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May 8th – Monday – Afterschool.

Angela Straight watched her charming boyfriend from behind the kitchen counter with mixed feelings in her heart. On the one hand, he always looked great working in the kitchen. His movements were always precise and swift, looking like a real professional chef in there. He made incredible food for her, which was one of the many reasons she’d fallen for him. But on the other hand, he didn’t look like he was having a good time right now.

“Shit…! Next was… What was next? Right! The shrimp!”

Angela didn’t understand why he did some things. For example, he was cutting the tip of the shrimp’s tail and making weird cuts along them, somehow making them longer. What for?

“Did I step enough on the dough…? Maybe I should do that again…”

Leo was not his usual self in the kitchen. The reason was most likely that Mrs. Wisler would be arriving in a couple of hours with four new guests and he was preparing dinner for them all. He said he was making Tempura Udon, which apparently were different noodles from the soba he’d made for her before. Angela was looking forward to it like always, but the dumb boy was stressing himself over every little detail. Was he that worried about making a good first impression? She didn’t blame him, but still didn’t entirely like it. The whole idea of new girls coming here was conflicting for her. To start with, Leo was HER boyfriend. Sure, she was sharing him with Reiko, but they’d come to that agreement after a full month and it was a result of their unique circumstances. It was due to those same circumstances that she had to quietly accept that Leo would need to sleep with other women. It wasn’t a pleasant thought, but after experiencing sex for the first time, she wasn’t about to give it up. In fact, she’d much rather drag Leo back to her bed and let the new girls eat some instant noodles, but she knew her boyfriend would have none of it.

She liked that word. Leo was her boyfriend. It made her giddy and it meant something to both of them. Which was another thing that bothered Angela. What would his relationship with these new women be like? She wouldn’t be surprised if they all instantly fell for him. He was hot, diligent and always put other people before himself. But how would she feel about it if that happened? She used to think the Book of Eros would take care of that little issue before it was time to worry about it, but that hope had gone out the window. Now she’d have to deal with it herself, and she didn’t know if she was mature enough to silently watch as her boyfriend fooled around with women she didn’t approve of.

Leo grabbed a bag with the noodle dough he’d made and planned to start working on it again by stepping on it. She had asked why he did it, and he said it improved the texture. “If all you need to do is step on it, give it to me. I’ll do it,” she offered. The relieved smile he gave her was adorable.

“Thanks! Do it for ten more minutes, please.”

Angela set the plastic-wrapped dough on the floor and mindlessly stepped on it with only her socks on as she continued to watch her boyfriend work. He sliced vegetables with swift knife cuts and prepared some sort of batter for later. After ten minutes, she gave the dough back to him and he set it to rest.

“Now I need to wait an hour…” he said, eyes darting around the kitchen to look for anything else that needed to be done.

“You already cleaned the rooms, the halls and bathrooms, right?” Angela asked.

“Yes,” he nodded firmly.

“Which means you don’t have anything to do for an hour, right?”

“I think so…” he groaned, looking like he was going through a mental checklist to see if he’d forgotten anything.

In turn, Angela grinned. “Then it’s time for you to relax a bit.”

“I know…” he sighed. “But I can’t. I’m worried I’ll screw something up.”

“I’m sure I can help you with that,” she said, walking around the counter as wrapping her arms around her boyfriend’s waist, pulling him into a deep kiss and giving his firm butt a nice grope. “Mrs. Wisler should be here in an hour and a half, right? Come on, let’s enjoy our last hour alone.”

“I suppose I do have an hour to spare,” Leo chuckled.

“That’s the spirit!” Angela grinned and did as she wanted, dragging Leo back to her bedroom. They wouldn’t have to waste time taking out the futon that way.

They sat together on the bed, and Leo showed how much he’d come to know her over the course of a single night together by taking his hands under her shirt and directly to her chest. Or perhaps he just liked tits, but it worked either way because his hands firmly fondling her breasts were already getting her wet. “Mmmh. That feels so good,” she moaned. “No wonder you can knead dough so well,” she teased.

“You have really sensitive tits, huh?” he mused.

They took turns undressing each other before Angela pushed him down on the bed, getting on top of him and pressing her ample bosom against his face. “Take this, you tit lover!” she said, laughing. His hot breath on her cleavage was enough to make her shiver, but his teeth nibbling one of her nipples sent a jolt of pleasure through her body that made her have a very light orgasm all of a sudden. “Oh shit…!” she gasped. Was this because of how starved she was? Didn’t matter. She just knew she wanted him to do it more, so she thrust her chest forward as she settled on top of him, straddling his waist.

Their privates touched, letting them feel the scorching heat directly. Angela wanted him inside her so bad, but also wanted him to tease her more. She wanted him to suck her tits, to touch her more, to build up more anticipation before he finally burrowed himself inside her to the hilt. But Leo wasn’t a mind reader, so she took it upon herself to get what she wanted. She took one of his hands and set it on her ass for him to grope while he kept sucking on her nipples and while she grinded her pussy along his stiff cock.

Angela couldn’t claim to have gotten used to the sensation of actually feeling pleasure, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to get used to it. It felt too damn good just to get lost in foreplay like this.

“Touch me more,” she whispered. “Suck my tits more. I want you to do all sort of things to me.” And she wanted to do all sort of things to him, too. It was conflicting. As she looked at him, she also wanted to run her tongue all over him, to fondle his firm butt, to kiss his chest and his abs, to wrap her tits around his cock again. But she also wanted him to make her feel more, to make up for all the years she didn’t feel anything, and thinking like that made her impatient. She needed his cock inside her.

“Calm down,” he told her, chuckling as he looked into her eyes. There was pure, honest affection in there that was yet another reason she liked him so much. “I’m not going anywhere. Anything we can’t do now, we’ll do later.”

“Right…” she said, grinning self-consciously. Her boyfriend wasn’t going anywhere. They would continue to do things like this, no matter what happened later. Angela moved to kiss him, sliding her tongue inside his mouth as she raised her hips, allowing him to burrow his cock inside her eager pussy, making her feel delightfully full. “Pound me hard, Leo.”

“That was the plan,” he grinned.

Angela relished in every thrust, feeling her lover reach so deep inside her it threatened to make her come each time. The pleasure was numbing her mind in the most delightful ways, and it made her unable to properly kiss Leo. She moaned incoherently, but she didn’t give a damn. It felt too good to just let herself go wild. Her orgasm rocked her to the core, making her body stiff as a board while she also felt Leo’s cum shooting deep inside her. His face was flushed and his eyes slightly lost for a moment before they focused on her again. He kissed her neck and rubbed her back, easing her down from her strong climax.

She swallowed. “Do we… have time for another one?” she asked, gasping.

Leo answered by rolling her over and thrusting inside her again. Fuck, she loved it when he did that!


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