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Author's Note: Edited a paragraph (shown in bold) to clear something up that had somehow slipped my mind.


Remembering Kaede wanted to talk to him about something, Leonardo headed directly to her room when they got back home. He knocked on the door and announced himself.

“Come in!” Kaede said from inside.

Leo stepped in and saw her sitting on her desk, just closing down a notebook. He shut the door behind him while she walked up to him. She had already changed from her school uniform, now wearing some light shorts and a pink t-shirt for lounging around the house.

“How did today go?” Kaede asked.

“I got beat up by Valerie,” Leo said, moving his hand to gently caress Kaede’s cheek. His thumb brushed her lips, and she made no move to stop him or pull away. “She and Angela are getting terrifyingly strong.”

“You look fine, though,” she chuckled.

“I’m getting stronger too,” Leo playfully boasted. Meanwhile, Kaede stuck out her tongue, licking and sucking on Leo’s thumb as she kept eye contact with him. He let her do that for a good moment before he continued. “You wanted to tell me something, right?”

“Oh!” She turned around and went to her desk, grabbing the notebook on the table. Leo sat down on her bed, patted his lap and Kaede sat on it. “Y-You have to promise not to laugh.”

Leo raised an eyebrow. “Okay?”

“I… I want your opinion on something.” She handed him the notebook and Leo opened it. Inside, he found something quite interesting. It was a comic. A very, very, very, very rough draft of one with stick figures for characters.

Leo started reading. It was a short story about a man with a lot of money who everybody hated. He became so lonely because of it he ended up spending a stupid amount of money on five top quality silicone sex dolls. One day, all five sex dolls come to life. The man was no longer lonely because the sex dolls were loyal to him, but he became scared that they would leave him just like everyone else did. That gave the man the push he needed to improve himself and be a better person towards everyone else. The concept was a little out there, but it was surprisingly coherent. There were also copious amounts of sex scenes that didn’t live up to their potential since they were stick figures. It made Leo wonder, what if Reiko were to draw this story in her style?

Oh shit.

He turned to Kaede with wide eyes, seeing her smiling shyly in return. “Figured it out already, did you?” she giggled.

“You want to work on this with Reiko?” he asked, purely for confirmation.

Kaede nodded. “Remember that manga I bought on our first date? The one about an artist-writer duo making manga? I got hooked and ended up reading the rest online. It… it got me thinking that creating stories was really cool and that I wished I could draw manga. Then… I remembered Reiko likes to draw erotic stuff, and that topic has certainly been in my mind a lot these days, so…”

Leo frowned and started giving the story another quick read. There were a few parts that sounded a bit forced, some characters that were a little too one-note for their role, but otherwise it was a compelling story about a man learning a lesson.

“Do it,” Leo nodded. “Show it to her.”

“R-Really!?” Kaede’s face lit up with the brightest smile. “Y-You mean it’s good?”

“Yeah. It’s interesting to read, and just imagining this with Reiko’s artwork makes me look forward to it. Is this your first time writing?”

“I had to write some short stories for school, but nothing particularly fancy. I just did enough to get a perfect grade. This… This is the first time I’ve gotten excited over writing something. This is my fifth attempt at the same story. You could call it my fifth draft.”

“You’ve been working on it a lot, then,” Leo realized.

“For a month, yes,” Kaede nodded.

“Then you really have to show this to her. Reiko has been improving her art a lot, but she mostly sticks to single pieces these days. I think she’ll enjoy working with you.”

“O-Okay! I’ll show it to her!” Kaede was restlessly giddy on Leo’s lap, trying hard to contain her excitement.

“That said, this topic about sex dolls…” Leo said, turning to Kaede with a teasing grin as he casually fondled her bare thigh. “Where did you get the inspiration for it, I wonder?”

“W-Well, you know,” Kaede laughed awkwardly. “Like I said, certain things have been in my mind a lot these days.”

“Oh yeah? Like what?” he asked. Then he started planting kisses on her boobs, waiting for her nipples to get harder for him to gently nibble one through her t-shirt and bra.

“Mmm!” Kaede shuddered and held firmly onto Leo’s shoulders. “Like the other day, when you dragged me into the bathroom to have a shower with you. And that night we were coming back from the store and you fondled my butt all the way home.”

“You’ve been getting pretty daring, haven’t you?” Leo said, sneaking a hand inside her shorts and lightly pressing the wet spot on her panties.

“Look who’s talking,” Kaede grinned. “You barely even ask my permission anymore.”

“I know you like it.”

“Always the selfless one, aren’t you?” she teased. “I bet you hate what you’re doing right now.”

“Yup. Disgusts me.”

Leo lifted Kaede’s t-shirt, pulled down her bra and started sucking on her nipple. He moved her panties aside and inserted two fingers inside her pussy. Kaede moaned louder and thrust her chest closer to Leo’s face. By now, he not only had the Book of Eros’ help that made his partners feel better, but he also knew Kaede’s weak spots. His fingers effortlessly found them and attacked them, quickly sending Kaede into an intense orgasm.

“Hhhnnng!!!” She shook on his lap, throwing her head back. He waited for her to relax a bit, and she turned to look deeply into his eyes. “Haah. Leo…! Let me… Let me make you come, too…”

“I have to go make dinner,” he said, kissing her cleavage.

“It’s not fair,” she pouted. “You always do this.”

“You’re just too cute. I can’t help myself.” He pulled her into a kiss, slipping his tongue inside her mouth. Kaede embraced him tightly and kissed him back.

Doing this was satisfying in a very different way that outright getting off. Leo could play with Kaede as much as he wanted, and she genuinely loved every minute of it. There had been times when she had been truly uncomfortable, like when he’d tried to sneakily fondle her at school. It had taken some time to gauge each other’s limits, and it was still a work in progress, but when in private like this, Kaede was pretty much at his mercy, and by the goddess, he loved it.

“Summer vacation is right around the corner,” she said. “It’s the first time I look forward to it this much.”

“Oh? Have any plans?” he asked.

“Working with Reiko, if she accepts,” Kaede nodded. “And having you do lots of lewd things to me, too.”

“What a coincidence. That was part of my plans as well.” Leo grinned and gave her nipples a little pinch.

“Leo, I was wondering if… You’d like to…” Kaede took a deep breath and leaned forward, close to Leo’s ear and whispered. “I was wondering when you’ll use your little sex doll’s ass? I’ve been wanting to try it. Won’t you fuck me there next, please?”

Anal? Leo had been avoiding it, but not because he didn’t want to try. He was wary of the Gifts in the Book of Eros. He very nearly got another one by accident when doing it with Kaede and making her come twice in under ten minutes, but that hadn’t triggered a Gift like it had with Lucia and Seina. Maybe the hidden conditions for Kaede’s Gift were different? There were also Gifts in there that involved anal, and he didn’t want to accidentally trigger too many of them and find himself in a week of pain again. However, it had been over two months since he last got a Gift. His body should’ve acclimated by now, so he should be safe. Maybe it really was time to try anal? He would admit to be curious.

“Very well. I’ll play with my cute Kaede’s little asshole next time,” he whispered back.

There was a small silence between them before the two began chuckling and laughing.

“How can you say that with a straight face?” Kaede asked, lightly shoving Leo’s shoulder.

“Says you! You started it. I just went along with it.”

“Yeah, but I was super embarrassed!”

“You didn’t look it. You’re totally having fun with this.”

“Sure, it’s fun, but when I take a step back and notice the things we’re saying… Imagine someone heard us! It’d be mortifying!”

“Oh please, there’s always someone doing something bolder. What matters is that we’re both comfortable, right?”

Kaede giggled. “Right. And yeah, I am having fun.” She leaned in again and kissed Leo’s cheek. “I was serious though. I do want to try anal.”

Leo nodded. “We’ll have to try it little by little.”

“Okay.” Kaede took another deep breath. “Thanks.”

“Always. Now, I really do have to make dinner.”

“…Whose turn is it tonight?”

“Angela.” Kaede pursed her lips, making Leo sigh. “She won’t bite you, you know? You can talk to her.”

“We’re just too different.”

“So? She and Reiko get along rather well.”

“Reiko says otherwise, but she’s a social butterfly when she wants to be.”

“Okay, I’ll give you that,” Leo admitted. “Still, Kaede. You’re friends with Reiko, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be friends with anyone else. Don’t you get along with Seina and Lucia, too?”

“A little,” Kaede nodded. “But they’re a lot older.”

“Doesn’t matter. Lucia has been trying to make amends with you. How things go from there is up to you. Relationships go both ways.”

“Fine, I’ll try harder.”

Leo smiled, gave Kaede one last kiss and had her get off his lap before he stood up. “It’s fine to go one step at a time. You don’t need to rush.”

The rest of the evening went on as usual. Leo made dinner and they all ate together while making conversation. One thing did catch Leo’s attention, though. A short exchange between mother and daughter.

“By the way, Lucia, I’ve already spoken to the people in charge. Your appointment is this Friday. Be sure to arrive on time.”

“Please, mother, when have I been late for anything? I won’t make you look bad, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“Oh, I’m worried about plenty of things, dear, but that’s not one of them.”

That was over as soon as it began. The next topic came up so soon Leo didn’t have time to ask what it was all about. Seina was in charge of the dishes, so Leo retired to his room with  a rather stiff looking Angela.

“Hey Leo,” she started once he closed his door. She had her back to him, trying to look aloof but unable to hide her hesitance. “Don’t you get bored of the routine?”

“Mm? What do you mean?”

“I’ve just been thinking, you know? There’s school in the morning, gym or work in the afternoon, making diner at home, sex with us, sleep and repeat. I get kind of worried that you see a night with me as… a chore.”

Leo sighed, smiled and went to hug Angela from behind. “What brought this up?”

“…You went directly to Kaede’s room after we came home. You’ve been having a lot of fun with her, right?”

Leo nodded calmly. “I have.”

“You’d rather spend tonight with her?”

“Nope,” Leo answered just as easily. “I thought you knew me better than this by now. I like having a routine. I look forward to these nights. I wouldn’t give up a night with you for a night with Kaede. The reverse is also true though. Now, a night with you AND Kaede is another matter.”

That earned him a playful elbow on the ribs. “You fucking playboy,” Angela said, turning around and wrapping her arms around his neck. “I hate you so much.”

“Why?” Leo asked, kissing her neck. “What did I do?”

“I wouldn’t need to think about useless stuff if I didn’t like you this much.”

“Angela, just because you broke up with me doesn’t mean I like you any less than I did before.”

“I know,” she admitted, body relaxing. “And I also know you like the others, too.”

Leo nodded. He wouldn’t hide it.

Angela groaned, shook her head and Leo saw in her face that she had made up her mind. “Fine, I’ll prove to you how much I like you. I have a proposal.”

Leo raised an eyebrow. “Angela?”

“Leo, would you like to have a threesome with Victoria and me?”


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