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“Family?” Reina asked.

“My mom, my dad, and a little brother who recently turned 12,” he answered. “They’re not in this city, though. I came here to study.”

“We’re in the same boat, then,” she said. “I’m also away from my family.”

“What are you here for?”

“Just a girl chasing her dream of becoming a model,” she shrugged. “Sent my CV and picture to Ladies Magazine. They called me in for an interview and said I was in. Moved here because of it,” she explained. “My turn again. How did you get involved in this weird business with the magazine?”

After a heavy sigh, Will decided to go with the truth. “The landlady at my place helped me get a job there since she knows Mrs. Evans. She had me take pictures of her in her underwear and that’s what she sent. Mrs. Evans seemed to think that’s what her business needed, and here we are.”

“I just don’t understand business,” Reina shook her head. “I would’ve never thought of something like this. Good thing I can let other people figure that out for me.”

“Cheers to that,” Will said, toasting to it. “I don’t get it either. I’m just here to take pictures.”

“And get involved with the sexy models,” Reina teased, grinning.

“That too,” he admitted shamelessly. They ordered their food, with William using his turn to ask Reina her favorite food. Not very creative but looking at the menu made him wonder.

“I’d say salmon is my favorite so long as it’s fresh.”

They asked each other simple questions like that, mostly. Their relationship started simply out of the desire to fuck, so asking basic things such as favorite hobbies and even age seemed appropriate. In that regard, Leo was surprised to hear Reina was 23 years old and took the bold decision to quit college to pursue a career in modeling.

“No wonder you’re in such a hurry to be successful,” William commented.

“Yeah, but… It’s not just that,” Reina grimaced. “You see, I have this cousin. She’s younger than me, but we look very alike. We… never got along all that well. She was a brat who thought she could get away with anything. In a way, I always felt superior to her,” she sighed. “Until a few months ago, that is, when she called me to say she was engaged to a man she absolutely loved and was planning to study to inherit her dad’s business. Suddenly she had her life figured out while I was still an unknown face in my own area. I guess I got desperate.”

“But now there’s a bit of hope, right?” he offered.

“Thanks to you, yeah,” Reina grinned. “I was desperate enough to say yes when Mrs. Evans approached me saying I’d reach the top so long as I slept with a guy. I didn’t think she meant it this way, though, but I’m glad. It’s a far better deal than I deserve.”

“You would’ve made it regardless,” he told her.

“Maybe. Maybe not. The uncertainty is… not good for my heart,” she chuckled with little humor.

“I can understand that.”

“But now my chances are growing and I got myself a stud of a boyfriend. Things are looking up for little ol’ me.”

They shared a laugh as they ate their dinner, talking and greatly enjoying themselves. At one point, Reina gave a quick look around the place, and when she noticed there was no one looking, she shot him a naughty grin. She gingerly moved the neckline of her dress, flashing him a single one of her boobs and making Will nearly choke on his food.

‘Okay, I take it back. Maybe dates ARE kind of fun. The arousal coming from her is exquisite. She can’t wait for what’s gonna happen after this.’

Honestly, William was feeling much the same. So much so that he unconsciously started eating faster.

“So, Will? What’s gonna happen after this?” she asked sultrily, her lips curled into a suggestive smile.

“I was thinking I’d like to show you my new apartment. It’s small, but really cozy. I’m hoping I can pay you back for dinner somehow.”

“I’d love that. I’m sure you’ll find an excellent way to pay me back.”

They finished their food, Reina paid for it and the two left the restaurant. Holding onto his arm, Reina walked beside him as they went to look for a cab to take them back to William’s place. But as they did, something worrying happened. It was late already, and this being an area with plenty of restaurants and bars, it shouldn’t have been unexpected to be approached by two very red-faced, staggering and alcohol-reeking drunks. It shouldn’t have been, considering the woman at his side.

“Ooooh, maaaaan, look at that beauty,” one of the men said, slurring his words as he approached. Reina’s grip on Will’s arm tightened.

“Oh my, she really is a hottie, isn’t she?” the other man agreed. “Too bad she has a boyfriend.”

“Do you think I give a fuck about her boyfriend?” the first man laughed. “Hey lady, ditch that loser and come with us, huh?”

“You’re fucking pathetic,” Reina snarled. That comment obviously pissed off the two drunks, who stepped towards the couple trying to look menacing.

‘Dammit. Your girlfriend has a temper, apparently. If she hadn’t said that, these men would’ve gotten bored quickly. Now their lust is replaced by anger.’


William had Reina move away and behind him. He’d never been good in a fight, not really ever getting into one. The two guys were taller and with a wider frame than him. If he got into a fight, he was assured to get hurt badly, even if he did manage to win. But something burned in the pit of his stomach and rose to his chest. He grit his teeth as he noticed the eyes with which the two sons of bitches were watching his girlfriend. First it was lust, now anger, like Ishtar had said. It pissed him off, more so than it usually would have, he noticed. But it didn’t matter.

‘Good. You have balls, at least. Ugh, what a fucking pain. Very well, let me take control.’


‘No time to wonder, William. Give me control, I’ll beat their asses and give you back your body.’

‘You can fight?’

‘Trust me, I’d much rather not. But I’m hungry and I need you to take your girlfriend back home as soon as possible.’

Strangely, it didn’t even cross William’s mind that this might be a trap from Ishtar to take his body again. She sounded so genuinely annoyed that he believed her wishes to just go back home to fuck Reina. Besides, she’d given his body back before, and truly, William wasn’t confident he’d be good in a fight, even against two drunks. So he let his guard down and let Ishtar take his body.

Once more, he felt like a spectator in his own body. He felt everything but couldn’t move a muscle. Yet the still uncomfortable experience didn’t last more than a minute. He saw a heavy fist coming his way, but his body moved to effortlessly catch it in his palm. He felt Ishtar’s aura cursing through his body, but not in a sexual way. It empowered him, and he tightened his grip around the dude’s fist until he broke his fingers.

“AAAAHHH!!” the drunk screamed, holding his hand and stepping away. The second man blinked in surprise, but seeing his friend hurt apparently made him even madder.

“Are you sure you don’t want to be on your way?” Ishtar spoke through him. “I hate doing this, you know?”

The drunk man didn’t listen and threw a clumsy kick at him. Again, William caught it with his left hand before bringing a heavy fist to the guys’ face, carrying strength he’d never had before. It seems he broke the guy’s nose, and the pain the two now felt sobered them up.

“Fucking shit!” they screamed before running away. As they did, Ishtar returned his body. The sudden shift made him stagger, and Reina was at his side to catch him from falling.

“Are you okay?” she asked, worried.

“Y-Yeah,” Will nodded. “Just… felt a little dizzy after that.”

“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” Reina smirked.

“Ahaha…” he laughed awkwardly. He didn’t feel like taking credit for that.

‘How did you do that?’

‘You think this is a rare occurrence? I had to learn to transform sexual energy into raw power for situations like this. Remember, my three previous hosts were women. More than once men tried to assault my hosts, and other times men tried to beat them for cheating or something like that. I hate doing it. It makes me use energy for something stupid and it tires me out. I suppose you’d better learn to use the energy like this, too. No one should be touching your girls but you.’

‘Well, you got us out of a pickle there, so thanks.’

‘If you really want to thank me, go back home and fuck Reina until morning.’

‘You got it.’


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