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“Yeah, you thought a hottie like me wouldn’t have a boyfriend?” she asked casually. “Not that it matters. I’m breaking up with him later today. You fuck me a million times better than he does.”

William’s head started spinning. Her spoiled, bratty tone was annoying him to unnatural levels, the guilt of taking another man’s woman AGAIN pressed his chest to the point it was hard to breathe, and yet it also made him feel all the more powerful at the same time. It was an unrestrained clusterfuck of emotions and sensations that made him feel sick.

He got out of bed without a word and ran to the bathroom, leaving the blonde in bed stunned for a moment. He kneeled in front of the toiler and threw up. It was disgusting, but a good visual representation of how he felt right now.

“Shit…!” he gasped. “What the fuck is wrong with me!?”

‘I think I know, now.’

“Do you?”

‘Yes, and you’re not gonna like it.’

“Tell me.”

‘My power is affecting you more than we realized. I thought it was weird how you were getting the hang of it so quickly, but it turns out that, while your control is good, you’re taking too much into yourself.’


‘It’s making all your emotions go haywire. It’s no wonder you’re falling in love so quickly. Your love, your hate, your jealousy, you happiness, your sadness, your annoyance and most obviously your lust. They’re all being enhanced and made more powerful due to my power coursing through your body. At this moment, the empowerment and the guilt of taking another man’s woman are so great they’re making you sick.’

“Are you serious…?” he chuckled humorlessly. “So this is my own damn fault.”


His stomach lurched again, and he emptied what little was left in it into the toilet again. His mouth was full of the taste of vomit and his head was being assaulted by a sharp pain. “And you’re feeling this, too?” he asked Ishtar.

‘…Less than you, I bet, but yes. It’s sickening.’

“I need to go home…”

‘That’d be a good idea.’

“What should I do with that girl?” he asked to himself.

‘Leave her. She’s just a random woman, and if you never see her again, dealing with her boyfriend will be her own problem.’

“Why didn’t you tell me she had a boyfriend?”

‘I was busy studying your emotions, okay? It was a good chance.’

“…” he wanted to lash out at Ishtar, and the only reason he didn’t do it was because he felt like shit. It wouldn’t have been hard for her to say something, but she chose not to. He grit his teeth and swallowed his own bitter comments. He needed to get back home and get some proper sleep.

William came out of the bathroom and started dressing himself. The girl looked at him with a mix of worry and panic. “W-Wait, where are you going?”

“Home,” he said. “This was a bad idea. You should’ve told me you had a fucking boyfriend,” he said.

“B-But I said it doesn’t matter! I’ll break up with him!”

“Not the issue,” he answered. The guilt in his heart made it throb painfully. “If you ever tell him you cheated on him, tell him I’m sorry. Hell, send him my way if he wants to punch my face in. I’ll take it.” He finished getting dressed and stood up from the bed. He shot a remorseful glance at the blonde and spoke, “I’m sorry I dragged you into this. I…” He stopped whatever he was going to say next and left the room, leaving a young woman there on the verge of tears.

The room had been paid for, so he could just leave. He took a cab and returned to his apartment, trying as hard as he could not to doze off on the way there. Once he got there, he threw himself on his bed. The one-room apartment was silent, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

“What the fuck did I just do…?”

He got unnecessarily angry at a random woman, forced her into a situation she didn’t want and fucked her out of spite. But even then, once he realized it, he did the most cowardly thing and just ran way. He left her there, and now he was torn between wanting to see her again to take responsibility like a man, and hoping to never cross paths with her again.

His mind ran circles around itself, making it hard to fall asleep. The only reason he did was the mental exhaustion had caught up to him. He didn’t even change clothes or get under the covers, making him spend a cold night and wake up with a sore throat.


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