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William kept a close eye on the two incubi in the room while Ishtar took care to watch the other four standing guard on the other floors. These guys might have fed yesterday, but it was barely enough to keep them going a little longer. Their lust was strong enough that Will could also sense it with his newfound perception and Ishtar had little issue knowing where the other four were in the building from their signals alone.

The reason Will was so on guard was because there was a very cute woman among them all who was now putting proper bandages around Azazel’s waist. Nanami was naively focused on her task, not paying attention to the restrain the other two incubi in the room had to employ. It was no different than displaying a delicious plate of gourmet food in front of a starving man. Will hadn’t warned them not to touch her, he’d kept silent, deciding to take the opportunity to watch their reactions.

They wanted her, but had the clarity of mind not to attempt anything, not even a polite offer or request. Nanami wasn’t ‘marked’, like Reina and Ruth. She wasn’t Will’s woman in any sense. At most, there was a promise of cooperation and a date as Will’s reward for helping, but nothing was set in stone. If Nanami chose of her own free will to sleep with any of them… or however many of them, Will had no grounds to stop it. Didn’t mean he was okay with it.

The incubi seemed instinctually aware of that, and he wondered if that was the cause of their restrain. How much were their actions driven by their instincts and needs? Will didn’t want to admit it, but could somewhat understand. He had a small taste of what it felt like to go without sex for a few days back when he was fighting with Ishtar. It had left him weak enough to drive him to illness.

Nanami was oblivious to it all, incredibly enough. “Alright, all done,” she said, putting the finishing touches on Azazel’s bandages. “Try not to move too much or you’ll start bleeding again.”

“Thank you, Ms. Nanami,” Azazel said with a light bow and a faint grimace. “I’ll refrain from saying more. I believe our common courtesy would not align well with yours.”

“Nanami, I have a favor to ask you,” Will said. “Can you go around the building looking for bottles of liquor? The stronger the better.”

“Mm? Sure, but why?”

“I might have a plan, but I want to discuss the details with Azazel first.”

“Okay, I’ll go look. But tell me the plan later, okay? Don’t keep me in the dark!”

“I won’t, I promise.” Will nodded and watched the Asian girl walk out of the apartment.

‘Don’t worry. If the others try anything, I’ll know.’


Will turned to Azazel with a small frown and decided to be upfront with him now that Nanami was gone. “Why haven’t you tried anything on her? Are you that scared of me?”

The incubus behind Azazel tensed, but the acting chief smiled. “That’s only a small part of it, Lord William. I deeply regret that your first impression of us is such a loathsome one, but I can hardly blame you. Despite what you may believe, however, we are not animals. Are humans so different to us that they do not commit acts of desperation and emotion they come to later regret?”

“…” Will had to stop himself from clicking his tongue. Ishtar’s meddling last night left him with very clear memories of some such acts.

“We’re trying to do what we can to survive, but that doesn’t mean we enjoy it. None of us gets off to rape, and seeing how uncomfortable your girlfriends were when putting on a show for us left my brothers with a sour aftertaste. But we had. No. choice. It was that or death, and I’m sure you can tell I’m very much near it myself. When I close my eyes I sometimes see my three favorite girls. Mana, Jess, Cery… I don’t even know if they’re alive, and much less if it’d be for the best if they aren’t. I crave their warmth, to hear their moans. I won’t ask for your forgiveness, but you’re the only hope we have left to return to a semblance of the life we had before.”

Will heard him and sighed. He understood. He understood but still his heart didn’t want to forgive. It didn’t matter, anyway. He’d help not for them, but for Ishtar. She felt something of a connection with them, or could at the very least relate and empathize. He didn’t need any more, but there were still things he could get out of all this.

“Once you’re all healthier, I want you to help me find the woman I’m looking for.”

“To that, I swear on Lady Inanna’s name,” Azazel said solemnly.


‘Oh? Sound familiar?

‘Yes, but… Why?’

“Who’s Lady Inanna?” Will asked.

Azazel and the incubus behind him grimaced. “Our late queen, our late protector, our late goddess. It is due to her passing that the land is in such a deplorable state.”

‘That ring any bells?’

‘…No. Dammit, why do I feel like I’ve heard that name before? Never mind, continue with preparations. Let’s get this over with as quickly as we can.’


“Alright, listen to me,” Will began. “I have an idea, but I need your input to see if it’s feasible.”

Azazel nodded. “What do you have in mind?”

Will stood up, went to the counter in the kitchen where he’d left a bottle of vodka and poured some of it in a small glass. “I want to get the oni drunk.”

Azazel and the other incubus’ eyes widened. “That’s…!”

“Have either of you ever tried alcohol? Would you say this is strong enough to get them drunk?”

The healthy…er incubus accepted the glass from Will and took a sip. He immediately winced and started coughing. “W-What is this!? I… I’ve had beer before, but this is…”

“Is that a yes, then?”

“Hard to say,” Azazel said. “This kind of liquor is unknown to us, but the oni aren’t from these lands. That said, with enough bottles if this… We could take advantage of their inebriated states and seize victory.”

Will nodded. “That’s exactly what I’m thinking. Now, can you think of any way to make them drinking it without them knowing?”

Azazel remained silent for a long moment before he turned back to Will. “No. If we could sneak it into their water supply, then maybe, but we’d have to risk too much. Not to mention the alcohol would be diluted and make the water taste strange, possibly alerting them. However…” Azazel allowed himself a grin. “I can think of a way to get them to drink it willingly.”


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