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“Ruth,” William spoke to her in whispers. “I think we’re being followed. I have a bad feeling about thi. I’m sorry, but I think it’s best if we leave the rest of the date for another time.”

“What?” she asked with clear doubt in her eyes, and it was hard to blame her. He was cutting their date short right after saying yes to bringing her home, and she had even said she wanted to talk about something important. He didn’t like doing this, but…

“I’m really sorry, but I really don’t like what’s going on.”

‘Look behind you and I might be able to tell who it is.’

Will did as Ishtar asked and subtly turned his head back.

‘There. It’s the guy with the scarf and blue coat. Shit, he noticed you.’

“It’s the guy in the scarf coming our way, Ruth,” Will said, trying to remain calm and stopping a cab. “Go back home. I’ll be fine, I promise. I’ll call you later.”

Ruth turned her eyes to the guy walking towards them. A single glance was enough for her to believe Will’s words, but now she gave him a worried look. “Why is he following us? What are you gonna do?”

“I don’t know why he’s here, but I’ll see what he wants. Don’t worry, I can take care of myself,” he told her with a reassuring smile. He kissed her forehead and prompted her get in the car. Ruth did so reluctantly, and once the car was gone, he allowed himself to relax a bit. At least Ruth was out of danger, and though he’d be the one to deal with whatever was coming his way, that thought alone was enough to alleviate some fears.

‘You really think this isn’t normal, then?’

‘Yeah. Something weird is happening here. Let me take control. I’ll beat him up.’

‘Not yet. Let me talk to him first. We don’t know what’s going on.’

‘Fine, but switch the moment things turn ugly.’

The man in the scarf was finally within talking distance. He let out a groan as he removed his scarf. “God fucking dammit, Will,” he said in a familiar voice. “Why the fuck did you have to get yourself involved with the wife of a powerful man?”

Will should’ve recognized him immediately, but the darkness had made it difficult. Short auburn hair, brown eyes, sharp features, about as tall as he was.

“Jeremy?” William blinked. “The hell?” Jeremy Garcia, William’s classmate at university. And wait, did he just say he’d gotten involved with a powerful man’s wife?

“I was happy for you, you know? You’d been looking better after the break up with your girl, but now I find out it was because you were fucking Mr. Jack Evans’ wife? Are you fuckin stupid?”

“…What the hell are you talking about, Jeremy?”

“Don’t play stupid, Will. I work for him, and he sent me to check who it was his wife was cheating on him with. It wasn’t hard to find out it was you.”

…So Jeremy was working for Cynthia’s husband?

‘That guy whose mind I couldn’t read?’

“So, what? He sent you to tell me to back off?” William asked.

“Pretty much,” Jeremy nodded, and before Will could even react, sent an unnaturally powerful punch to his gut, knocking the air out of him and causing him to bend over, where Jeremy then kicked him hard in the jaw, dropping Will to the ground. “Here’s what my boss says: ‘If you just wanted to fuck her, I wouldn’t have cared. But you’re trying to take her away from me, and I can’t have that. Cynthia is my personal wallet, and she’ll remain like that.’”

Hearing that, William’s chest burned with fury. Even through the pain, he grit his teeth and glared daggers at Jeremy from the ground.

‘Will! Switch! Switch with me, dammit!’

He tried, but he was too livid and in pain to focus. He couldn’t give control of his body to Ishtar when he wanted to punch Jeremy’s face in himself.

“Sorry it had to be this way, Will,” Jeremy said. “I’m just following orders. I’d suggest you do the same and stay away from Mrs. Evans.” He put his foot on top of Will’s head and pressed down. It wasn’t meant to hurt, but to put him down. “Mr. Evans is far more powerful than you think. Don’t go against him. Next time, he might not target you, but the people you care about. That’s the kind of man he is.” Jeremy clicked his tongue. “You won’t believe me, but he’s not normal. There’s something weird about him. Everyone always ends up doing what he wants… Even me. I’m telling you this because you’re a friend, Will, so you understand the kind of man you’re against. Forget about Mrs. Evans. That other blonde you were with was cute, just be happy you have her and move on.”

Jeremy sent a last kick to William’s ribs as if to drive the point across before he turned around and left. After a long moment, Will struggled to his feet and checked himself. His jaw and ribs burned with pain, and he still had troubles breathing normally. That strength was definitely not natural.

Will took out his phone to check if there was a hospital nearby, only to see a message from Ruth.

‘I’m heading to your place. Sorry, but I was too worried and couldn’t just leave. Are you coming back soon?’

‘Go back home. If Ruth is there, it’ll work out better for us than going to the hospital.’

‘…Are you serious?’

‘I’ve only done it like twice, but yes, I can do healing sex. I’ve told you before, sexual energy is very versatile if you know how to use it.’

When Will got into a cab and told the driver to get him home, he got a baffled look. But Will insisted, saying it wasn’t as bad as it looked. The driver had no choice but to comply.


Author's Note: This is when things start getting a bit more serious. If I do this well, both the stakes and scope of this story should go up a fair bit. The core concept of Spirit of Lust had too much potential for me to not play with it in more than one way. Hope you guys look forward to new events.


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