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Hello everyone. I just wanted to drop by to update you on how work has been progressing on Book of Eros and Spirit of Lust.

Spirit of Lust is going well according to me, but I think that's because I can write sex scenes as much as I like hahaha. There are some things about it I've had to rethink, however. It started as a story where I could write darker ideas that wouldn't have fit on TAM, but after nearly a year of hiatus, I think I can turn it into something else. Still needs some more brainstorming, though.

And as for Book of Eros, its had huge ups and down that I hope won't affect scheduled uploads. Thing is, I've known what a few of the issues it's having are, and I've been wondering for weeks how to fix them in a way that's satisfying. I think I've finally come up with a simple idea that can help one of those weaknesses. I kind of wish I could start the book again from scratch with this in mind, but it's not really possible with the way I publish, is it? Therefore, I have to start rewriting from the last thing that's not published. Kind of sucks because I had two weeks worth of chapters done, but now I have to rework them all, possibly even throw them away in favor of brand new ones. Still, I believe this is for the best. The story should be better this way and it won't affect the daily updates. Next week should still have normal updates for both Spirit of Lust and Book of Eros.

Not much else to say, though if you have questions, always feel free to ask either here or in a private message. As always, thank you and have a great weekend!


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