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The first thing Leonardo thought when he woke up was that the light coming from between the drapes at his window was too bright. He moved sluggishly to find his phone and look at the time. It was 10:11 am. He’d gone to sleep at around 8:00 pm last night, so this was definitely the most he’d ever slept. He tried sitting up, but his body felt even heavier than it did yesterday. He had to prop himself up with his arms.


He shared this same futon with Reiko, resulting in the power of the Book of Eros freeing him from the curse. It was hard to believe, but he had immediate proof that we wasn’t dreaming or didn’t imagine it. He sneaked a hand under the covers and found it. The mythical, legendary and rumored Morning Boner. He swallowed. It was his first time waking up with a boner. In fact, it made him want to…

“Mr. Leonardo? Are you awake?” Leo heard the quiet voice of Mrs. Wisler coming from behind the door. He took his hand off his crotch and answered.

“Yeah,” he said, his voice a little raspy for being his first words of the day.

“Can I come in?”


The old lady opened the sliding screen and entered the room, sitting next to his futon. “How are you feeling?”

“Extremely lethargic,” Leo answered, moving his shoulders. “My whole body feels like it weights two times more.”

“The removal of the curse must’ve had too big an impact on your body,” she sighed. “I shudder to think what would happen to someone without your gift.”

“Ah…” he exclaimed. “You mean…”

“You have the natural resistance to withstand the shock. But I worry what will happen to someone like Angela once the curse is lifted from her.”


“I’ll be sure to keep up my research and find a way to prevent that,” she said. “I’m sorry you have to go through this. I thought something like this could happen, but didn't expect it to be this bad.”

“It’s fine,” he sighed. “I missed school,” he muttered.

“I called them already and told them you had a cold.”

“Thank you.” But now that he knew that, his mind went to another issue. “Sorry. I didn’t make breakfast or lunch today.”

“Stop worrying about it. Focus on getting your strength back. Are you hungry?” As if on cue, his stomach growled louder than Leo had ever heard it. It was embarrassing. “I’ll bring you breakfast here. You’re in no condition to be getting up yet.”

He couldn’t really argue with her. Since Mrs. Wisler didn’t know how to cook, she brought him three store bought sandwiches and a half-liter bottle of 100% orange juice. Leo practically swallowed the food, not even noticing when there wasn’t any more. Mrs. Wisler left him to rest, and Leonardo laid back down on his futon.

He wanted to go back to sleep but before that, there was something very important he needed to do. He got some tissues from his desk and went back to the futon. He sneaked his hand under his boxers and held his now soft penis with a modicum of fear. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and conjured images of what happened yesterday into his mind.

He imagined Reiko’s naked figure in front of him. He remembered the taste of her lips and her nipples, the feeling of her soft skin on his fingers, the sound of her moans and whimpers of pleasure. He recalled the feeling of her tongue on his cock, and his hand automatically started stroking his growing erection. His heart pounded. He imagined what it would be like to stick his cock inside her beautiful, pink pussy. He imagined the sort of sounds she’d make, her face as he pleased her and he got to share the sensations this time.

In very little time, he came. At the age of 19, Leonardo Contreras had successfully masturbated for the very first time in his life. A stupid thought, he believed, but he it was like he was starting to get to know his own body for the first time again, learning what felt good and what didn’t. How many times has the average guy done it by the time he’s 19? Numbers aside, they already know how to. For Leo, though, it was an awkward disconnect between intellectual and instinctual know-how. After cleaning up with the tissues, he tried to go back to sleep. His mind, however, kept going back to yesterday. In fact, it kept coming back to both Reiko and Angela.

Leonardo masturbated four more times before he finally got to calm down a bit and fell asleep again.


When he woke up again, it was already 5:20 pm. Just how tired was he? He’d never slept so much. Four hours were usually enough for him to last a whole day. He decided that staying in bed wouldn’t help, and with his body feeling a little lighter than before, he rose from bed.

He took a shower and got dressed in something comfortable before going to the dining room, where he found Reiko and Angela at the table, studying. The younger girl rose with blurring speed and threw herself at him, catching Leo in a tight hug.

“Leo! Are you okay? Are you feeling ill? Wisler-san said you were resting. Should you even be up?”

Man, having her worry about him so much was really heartwarming and all, but having her so close was going to make him pop another boner. She smelled really nice, kind of like honey, and she was holding him so close that her chest was pressing against his.

“I-I’m fine, I’m fine!” He laughed nervously as he put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her slightly away from him. “I’m feeling tired, but staying in bed was making me uncomfortable. I need to move a little or I’ll go crazy,” he assured with a smile.

“Okay…” Reiko said, reluctantly accepting his answer.

“What happened?” Angela asked from her seat. “Mrs. Wisler said the breaking of the curse got to you.”

“Yeah, I don’t know,” he sighed. “Just felt really tired all of a sudden. Mrs. Wisler says that if it hadn’t been for my gift, the backlash could’ve been worse.” Reiko looked up at him with watering eyes, full of silent guilt. “It’s not your fault,” Leo laughed and kissed her forehead. “I don’t regret what happened yesterday. Far from it. So don’t worry, okay?”

His girlfriend blushed and nodded in response.

“You two are gonna give me diabetes,” Angela whined in fake annoyance.

“I better not make dinner for you, then,” Leo said as he walked to the kitchen to check what was in the fridge.

“I’m joking! I’m joking! Learn to have sense of humor, man! Jesus!” Angela sighed.

Knowing what he was gonna prepare for dinner, Leo sat down with the two girls as Reiko briefed him on what happened at school. Sadly, his girlfriend couldn’t stay for dinner since her parents told her she was abusing their hospitality. It was clear neither him nor Reiko were happy with the idea. He wanted to do more things with her.


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