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‘Dear Leonardo,

Like I told you in my last email, I’ve been working on countermeasures for our little predicament. I trust you are doing well. It wouldn’t do for you to panic at this point in time. The plan is still the same, and I will soon be back to ensure it remains that way.

In fact, if everything goes well, I will be back on Monday evening. Be sure to prepare a big feast, for we will be receiving four new guests. I had originally planned on gathering these people little by little, but that doesn’t seem to be a suitable option anymore. On top of Ms. Valerie Dexter, I have convinced three other female clan members to move in with us at Noroi Island. They are all aware of the situation we’re in, so I expect them to be cooperative.

Please, Leonardo, do not fret. We will get through this.

Delilah Wisler.’

Angela set Leo’s phone down on the table as she finished reading the email out loud. She stared at it silently for a moment, and he believed she shared his concerns. “Four new people are moving in, then,” she said. Leo nodded. “All girls, too.” She sighed and glared at the phone.

“A-Angela?” Reiko spoke.

“I was hoping we could at least spend some time alone once we could… you know,” Angela said. “Now we’re gonna have a house full of women just wanting to…” she groaned. “Never mind.”

“So this is Mrs. Wisler’s answer? I suppose it makes sense, but it still doesn’t quite sit right with me,” Reiko admitted. “I mean, you don’t even know these people.”

“But there has to be a reason they accepted Mrs. Wisler’s invitation, right?” Leo asked. “I wasn’t in the best situation when Mrs. Wisler offered me to move here with the promise of cleansing the curse. It was a desperate move, but I’m in a better spot now than I was before. What if it’s the same for these people?”

“Yeah…” Angela scratched the back of her head. “Even just being away from my shitty neighborhood is a huge upgrade. That I don’t have to deal with my parents’ crap is another plus.” She groaned. “Look, I’ve known this was gonna happen from the beginning, so I’m not gonna complain. But… is it too much to ask that we could have a proper first time together?” The meek tone and the blushing of her cheeks took both Leo and Reiko by surprise.

“No, it’s not,” Leo said, moving closer to Angela and pecking her lips. It was her turn to be taken aback while Reiko giggled at her reaction. “Sure, we don’t know what’s gonna happen when these people get here, but it doesn’t change the fact you’re my girlfriend, right? You want a proper first time? I promise to give it to you.”

Angela snickered. “How can you say stuff like that with a straight face?” Despite her laugh, she leaned in and gave her boyfriend a stronger, deeper kiss. “I’m holding you to it, you hear?”

“That means I’m leaving you alone tomorrow, then,” Reiko said, nodding to herself as she watched her friends with a teasing smile.


“Yeah. Tomorrow’s the day the conditions of the Gift of Giving should be met, right?” she asked, causing Leo and Angela to look at each other, blinking in surprise.

“You’ve been keeping track?” Leo asked.

“Of course!” Reiko said, proudly thrusting her chest forward. “This is important to me, too!” Her smile was wide and her cheeks were red. “So even though I won’t bother you, I’d really appreciate a picture or a video, you know?”

Angela seemed to still be taking the information in with a blank stare into nothingness.

“I’ll be sure to convince her,” Leo chuckled.


That night, Leo and Angela shared her bed once more. Sometimes it was his room, sometimes hers, but sleeping together had become the norm. Angela couldn’t yet feel sexual pleasure, but she was clear in saying she still liked having him close. Did a man need a bigger ego boost than that?

Angela embraced him and rested her head on his shoulder. Her hold on him was stronger than usual, however. They were both quiet for a long time after getting in bed, but neither of them fell asleep, even as the clock neared midnight.

“What Gifts do you think these girls will have?” Angela asked, her voice low.

“Who knows? How specific can Gifts get, anyway? Think one of them has the talent to always win at rock-paper-scissors?”

“That’d be the WORST Gift to get in exchange for no sex, holy shit!” Angela laughed.

“Hey, you could make it work!” Leo laughed with her. “You could bet anything and be 100% assured to win.”

“But it’s so boring! I like my Gift, but Mrs. Wisler’s is much more useful, right?”

“I’d call it scary,” Leo said. “You can’t hide anything from her. It feels like being naked.”

“Why are you imagining being naked in front of an old lady?” Angela laughed again.

“Oh, shut up!” he laughed with her.

It was obviously their attempt at easing the tension of the situation, but any reason to laugh was good enough in Leo’s book. And speaking of book, the sudden pink light of the Book of Eros on Angela’s nightstand startled them both.

“Gah! The hell!?” Angela exclaimed.

“It’s shining pink…” Leo muttered. “Does that mean…?”

He reached for the book again and flipped through its pages with a racing heart. His eyes landed on the shining letters as they detailed how the conditions for the Gift of Giving had been completed. Poor Angela had to watch him, totally puzzled, as he looked at the book and his phone, where he confirmed it was exactly 12:00 am. Leo set the book and his phone aside and turned to Angela, whose eyes were loudly demanding an explanation, and he took his shaking hand to her large breast and squeezed.

“Hah!” A low but sweet and erotic moan escaped Angela’s lips. Her breathing became deeper and her eyes, wide with shock, stared deeply into Leonardo’s. And after her mind processed what was happening, she threw herself at him, hungry lips capturing his.


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