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‘Why on earth are you so nervous? You have that woman eating out of the palm of your hand!’

“Shut up. I’m allowed to be nervous on my first date with her, aren’t I?”

‘Not when you’ve already had her on all fours screaming your name!’

“Why are you so annoyed?”

‘Because I feel what you feel, you idiot! You’re making me nervous too, but I have no reason to be!’

“You deal with nerves a lot worse than I do, then,” William said. “Huh. That’s kind of reassuring.”

‘Just pick whatever clothes and let’s go. The sooner you end your dinner, the sooner you get to fuck.’

“But I want to look nice for her.”

‘You don’t even have that many outfits. Put on those black pants, that grey sweater and that black pea coat and you’re golden.’

“Thanks,” William nodded and chose the outfit Ishtar suggested. As he got changed, he looked around his new apartment. He finally moved into the remodeled basement Amelia had promised, and although it was a one-room apartment, it was a damn fine one.

It had light colored floating wood tile flooring and white walls. It was big enough to comfortably fit everything he needed. The queen sized bed was on the northwestern corner of the room, given a bit of privacy thanks to a wide and tall white shelf that reached all the way to the ceiling. The kitchen was right in front of it, though it was only a couple of cupboards, a sink, a fridge and an electric stove; a couple of small windows right over the stove showed the back of the building, on which there was absolutely nothing but an empty lot. At the other side of the big shelf was a sort of common space, with a black couch long enough for three or four people, a white wood coffee table and a glass dining table with four elegant looking black, hard plastic chairs around it. The bathroom was small but had a good toilet, a sink and a tub that also doubled as a shower. All in all, it was extremely cozy. Far better than the bigger apartment in which he had to be alone.

‘You know, I hadn’t realized this before, but now that you’re feeling more comfortable with your living space, it makes it more comfortable for me, too.’

‘Wait, seriously?’

‘Yes. It’s not like I have furniture inside your head. It’s more like the general feeling of you being my host is, like you put it, cozier.’

‘Well, I’m happy for you, then.’

Feeling satisfied with his new home, having finished his school work and knowing his classes tomorrow were in the afternoon, William left for his first date with Reina. He took a cab to the restaurant where they’d meet, a fancy place of her choosing that made him think that he should probably buy a suit for occasions like this one. He waited outside for a barely five minutes before his date arrived. He saw her getting out of the cab and his jaw would’ve dropped to the floor if this was a cartoon. Even Ishtar had to whistle at the sight.

Her long brown hair was tied into a low ponytail. From her ears hung small silver earrings. Her lips glittered faintly with a light pink color. Her tanned skin contrasted impressively with her long, red satin dress. A black purse dangled from her shoulder. But most importantly, the dress’ neckline was so wide and low it nearly reached her stomach and gave a view of her cleavage that should’ve been vulgar but instead came across as tastefully alluring on her. She obviously wasn’t wearing a bra. She looked like she was ready to walk down a red carpet, not go to dinner with him. And she clearly liked the look he was giving her.

“Regretting letting me be your girlfriend now?” she asked teasingly. William could only shake his head in fervent denial. It made Reina chuckle as she walked up to him and kissed his lips tenderly. “I might have overdone it a bit, but I wanted to look my best for you. It seems I did a good job.”

“Too good a job,” Will laughed nervously. “Now I’m feeling inadequate.”

“No. It fits you,” she assured him, brushing his arms. “Gives you a more rugged look than a suit would.” She then held onto his arm, smiling at him while she nodded toward the restaurant. “Shall we?”

They approached the door, and Reina told the person in front that she had a reservation. The man, after brutally killing any temptation of looking at Reina’s cleavage, led them to an area of the restaurant with only eight tables and they sat at one next to the window with a view of the gorgeously lit garden outside. All of the tables were unused, leaving him and Reina completely alone.

“Just to clear things up,” she said, smirking. “I’m paying tonight, so don’t worry about anything. Just don’t get used to it. It’s not like I earn that much, but this is too much of a special occasion not to go all out.”

William chuckled. “I guess we better use this opportunity to get to know each other well.”

“How about one question each?” she suggested, to which Will agreed.

‘The two of you want to fuck. I still don’t understand why you can’t just get to it without having to go through all this.’

‘You know about foreplay, right? It’s kind of like that. It builds anticipation. And context makes everything better, too, don’t you agree?’

‘…If you put it like that, I can’t argue.’

They ordered some drinks to get the evening started, and Will let Reina have the first question.


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