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It had been a lie of course. Angela told Leo she was going to take a nap, but it was a big fat lie. There was no way she could’ve fallen asleep, not when she knew what was happening at the other side of the house. Naturally, she couldn’t hear a thing, but just knowing made her heart race.

Angela had come to this island following Mrs. Wisler promise of having an MMA instructor giving her an excuse to fight. That promise was still not fulfilled, since the old lady said the instructor was still not back from her business abroad. And yet Angela realized she didn’t mind, because she’d found something else that caught her interest. Rather, someone.

Normally, when someone asked her why she liked something, her usual answer would be ‘I just do. I don’t need a reason’. It was like that for fighting, for good food and those stupid Japanese game shows with people falling over. But when Reiko had asked her just minutes earlier why she liked Leonardo, Angela was surprised that she had an easy answer. He was reliable in the sense of a grown man. He could cook and do house chores. He was used to taking care of himself, something over half the people their age weren’t even capable of, herself… kind of included. What’s more, his cooking was good. She liked it a lot. It was better than her mom’s, but that wasn’t really high praise. He didn’t judge her for liking fighting, and even encouraged her to find a way to do it and be happy. That had made an impact on her, considering her family aggressively discouraged her from doing it. And most recently, he’d put up with her when she asked that he let her fight him. That hadn’t just been fun, it had been amazing. He wasn’t a fighter like her, but he could keep up and not be hurt by her punches. He was fun to talk to, to tease, and let’s not forget to mention attractive. All of those were far more reasons than she’d need to say she liked him in a… romantic way. Yeah, Angela liked Leonardo that way.

When Reiko had asked, Angela told her all that. The younger girl seemed happy with her answer, strangely. Perhaps she really was serious about the sharing thing? Angela didn’t dare hope, but she couldn’t help herself. She liked Leo and wanted to be with him, even if she had to share him. She was THAT desperate, and Leo was that good a catch. After all, she couldn’t cook or do most chores herself. And yet it still stung knowing Leo and Reiko were fucking at the other side of the house. But it was like she’d told Reiko the other night. It wasn’t that she wanted to stop them. Rather, she wanted a turn. Thinking about it made her hot and bothered in the usual, irritating way. She took her hand between her legs and rubbed for a minute before giving up. Instead, she got up from her bed and went out of her room.

Why her feet took her just outside of Leo’s bedroom, she wasn’t quite sure. She knew what was happening inside. She didn’t need confirmation. But… her heart beat so quickly at the thought that, before she knew it, she was already in front of his door.

“Yes…! Yes…! There! That’s…ugh! Mmm!”

It wasn’t very loud, but she could clearly hear Reiko’s voice coming from the other side along with the sound of flesh slapping on flesh. Leo was silent for the most part. Angela could hear his breathing getting faster and his grunts of pleasure. A small smiled appeared on her lips. She found that more arousing than his screaming some cringy dirty talk. What sort of face was he making right now? How were they doing it?

“You can do it harder,” she heard Reiko say, gasping, and the sound of flesh on flesh grew louder. She’d realized it when they asked her to keep watch for them at school, but Reiko was definitely not as innocent as she seemed. That was fine with her. Angela far preferred people who were honest with themselves.

She leaned against the wall across from Leo’s door, closed her eyes and let her imagination run wild. Reiko had cute moans, but thinking of what Leo must’ve been doing to make her let out a voice like that made her shiver and bite her lower lip.

“I love you…!” Reiko said.

“I love you too,” she heard Leo answer.

And that sent a different type of shiver down her back. It was worry and fear she’d never experienced before. Reiko spoke of sharing, but what if she fell so hard for Leo she decided the offer was off the table? She had everything to offer him, while Angela had nothing. What was worse, even if Leo somehow chose her over Reiko, they’d be back at square one, where they wouldn’t be able to have sex.

But Angela wasn’t one to let the matter sit. Reiko didn’t want to lose to her, and neither did Angela want to let her have Leo to herself. There had to be something she could do, right? Anything to keep Leo’s eyes on her without fucking up his relationship with Reiko. Angela wasn’t a genius, but she knew one thing for sure. Leo liked her. He’d said as much, and his eyes were as honest as his words. He stared at her a lot.

If so, maybe she’d give him a bit more to stare at?


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