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Hello everyone. I hope you're all doing well.

I've been very silent lately, and that's simply because I don't have much to say. The writing process isn't particularly exciting, so the best way to keep you updated on how things are going is to release chapters like always. Sometimes I'd like to do something like a post detailing future ideas or where certain plotlines will be heading, but doing that either locks me in on something I've "promised" or creates false expectations if I decide to not run with it.

That said, I do have one small little thing to tell you.

During my free time, I've been working on another project. By free time I mean an hour or two during a weekend or such. This project is another branch for Spirit of Lust, going for a very different vibe than the current branch since that was turned into something heavier.

I needed something wholesome, lighter and easy to write, so I started this second branch with a protagonist with deep social anxiety that gets possessed by a weak spirit of lust. For me it's been extremely fun to write, though like always I question how good the story itself is, since it's a fuckton of silly wish fulfilment.  What I can say, however, is that it's the closest I've gotten to feeling as I did when I was writing The Affection Multiplier.

I think I'm going to keep working on it for longer and see where it goes before I make any promises to show it here. I started writing another idea I had and when i was 3k words in I realized the idea sucked and there was no story in there.

As always, thank you all so very much for your support, new and old patreons alike. Things have been hectic for me, but I'll do my best to stick to the schedule as best I can.

I wish you all a great rest of the week!


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