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‘If I had to say one… I guess Cynthia is on my mind a lot.’

‘Okay. Cynthia. She’s married, but not in the slightest attached to her husband. You shouldn’t feel guilty of taking her.’

‘And you’re 100% sure about this?’

‘Will, she wanted to fuck you the moment you stepped into her office. Tell me if that’s a sign of a happily married woman.’

‘Point taken. But there’s gotta be more to it than that, right?’

‘Who knows? I might be a powerful spirit of sex with mind reading powers, but what you want is a little more complicated than just bending her over and using her like a fleshlight. That we’ve done already.’

‘You’re such a sweetheart…’

‘Anyway, wondering about it is not gonna get you anywhere. We’ll see her soon when you go to work, right?’

‘Yeah. I’ll talk to her then.’

‘Good. Enough of that for now. Go to sleep again. I’m only just getting my strength back, and that goes for you, too.’

Will had to agree. He felt better than before, but his body was still sluggish. Stopping the conversation with Ishtar made him very aware again of the warmth of the two women at his sides, and tough it was tempting to wake them up and go for another round, he really needed to rest.


When morning came, the three of them had no choice but to leave in a hurry due to oversleeping. William and Ruth had to go to class and Reina had work at the supermarket. He’d see her again at work in the afternoon, since they had a ‘special’ shoot, but at the moment, Will was more worried about seeing Anna and Cynthia again. It had been a while since he’d even talked to them, or at least so it felt. He needed to understand what his relationship with them was, or what he wanted it to be.

Class went by normally, which was welcomed. Then, after a frugal lunch of the leftovers of the soup Reina had made plus some rice and meat, William left for work. He pushed through the awkward feelings and entered the headquarters of Ladies Magazine, his eyes immediately going to the front desk and finding another secretary there instead of Anna. He walked up to her and asked for the boss.

“Hello, I have a meeting with Mrs. Evans in about five minutes. Can you tell her I’m here, please? I’m William Sawyer.”

“Oh, Mr. Sawyer. Yes, Mrs. Evans said to tell you to wait a bit longer if you arrived. She got an unexpected guest.”

“Okay,” he nodded. “I’ll just wait over there.” He went and sat down on one of the many red chairs in the lobby. He waited, but as he did, he could feel the eyes of women walking in and out of the building. He supposed he would have to get used to it. But it wasn’t a woman who caught his attention. It was a man walking out of the elevator. He had short brown hair combed backwards, was tall and had broad shoulders. He was dressed in a tight-fitting V-neck white T-shirt and blue jeans. He actually looked like he could be a model for a men’s magazine.

‘I’d joke about you turning gay, but I get why he’d catch your attention.’

Yes, it wasn’t his looks that made William focus on him. Rather, it was something he couldn’t quite pinpoint. The man walked with slumped shoulders, hands in his pockets and a lazy stride. Really, he hated it but there was little more he could say other than the guy gave him jitters. The eyes of said man met his and he stopped walking, scowling at Will. At first, Will thought he was annoyed by his staring, but… was it possible he was feeling the same? The man groaned and shook his head before walking out of the building. William noticed his body had tensed without him realizing it and sighed deeply.

‘What the hell was that?’

‘No fucking idea. What makes it all the more eerie is that I couldn’t read his mind.’


‘Remember how I told you I read people’s minds by following their lust back to their emotions? Well, that dude had no lust at all.’

‘Asexual, then?’

‘I guess? Couldn’t tell you. It’s those kinds of people who give me the most trouble and the ones I want to stay the hell away. They go against everything that I am. Kind of like if you found humans who only sustain themselves with sunrays.’

‘Okay, I get you.’

“Mr. Sawyer? Mrs. Evans is ready to see you.”

Hmm? Could that had been Cynthia’s unexpected guest? Will didn’t like it. He want up the elevator, walked down the hallway and knocked on the door to Cynthia’s office. There was no answer until the door opened, revealing his boss at the other side, and before he could even say hello, she grabbed him by the wrist, pulled him inside her office, shut the door close and mashed her lips against his.

“!!!” He definitely wasn’t expecting that, but his body knew what to do. He embraced her tightly as she held his face and slid her tongue inside his mouth for a desperate kiss. William reciprocated as strongly and passionately as he could, rubbing her back and rolling his tongue around hers. He was about to send a wave of sexual energy to enhance the pleasure, but Ishtar stopped him.

‘Don’t. Don’t add any energy to it. Just kiss her, don’t fuck her… yet.’

If Ishtar was saying not to fuck her, then it was serious. Cynthia didn’t say a word, even as he led her to her chair. He sat down on it and the buxom blonde sat on his lap, lips meeting again. She ran her hands through his hair, caressed his cheek and moaned softly into his mouth for minutes upon minutes.

When their lips parted, Cynthia stared deeply into William’s eyes as she spoke, “Screw work. Let’s go to a love hotel right now.”


“I can’t stand it anymore, William. I need you,” she said, voice nearly cracking and eyes glittering from her suppressed tears. “I need you to hold me, Will. I need you to fuck me until I can’t think straight. Please, come with me. I’m begging you. I’ll do anything.”

William’s answer was to kiss her again, and Cynthia melted into it. She forced herself to part for a moment and called the secretary in the lobby. “Cancel my meetings for the rest of the day. Also, call Reina Rose and tell her we’re rescheduling her shoot today. I’m feeling under the weather and need to rest.” Her tone left no room to argue. She turned to Will, and after pecking his lips several times more she told him, “I’ll send you the location of the hotel. Leave first and meet me there, okay?”

“Okay,” he nodded.

He didn’t know what was going on, but he damn sure was going to be there if Cynthia needed him so bad.


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