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April 21 – Saturday – Afternoon.

A bit over a week had passed since Leo and Reiko had sex for the first time. Since then, they’d been at it at least every other day, too horny and too young to want to hold back. The couple had been getting used to it, quickly learning what made their lover feel the best. On her part, Angela wouldn’t let Reiko hog all of Leo’s attention, apparently, and she was starting to get more and more daring.

One day, while Leo was preparing breakfast, Angela showed up in the dining room freshly out of the shower and wearing nothing more than a towel as she went to get a bottle of water. It was clearly an excuse, but Leo liked the sight too much to point it out. Her wet golden hair and radiant skin made the primal side of his brain want to push her against a wall and just go at it. Good thing the primal side of his brain didn’t control his will.

All things considered, Leo was growing used to life in this town. His grasp of the language was getting better every day thanks to constant practice with Reiko and watching TV shows he knew. His girlfriend even lent him the manga version of Dragon Ball to get used to reading now that he had learned the basic characters. And getting used to life here didn’t just mean the language and school, but also house chores. Right now, after coming back from school (having school on Saturdays sucks, by the way), he was hanging the laundry to leave it to dry. He felt his face blushing when he picked up Angela’s purple panties, which the girl had given him to wash on purpose. Whatever. He’d do some more thorough cleaning around the house after this and then…

What would he do then?

Simply put, even taking care of the house, Leonardo had too much free time. He was used to working three jobs, and though school took a lot of time, he still felt like he could use his free time on better things. As much as he’d like to spend most of his time with Reiko, she was a busy girl as well. Being top of the class wasn’t an effortless endeavor, after all. It meant he spent all his free time either studying or taking care of the house since he had little else to do. Besides, since his relationship with Reiko was going well and she and Angela seemed to have reached a silent agreement on the latter’s antics, his romantic life was stable. It all made him feel like he wasn’t being productive enough, and he couldn’t understand how Angela could laze around all day and not feel the same.

As he was thinking of that and hanging some bed sheets, the phone in his pocket vibrated. He checked it to see it was a message from Reiko. A picture, actually. One of a sheet of paper on a lamp post, seemingly an ad for… something. Was he reading right? Fish… something? Was this a job ad? Immediately after came Reiko’s clarification.

‘You were looking for a part-time job, right? A local fishery is looking for someone to help with manual work like carrying boxes and cleaning floors. Figured you might be interested.’

Glad to see he got it kind of right, he answered his thanks and hurried to finish hanging the laundry. He wanted to check out the job as soon as possible.


He jogged all the way from the residence to the port without as much as breaking a sweat. Sometimes his Gift felt like cheating, but when he remembered the pain he had to go through, he stopped giving a damn. He used the picture Reiko sent him to look for the sign to the fishery he was looking for, but there were few buildings here so it wasn’t that difficult.

“Sasaki Family Fishery,” he read. The building was small, like it wasn’t more than a couple of offices inside. Behind it, however, was a large metal shed with docks close to it and three fishing boats on the water.

Leo went through the glass doors, speaking to announce his presence. In the best Japanese he could manage, of course. “Hello? I’m here for the job offer.” One of the doors in front of him soon bust open, startling him.

There, with her hand on the doorknob and wide eyes on him, stood a mess of a woman. Her long black hair was tied into a high, rushed ponytail. There were deep bags under her large, hazel eyes, though she looked young. 25 or 26 years old at most. She wore a pink, short-sleeved shirt and blue jeans that hugged her legs. Overall, she had a slender, curvy and… well-endowed body. She was about as tall as him, too. If she didn’t look as tired as she did, she’d be an absolute beauty.

“You (…) here (…) job!?” was what he understood from her. Her tone was astonished, desperate and she was speaking too quickly, so it wasn’t as easy to understand as Reiko or Mrs. Wisler.

“Y-Yes, I’m here for the job,” he answered more slowly.

“Thanks you!” she said, walking up to him and shaking both his hands in disturbingly deep gratitude. Her eyes shone as she kept saying “Thank you! Thank you!” Okay, this wasn’t just a red flag. This shit was crimson. Why was she so thankful he’d come for the job? “You’re hired! Can you start right now?”


Her face fell, smile disappearing into despair. “You can’t?”

Dammit. It pulled at his heartstrings. She was clearly desperate for help, so he figured he could at least do something now and see if the job was worth it at all. He sighed. “Okay. What do I have to do?”

Her face lit up again, and she led him by the hand (though practically dragged him) behind the offices and the shed to the docks and in front of the boats. The smell of fish hit him like a slap in the face, and seeing the floors of the boats gave him an idea of what this was about.

He sighed again. “I have to clean the boats?” he asked.

The woman nodded. “All three,” she said with a careful smile.

With a final sigh, Leo moved his shoulders and answered. “Very well. Do you have the… uh… tools?” The woman’s face lit into a radiant smile as she ran back to the shed and came back with a long brush, a bucket with bottles of cleaning liquids inside, rubber gloves and a waterproof apron. Without complaining, Leo got to work. He was just asking earlier for something more to do with his time.


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