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[Picture of Nanami Nakano because I forgot to put it in the previos chapter. Model is Mikami Yua]


“W-Wait a minute,” William said, having to stand up from his seat from how uncomfortable he felt. His heart was racing. “What the hell is all this? You’re telling me people have been killed?”

Solemnly, Nanami nodded. “We still don’t know much about the origin of spirits like yours, but we do know they corrupt people’s minds.”

‘I… Yeah, okay…’

“You seem to be on good condition, however,” she continued, once more looking towards the area where the bed was. “I don’t feel anything wrong with your… lady friend, so I’m guessing you haven’t enthralled her.”


‘Is that a thing I can do?’


‘Just wondering! Geez!’

“I suppose I should explain more,” Nanami said. “Our organization was following Jack Evans’ movements for some time. Some of our members have… or had, the ability to sense supernatural phenomena, like me. The traces around Jack Evans were clear. Over our time following him, we came to the conclusion that he had a sort of power to control other people.”

That very much raised Will’s alarms. “Control them how?”

“I don’t know enough to go into specifics, but it seems to be a subtle form of mind control,” Nanami explained. “People he controls don’t become the sort of mindless dolls you might expect when you hear ‘mind control’, but they unarguably start following his orders. The boy who beat you is one such person.”

“W-Wait, so Jeremy is being controlled?” The things Nanami was saying would make sense then. Jeremy was still himself, and he’d also told him something similar.

‘There’s something weird about him. Everyone always ends up doing what he wants… Even me.’

If that was something he could do, then… Fuck. Fuck! Fuck! Cynthia too!?

‘He called her his personal wallet, and Cynthia herself doesn’t actually seem fond of the guy. It would explain why she’s married to him despite it all.’

‘And you’ve never heard of this spirit, Ishtar?’

‘Hey, I’m relatively young and have been focused on my own affairs. So yeah, this is my first time hearing there are spirits other than me. Pisses me off, too. I thought I was unique!’

“Seems like you believe me?” Nanami asked, smiling with some hopefulness.

“If what you’re saying is true, then some things would make more sense. But if you’re part of an organization that hunts supernatural things, why come to me?” he asked, getting defensive. “Shouldn’t I be like, your enemy, too?”

“…” Nanami pursed her lips, and her fists resting on her lap shook from how hard she was clenching them. “Because I don’t know what else to do,” she said, voice cracking again. “My aunt… She’s one of the people I know survived the destruction of the organization. But… Jack Evans took control of her. He probably thought she’d be useful to him, so he kept her alive. I need to rescue her, but… I don’t have the strength or the means. I’ve been following the people I know he controls, trying to find something I can take advantage of, but to no avail. But when I sensed that you had a spirit too, I thought that… maybe you’d have the power to stop Jack Evans and rescue my aunt!” She looked up at him, staring directly into his eyes with resolution so strong it was clear, and even took him aback for a moment. “I have no one else to turn to, I know no one else who could even stand a chance. So if you help me rescue my aunt, I’ll give myself to you. You can do with me as you please. You can bind my soul to you for eternity. I don’t care. Just… please, help my aunt!”

“Alright, stop that,” Will said, shaking his head. “I’m not gonna pretend to be a paragon of moral righteousness. The reason Ishtar and I get along is because we both agreed that I’d get many women. BUT. I don’t want you offering yourself like that to me. Selling yourself for a favor? Nope, I’m not into that. Maybe if I got you to fall for me it’d be different, but this is just cheap. Besides,” Will grinned. “I have personal business with that son of a bitch already. I’m not gonna sit on my thumbs while he sends someone to beat me up, threatens to go after the people I care about and is trying to keep me away from one of the women I love. I was planning on going after him already, and all the info you’ve given me helps a lot.”

“A-Are you serious!?” Nanami asked, her cute smile growing as his words settled in. “Y-You’ll help!?”

“Like I said, I’m doing this for myself,” Will clarified. “But if I do rescue your aunt, would you be willing to go on a date with me? I’m not forcing you, though.”

‘Atta boy!’

Nanami’s cheeks reddened deeply, which was funny considering she was offering herself just a second ago. “I… um… Y-Yes, of course! I’d… Yes, I’d be willing!” So she was a very determined woman but actually kind of innocent? She only got cuter by the minute.

‘I can’t be sure without using my powers, but I bet you anything she’s a virgin.’

“That’s one more thing to look forward to after this is all over,” Will sighed contently.

With Nanami’s information, things had actually become more straightforward. Sure, there was another supernatural being and mind control at play, but things had been effectively cleared up. He didn’t have to keep wondering what was happening, how Cynthia’s husband had power over her and others, and if dealing with him was even the right thing to do or not. No, now it was clear. Jack Evans was a guy who, like him, had been possessed by a spirit. Whether he was being controlled by it or not was to be seen, but Will knew that he wanted to find a way to stop him, if nothing else, because he was taking advantage of Cynthia. That gave Will plenty of reason to beat the living shit out of him.


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