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Leonardo was startled when Reiko rushed into the living room and jumped at him for a powerful hug, or at least as powerful as his petite girlfriend was capable of. After the initial surprise though, he was more than happy to hug her back, enjoying and basking on her presence.

“I made you worry, didn’t I?” he asked.

“If I do badly in the exams it’s your fault,” she pouted, hiding her face in his shoulder.

“Okay,” he chuckled. “How can I pay you back?”

“Take me out to eat ramen!” Reiko said, now showing a beautifully bright and excited smile. “And no, I don’t want you to make it, I want to go to a place I like!”

“It’s a date, then,” he nodded easily, but as he muttered the word ‘date’, he regretted it immediately. Leo glanced to the group of women sitting at the table, dread crawling up his back. And yet he was surprised to see that there was no negative reaction. He had to blink several times and make sure he was reading their expressions correctly. Yep, not a hint of jealousy or bitterness in their faces. But instead of that…

“Oh? Are you taking Reiko on a date?” Lucia asked with an innocent smile that hid serious mischievous intentions. “If so, then I want you to take me on a date as well.”

The whole room collectively flinched. So it wasn’t just Leo…

“Wow. She actually said it,” Angela muttered, sounding amused.

“I don’t think it’s unreasonable, is it?” Lucia said dismissingly, waving her hand around. “We’re just bonding is all.”

“Then I think I’d like to go on a date with Leo as well,” Seina said, walking into the living room all dressed, fresh out of the shower and with her make up on. “Good morning, Reiko-chan.”

“Saina-san! Good morning!” Reiko greeted enthusiastically. Strangely so, actually. Seriously, what did Leo miss?

“Okay, so that’s what we’re doing?” Angela asked, nodding to herself. “Okay then Leo, we’re going on a date too.”

“Figured,” he chuckled. “So long as you don’t have any issues, then I’m more than up for it.”

“Is that so?” Mrs. Wisler mused. “Kaede-chan, Valerie-chan, you two should go on a date with Leonardo as well.”

“W-W-Whaaaaaa!?” Kaede’s face was turning a deep red color. “M-Me? A date!? B-But…” Kaede started fidgeting in place, unsure of what to answer.

On her part, Valerie frowned and looked around the room. “And suddenly you’re all okay with this?” she muttered to herself in Spanish. “I don’t get it.”

“Anyway, let’s eat,” Mrs. Wisler urged. “We don’t want the food getting cold, do we?”

“Ah! Sorry for the intrusion,” Reiko said, bowing politely but taking a seat at the table regardless.

Leo poured the miso soup for everyone and sat down between Reiko and Angela.

“Thanks for the food,” everyone said before reaching for their chopsticks and starting to eat. And the moment they had food in their mouth, they all let out some sort of moan or sigh of content.

“Mmm! Yes, this is definitely better!” Seina said, nodding repeatedly.

“It’s true what they say,” Lucia said, shaking her head. “You don’t know what you have until you’ve lost it.”

Leo had to do a double take to make sure he was seeing things right. Lucia was seriously enjoying his food, smiling as she ate. She really, really was. We’re talking about the same woman who said he wasn’t anything special.

Angela didn’t say anything. She was too busy stuffing her mouth. Reiko, Valerie and Kaede were also eating with great gusto. It was a surprising reaction, and it disturbed Leo a bit.

“You see, Leonardo,” Mrs. Wisler started, holding back her laughter. “The girls here had to learn the hard way that cooking is not as simple as it may first seem.”


“They took turns making breakfast and dinner all week,” the old lady explained. “Results varied, but…”

“Our best home meal was Valerie’s pasta with Bolognese sauce,” Angela admitted with a sad sigh.

Leo looked to the girl in question with curiosity.

“They just shot too high,” Valerie explained. “They tried to make things they don’t have the skills for. Except for Kaede. She just put rice in the rice cooker and frozen hamburgers in the oven. It was alright.”

“…How do you all feed yourselves?” Leo asked, 100% serious and baffled.

“Money,” Lucia answered shamelessly.

“Yeah, that,” Seina admitted, embarrassed.

“M-My mom cooks at home,” Kaede said.

“Same,” Angela said, shrugging.

“My dad cooks,” Valerie said.

“I…” Leo swallowed his comments. Everyone’s situation and upbringing is different. It just so happened that life took him in a direction where he found himself wanting to make better food. Not everyone had to be like that.


“Why didn’t you just order food, then?” Reiko asked them.

“This old hag wouldn’t let us,” Lucia said, shooting her mother a glare. Mrs. Wisler took it in stride and simply kept eating with a smile on her face.

“Hoho. You really are a great cook, Leonardo.”

The man sighed. “…Thank you very much.”


Leo returned to his room with Reiko after breakfast, leaving Angela and Kaede to do the dishes.

“I’m so glad to see you’re doing well,” Reiko said, hugging him close again.

“Sorry. It was all because of a screw up on my part.”

“Mrs. Wisler said something about it, but didn’t elaborate much.”

Leo took the Book of Eros and sat down on the floor. Reiko moved to sit on his lap with her back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her stomach and explained it all to her. He told her how his date with Victoria went, something she listened to with great interest. He told her how the overload of sexual energy had caused him to linger in a state between pain and unconsciousness. And he told her how he had woken up that morning and built a makeshift shrine to the forgotten deity.

“So yeah,” he said with an embarrassed smile. “This happened because I got too excited and forgot Aizen-Myo’s warnings. I’ve made peace with her, though, so that’s good.”

“Yeah, I haven’t heard of any shrines to her in the island. I’ll help you build a better one, so just call me.”

“Okay,” Leo said. Her eagerness to assist never failed to warm his heart. He ended up resting his chin on her shoulder.

“I missed this, you know?” Reiko said, leaning back on him more and squeezing his hand. “Just being like this with you. I like it.”

“I do too,” he agreed. “I don’t mean anything bad against the others, but… I feel like I can seriously relax when I’m with you.”

“That’s because I’m okay with your cheating,” she teased him with a grin.

“You think that’s it?” he asked, laughing along.

“Leo,” she started, turning her neck to look back at him directly. “Remember what I said when we first became friends? How my parents won’t let me become friends with people from our school?”

“I do.”

“They’re still acting like that, and I hate it,” she said, pursing her lips in frustration for a moment. But then she smiled. “But even so, thanks to you being here, I don’t feel lonely anymore. I have you, I have Angela and Kaede, too, and I never thought I’d get to meet Seina Miryoku in person,” she giggled.

“You know her?” Leo asked, interested.

“Of course I do! She voiced a character I loved in a show from last season. I was ashamed I didn’t recognize her voice when we first met.”

“And you didn’t recognize her for her looks? She’s been in many magazines, I hear.”

“I don’t pay attention to magazines.”

“Huh. I guess that’s fair.”

“My point is, Leo, that I’m really grateful for having met you and the others. I like you, I really do, and I know that even if I’m okay with you being with other women, that’s not necessarily the case for the others, right?” Silently, Leo nodded. “I don’t really know what I can do, but I wanted to tell you to count on my support, alright?”

“Seriously, what did I do to deserve you?” Leo chuckled, hugging Reiko closer.

She leaned in for a kiss, and he was all too happy to oblige. The simple act of their lips brushing made Leo shiver in anticipation, but their tongues meeting made his body heat up instantly. These were the effects of the new Gift, and Leo couldn’t deny he was liking it more than he thought he would.

He moved his hand from Reiko’s stomach to her breast, giving it a gentle squeeze that still made her shudder and let out cute, sexy whimpers.

“Is it okay?” she asked. “Can we?”

“I want to. Do you?”

Her answer was to turn around, sitting on his lap while facing him. She kissed him again, unbuttoning her blouse as she did. “I was so worried about you I couldn’t even masturbate,” she admitted with a shy giggle, “so I’m a little pent up.”

Leo unhooked her bra, letting it fall and grasping Reiko’s soft breasts as they made out. “Want to get the futon out?”

“Just do me standing.”

The couple stood up and Reiko put her hands against the wall, presenting her ass to Leo. He lowered her pants along with her underwear, running a teasing finger long her wet slit after he did. He kneeled down, firmly grabbed her ass and started eating her out, much to his girlfriend’s surprise.

“O-Oh! Mmm! L-Leo!”


“Don’t say that! It’s embarrassing.”

“We’ve done worse,” he laughed. “No use getting embarrassed over that.”

Reiko’s legs shook as Leo ran his tongue along her slit and inside her pussy. After getting a blowjob from Seina, he had a better idea of what Reiko was feeling. Why wouldn’t he want her to experience it?

“Leo…! I’m gonna come…!” she gasped. Leo only increased his efforts, bringing Reiko to an intense first climax. “Oh… Oh god…”

“Ready for more?”

“Please,” she nodded.

Leo stood up, lined up his cock with her pussy and slowly sheathed himself inside her. He relished in the intense warmth, the tightness, the connection. He groped her tits again, fingers playing with her hard nipples to let her feel even better.

“Mmm…! I think I might just come again,” she moaned.

Leo moved his hips, his dick reaching deep inside Reiko’s womb. She tried to hold her moans, but she was feeling too good. And he was, too. His body burned with a new kind of pleasure, one that made him want to stay like this for a long time. He kept thrusting into Reiko, slowly and gently. Right now, he didn’t need to get rough with her to feel such a high. He just wanted this to last.

Then a knock on the door startled them both.

“Leo? Sorry to bother you. Is Reiko here with you?” came Kaede’s faint voice. She sounded meek, like she was afraid to be interrupting something, which… she was.

The two lovers shared a look. What should they do? Should Leo deny that Reiko was in his room to avoid any awkwardness? Should he just say they were busy? Should they just keep quiet? The look on Reiko’s face said she had an idea, but she wasn’t very happy with it.

“Let’s pretend we didn’t hear her,” she whispered, frowning guiltily. “Trust me?”

“How can I not if you ask?”

Leo continued his thrusts as if nothing had happened, only this time Reiko wasn’t completely holding back her voice.

“Leo…! Leo…! Yes…! I love you!”

He had no doubt that Kaede could hear her from outside the door. He knew Reiko wasn’t comfortable with what she was doing, but couldn’t guess her exact intentions. Nevertheless, she asked him to trust her, so he did.

Leo pulled out, turned Reiko around and pushed her against the wall. He lifted her in his arms and she wrapped her legs around him. They made out loudly as he kept fucking her, bringing her to orgasm after orgasm until he finally reached his own. He let out his load inside Reiko’s pussy, the climax feeling even better and even lasting longer than it used to.

They didn’t hear Kaede behind the door anymore, so Leo assumed she heard them and left.

“What was that about?” he asked.

“Leave her to me, okay?” Reiko said, gasping for air. “We’ve gotten close, and I think it’s near time she got out of her shell.”

“Are you sure you’re not pushing her too much?”

“No,” Reiko admitted. “But I want to do something to help her. I don’t know if being with you will be the help she needs, but I know from experience she can’t keep doing nothing.”

“Alright, I’ll trust you. But for now… shall we go again?”

“Yes please.”


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