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She was supposed to go on a date with him tonight, so when Reina got a call from him that afternoon, she expected it to be to confirm things or something. It wasn’t. William called to cancel their date, but not their meeting. He said he had something serious to tell her, and asked if they could still get together somewhere private. Reina told him she’d go to his house.

On the way there, she kept wondering what this serious thing could be about. Had something happened with Ruth on their date yesterday? Or was it unrelated to the women around him? She had no clue at all, so she didn’t know what to expect.

But never in a hundred years would she have expected to hear him tell such a story. Sitting on his couch, she stared blankly at her knees while trying to process everything. The only reason she could think of for him to come up with that outlandish story was to excuse his playboy nature, but considering she had accepted it already, he had nothing to excuse, and certainly not by saying he was possessed by a lustful ghost.

As she let that sink in, relating it to the ways he acted, William told her of what had happened last night. That he had gotten into a fight with someone he knew on behalf of Mrs. Evan’s husband, that a woman had followed him and told him all these things about the supernatural, and that Ruth had apparently heard everything.

“I would’ve liked for you to be the first one to find out,” he told her. “But I won’t deny that it’s also possible that if this hadn’t happened, I would’ve taken this with me to the grave.”

“So…” Reina swallowed, her chest feeling heavy and her head cloudy. “You’re saying the reason I feel the way I do…”

“Mostly because of Ishtar’s powers, yeah,” he nodded with a firm, neutral look. “We used her powers on you to make you horny, to make sex feel ever better for you.”

Reina wasn’t an inexperienced little girl. She’d had boyfriends before William and experienced many times what sex was. Sometimes bad, sometimes great. But not even the best sex she ever had came close to what she experienced with William. Pleasure that numbed her mind, orgasm after orgasm that made her burn white with ecstasy. She knew from their first time together that it wasn’t normal sex.

“I… I need time, Will,” she said, standing up from the couch. “I’ll get back to you, I promise. But I just… don’t know. I don’t know if I believe you. I don’t know if I SHOULD believe you. I… I need to think. I need to be on my own,” she insisted.

He nodded, agreeing with surprising ease that made her chest tighten with worry. A quick, passing thought that perhaps he was okay with her leaving him crossed her mind. She was just one woman. He could have anyone.

“Take all the time you need,” he said with a small smile. “When we got together, we made everything clear. I rejected you at first because I was scared of another relationship, but also because I was scared of… this,” he said, putting a hand on his chest. “I said yes, but still hid this from you. If you decide this is too weird for you, I’ll understand. I won’t like it, but at least it won’t feel like a betrayal,” he chuckled humorlessly.

Reina hadn’t known him for that long. Not much more than a month, really. And yet, when she looked at him now, even if he tried to hide it behind a smile, she saw the same expression of reluctance and fear she’d seen on him when he rejected her, when he admitted he didn’t want to be betrayed again.

“I’ll see you soon, Will,” she said, returning his forced smile with a small but honest one.

“Wait,” he stopped her, now with a more complicated look. “I have a favor to ask.”

Reina blinked. “A favor?”

He nodded. “Could you go to the Ladies building and check if Cynthia is there? And if she’s alright?”

Hearing that, Reina wanted to chuckle, but held it in. “Okay.”

She left his apartment, and doing so without a goodbye kiss left a lingering, phantom itch on her lips. But even so, she had to leave. She had to think without having him in front of her, because looking at him made her want to throw all her cares away and just tell him she didn’t mind anything so long as she had him. But Reina thought she understood William to some extent. If he didn’t care about what she thought, he wouldn’t have told her this. She had to stay away from him for the moment so that she could think clearly.

She took a cab and headed towards the Ladies building. Her date was cancelled, so she’d just go home after that. She had her evening free. On the ride to the magazine headquarters, she began to put her thoughts in order.

Did she believe William’s story? Like she had wondered before, what reason did he have to tell her all that? He was possessed? She had enough ghost stories from her neighbors and was quickly growing sick of them. But she had tasted proof of his claims with her own body, and it was nearly impossible to refute that. At the very least, William had… abilities that weren’t normal.

Now, if she did believe him, what should she do? William had used his… powers on her, and never hinted he regretted it. But thinking calmly, he never did force himself on her. Mrs. Evans was the one to approach her with an offer she was free to refuse: Have sex with the photographer and become a successful model. She had guaranteed page time, exposure and a rise in pay. She was desperate enough to say yes. William himself was never a factor in her decision. Then she met him, thought he was incredibly hot, and they had the best sex of her life (until that point. He was only getting better). She had liked him so much that she offered herself to him, and he said no. Perhaps it was naïve, but of the life of her she wouldn’t believe his feelings back then were a façade to manipulate her. Yes, the more she thought about it, the more his actions made sense. He was young, lonely and horny, and realizing that made her want to laugh.

Reina had to put a stop to her thoughts when she arrived at the building. She exited the cab and went into the lobby, walking directly in the direction of the front counter, attended at this time by another one of Will’s sex friends.

“Good afternoon, Anna,” Reina greeted.

“Reina, hello!” the secretary smiled. “What are you doing here? You don’t have any shoots today,” she said confidently, before a sudden panic showed on her face. “You don’t, right!?” she asked as she hurried to check the notebook where she kept people’s schedules.

“Don’t worry, I don’t,” Reina laughed. “I just wanted to know if Mrs. Evans is here today.”

“Oh.” Anna looked relieved, but only for a moment. She frowned as she answered Reina’s question. “She’s not, actually. Her husband called, saying she was sick and wouldn’t come to work today.

“Sick?” Reina’s stomach churned. William hadn’t gone into specifics about that in particular, but he was clearly worried about Mrs. Evans. Had something really happened? “Is she alright?”

“Apparently just food poisoning,” Anna said. “She should come back tomorrow. Do you want to leave a message with me?”

“No, but… if you find anything out, could you text Will about it?”

“Oh. Ooooooh…!” Realization dawned on the secretary the moment his name came up. “Got it, I’ll be sure to tell him as soon as I know anything.”

Reina kept glancing at Anna for a moment before she decided to finally bring the topic out. “I know this isn’t exactly the best place to talk about this, but I wanted to apologize,” she told her. “We haven’t really spoken about Will, have we?”

“Yeah,” Anna chuckled nervously. “But it’s fine. We’ve both been very busy. I know.” She lifted her notebook for emphasis. Anna knew her schedule better than Reina herself did.

“This might be sudden, but I wanted to ask you,” Reina took a deep breath. “What do you think of him?”

Anna made a complicated expression, eyes turning away from her for a second. “Are you sure? You guys are going out, like, properly.”

“It’s fine. He probably told you that I’m okay with you two spending time together. I want to know what you think.”

“Well… He’s good looking, but that’s the obvious part. He’s also super responsible and competent. He always arrives at the office on time and Mrs. Evans says his photos are already at a professional level. He’s also this mix of sweet and dominating that just…” Anna shivered from her own words and gave Reina a shy smile. “…you know.”

“I do, don’t I?” Reina let out a calm, resigned sigh. “Okay, I won’t bother you anymore. But you and I need to go out and have fun one of these days, okay?”

Anna blinked in surprise. “We do?”

“We do,” Reina reaffirmed with a grin, leaning forward on the counter to speak in a lower voice. “Don’t go thinking I hold anything against you because you’re sleeping with my boyfriend. Just the opposite, in fact. Will might be… strange and a huge playboy, but he’s not a bad guy. Be nice to him, okay?”

Anna’s face was beet red, which Reina found cute. She also found her eyes glancing from her eyes to her lightly exposed cleavage from leaning in. Riiiight, Anna was a lesbian! Huh. Was that more proof Will was telling the truth? Well, Anna seemed genuinely satisfied with her relationship with Will, and it seemed that didn’t stop her from enjoying the female figure still.

Reina held back a groan of frustration at herself. She was supposed to be questioning her relationship with William, not thinking of getting Anna into a threesome, maybe foursome with Ruth!

“I’ll be going, then. Tell Will about Mrs. Evans for me, yeah?”

Reina left the building, also leaving a flustered Anna behind. But Reina’s chest felt lighter now. She stopped another cab and made her way home this time, relaxing in the back seat. William’s story was hard to believe, but not impossible. And if he really did have the powers he claimed, he had used them on her, on Mrs. Evans, on Ruth and on Anna. He had made them want him, to fall for him with sex that was out of this world. But like she had told the secretary, Will wasn’t a bad guy. He might not be a good guy either, but… that was fine. Doing everything you can to get what you want. Didn’t she advocate for that herself? Her rise as a model would undoubtedly make her overshadow many other girls trying to do the same, and if she didn’t do it she’d be the one in the shadows of someone more proactive. Will wanted something, and he was taking it. Was… was she crazy for thinking that made him even more attractive? Fuck.

She arrived at her apartment complex and took the elevator to the fourth floor. She wanted a bath, and she would use all her salts and oils this time. She needed to relax. But apparently her neighbors had other ideas, because practically half the building was cluttering the hallway.

“Reina, Reina, come look at this!” said the old lady from the apartment opposite to hers. “Now you’ll believe me!?” With an exasperated sigh and the desire to get this over with quickly, Reina approached the crowd to see what was happening. “Look!” The old lady pointed a finger at the door to one the apartments on the floor.

There were scratch marks that ran deep into the wooden door. Like a tiger’s or lion’s claws trying to tear through. Reina had to do a double take to make sure she was seeing things right.

“Do you see, girl?” the old lady said. “This place is haunted! No one saw anything. We just heard a loud noise and suddenly this was here! The lights, the rabid dogs, the spooky noises and now this! We’re being haunted by spirits from beyond, I tell you!”

The old lady was at it again. She insisted that all these events had a supernatural cause, and Reina would just nod, smile and say things like “Wow, could it be?” without really believing it. But after what Will had told her…

Could it be?


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