hoped she wasn’t pushing herself.

Leo put on his blue apron and brought out his knives. He was about to start dinner when his eyes met Valerie’s. The redhead instinctively looked back to the TV, trying to act like nothing had happened. But again, that was impossible with Mrs. Wisler in the room. The old lady looked back and forth between them before she stood up from the table.

“The heat has made me crave some fresh, natural juice. I’m sure there’s a juicer in the shed we haven’t brought out yet. Angela, would you mind helping me look for it?”

“Ugh, fresh juice does sound nice. Okay, let’s go!” Oblivious to Mrs. Wisler’s true intentions, Angela followed the old lady to the backyard, leaving him alone with Valerie.

Might as well take the chance given to him. He took his knives and started chopping vegetables as he talked.

“I spoke to Reiko.”

Valerie pursed her lips, stood up from the table and across the counter, leaning on it. “How much did she tell you?”

“Not that much. That you’re making an honest attempt at accepting the situation and that you’re curious about more than just me.”

Valerie’s cheeks turned red as she looked down at the counter. “Curious is the right word. I have no idea what to feel in that area, but… I thought you two looked nice while doing it.”

Leo took in a deep breath. “Here’s my proposal. You decide how far you’re willing to go in order to try to understand and accept all this. I’ll go along with it. If you just want to go on casual dates, that’s fine. If you want to try going further, that’s good with me, too.”

“What if… What if I wanted to watch you doing it with someone in person?”

Leo was taken aback. “Are you sure? That seems a little too drastic.”

“It’s all or nothing. If I can stomach watching you fuck someone in front of me, then I don’t think I’d have to worry about much else. Reiko asked me how I felt knowing you could be doing it with anyone at any moment and… I think I grew used to that already. Watching the video shook me, though I still can’t say if it was in a good or a bad way. Let’s just skip all the pointless wondering and jump straight to the trial by fire.”

“Leo! What’s for dinner today?” Kaede’s sudden, cheerful voice made the atmosphere in the room incredibly awkward. So much so that even she noticed it, stopping by the door with an awkward and apologetic smile. “S-Sorry. Did I come at the wrong time?”

Leo had an idea. “No. Your timing couldn’t have been better, actually.” He set his knife aside and looked at Valerie. “This is what you’re asking to watch.” Both girls watched him stride boldly up to Kaede, close the sliding door and then suddenly plant a deep kiss on her lips. But that wouldn’t be enough to get his point across, so he slid his hands under her skirt and firmly groped her butt as he pulled her closer to him.

Kaede moaned in a mix of excitement and pure confusion. Her eyes turned to Valerie for a moment, but the excitement of suddenly being kissed and groped made her want to go with the flow. She wrapped her arms around Leo’s neck and rolled her tongue around his, making soft, wet sounds that echoed in the abrupt silence of the room.

Leo didn’t turn to look at Valerie. It was drastic, but this was only a small taste of what she was asking for. His mind kept telling him that if she couldn’t handle this, it would be for the best. She’d probably be hurt, but they’d stop before it became something worse. And yet… his heart truly hoped seeing this would reaffirm her desire to keep trying to accept his wish.

One of his hands left Kaede’s butt cheek and moved to fondle her breast, feeling her nipple hardening over her bra and her shirt. For a moment Leo thought he’d have to apologize to her for dragging her into this, but it turned out Kaede was thoroughly enjoying it. No, he should apologize anyway.

Hearing steps finally made him open his eyes and turn them to Valerie. She had taken a seat at the table, propping her chin on her hand and watching calmly and carefully. Her expression was resolute and unflinching, almost daring him to go further if he wanted to test her.

Leo pulled away from his kiss with Kaede and sighed. The poor girl was in a daze and had to blink several times to come back to the real world.

“What… What’s going on?” she asked.

“I have a huge favor to ask you,” Leo told her, still holding her close. “Would you let Valerie watch us do it tonight?”

It took a long moment for the question to settle in on her dazzled mind. “Watch us…? Y-You mean…!!?” She turned her head to Valerie in a panic, but what she saw only confirmed Leo’s words.

Valerie put her palms together and lowered her head. “Please, Kaede! It would mean the world to me! I need this to answer some questions that are driving me insane! I promise I’ll make it up to you somehow, and I won’t tell anyone of what I see, not even Reiko!”

Kaede kept looking back and forth between Valerie and Leo, as if hoping that at one point either of them would crack and reveal it was all just a prank. When both of them remained silent, Kaede was forced to accept they were serious.

“C-Can I at least know what this is all about?” she asked.

“Can you fill her in?” Leo asked Valerie.

“It’s only fair.”

Leo kissed Kaede’s forehead before he returned to the kitchen while she and Valerie spoke at the table. The redhead told Kaede everything, from her being interested in Leo, to speaking about jealousy with Victoria and Reiko, to even her passing interest in the female figure. That last tidbit, surprisingly, was the only one that made Kaede a bit uncomfortable.

“I’m not the best with social cues, so forgive me if I got this wrong, but… are you saying you… like me?”

Valerie bit her lip and frowned. “I do think you’re really cute, but I wouldn’t be able to say more. I’m too confused. I’m mainly asking to see if I can handle seeing Leo with other women. Does it not bother you that you’re not his only girl?”

That made Leo’s ears perk up, even as he continued to work on the food by sir-frying the finely chopped vegetables.

“…Not really. But my situation might be… special.”

“How so?”

“Leo, act like you’re not here, okay?” Kaede told him.

“I can’t hear you over the sound of the pan,” he answered.

Kaede took a deep breath and started. “Of course, there’s the fact I approached Leo knowing full well he was already sleeping with Reiko and others. Reiko was the one who encouraged me to try, telling me I shouldn’t be afraid to try to get what I wanted. Since then, Leo and I have been getting to know each other and testing limits. Turns out… I actually love our dynamic.”

Valerie swallowed in anticipation. “Which is…?”

Kaede’s face was beet red. She pursed her lips, too embarrassed to let the words out. Be it by cruelty, curiosity, ignorance or any combination of those, Valerie remained expectant for an answer. And with Kaede being as weak to social pressure as she was…

“Grossly oversimplifying it, I’m… his… w-willing sex doll…”

Leo winced. Hearing her say it out loud to someone else made him feel like a terrible person, even if their relationship was a lot healthier than that made it sound.

“E-Excuse me?” Valerie asked, jaw dropping.

“It’s not just that, okay!?” Kaede quickly added. “He doesn’t actually treat me like a toy! We just… like to play that I am.”

“Leo?” Valerie asked, turning to him.

“I’m not here!” he quickly answered with his back to them.

“L-Look, this was my idea, okay? I pushed for it!” Kaede continued. “I don’t know why, but I like it this way. I don’t understand it well myself, but it gets me stupidly excited and I love it. And then I think that everyone else is feeling something similar, even if it’s triggered by something different. Reiko, Angela, Lucia-san, Seina-san… They are all feeling as excited and as satisfied as I do. I’ve never been happier than I am now, and when I think that Leo is making other people feel like this… I just can’t seem to get mad. The opposite, actually.”

Leo swallowed, trying to get rid of the knot in his throat. He could almost cry at Kaede’s words.

“Well, shit,” Valerie chuckled tiredly. “You’re ten times the person I’ll ever be.”

“Eh? W-What are you talking about?” Kaede asked, now looking confused and inadequate.

“Nothing. I’m just continuing to regret not having learned Japanese earlier to speak to you all. Sorry to make you admit those embarrassing things, but it’s helped, for real. More than I thought, even.”

Kaede bit her lip. “So… do you really want to watch us tonight?”

“Yeah, but not if you’re too seriously against it.”

“…Alright. You can watch. To be honest, when Leo kissed me just now in front of you… It felt even better than usual.”

Valerie chuckled and shook her head. “You and Reiko are a couple of freaks, aren’t you? No wonder you get along so well.”

“T-There’s nothing wrong with being a bit freaky, okay?”

“Seems that way. You’re both having a far better time than I am, that’s for sure.”

That seemed to settle it then. Leo and Kaede would have their night as usual, only now they’d have an audience. He would’ve been excited if he wasn’t so worried about the possible consequences.


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