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William bit his lip in frustration and gripped the pillows tightly. If he asked himself if he could trust the spirit, the answer was painfully obvious.

He could.

Because he was an idiot. He was a complete imbecile. He was someone who wanted to believe in people’s sincerity. Being like that had led him to be betrayed many times. Anyone else would’ve thrown those beliefs away already. But even though he wanted to do that, he couldn’t. He wanted to believe the spirit was speaking the truth, and that she really did wish for them to work together.

“You know my answer already, then,” William spoke.


“If you ask me to trust you, I’m an idiot who is incapable of saying no.”

‘I feel it.’

“I want to tell you no. I want to fight this. I want to believe I’m smart enough to say no after so many betrayals. But I can’t.”

‘You’re a fool.’

“I know.”

‘But if you weren’t a fool, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.’

“What happens now?” he asked once they both understood each other’s position.

‘I’ll teach you how to use my power when you feel ready. It’s been a busy week, and though you have my power, your body is still human. You need some rest.’

It was Saturday, so he didn’t have anything to do. No classes, no work today… Now that she said it, his body did feel heavier than usual. As he went to the kitchen to fix himself breakfast, he kept talking to her.

“How will you teach me to use your power?” he asked her, opening the fridge and getting milk and eggs.

‘My suggestion is getting a random woman. One who doesn’t know your previous performance and won’t notice if you fail.’

“What happens if I fail?”

‘At best, you don’t use my power, and at worst, you break her from the pleasure. I’ll still have control over it, so I can cut you off from the power to prevent it from being harmful. Wouldn’t do to get a bad reputation.’

“So if I lose control of your power, you stop it and I just have the kind of sex I’ve been having with Amelia over the past week?”

‘Precisely. Once you’ve found a woman, I’ll walk you through the process. And if you like her, you can keep her.’

“Women aren’t pets,” he told her with a groan. He started making scrambled eggs as he heated the water to make himself some tea.

‘Sure, sure.’

Once he finished his eggs and served himself some tea with a bit of milk, he ate in silence. But doing so made him curious about something. “Hey, do you taste what I’m eating?” he asked.

‘Mh? Kind of. I don’t care for food, so I don’t pay attention to it. I told you. I feed on sex.’

“I see. I suppose that’s good. It means I don’t have to worry about eating something you don’t like.”

‘What? Why would you care about that?’

William only answered with a shrug. He finished his breakfast and went back to bed. He slept for a few hours more before waking up again at about 3:00 pm. He took a shower, got dressed in a blue shirt and jeans, and went out of the apartment.

‘So you want to start already?’

“I have literary nothing better to do today,” he answered.

‘Very well. And just so you know, you don’t need to speak aloud for me to hear you. Your thoughts do just fine.’

‘Like this?’


Well, now that everything was clear between them, William pushed away the disturbing thoughts that came with the fact he had been possessed and decided to make the best of it. If he was going to do as Ishtar suggested, he needed to find a random woman. That didn’t sit right with him, but he’d be a hypocrite to say anything. He’d fucked Amelia, Cynthia and Anna on a whim (though with Ishtar meddling with his thoughts more than a little bit). Besides, he had to admit everything sounded too good to be true. Any woman he wanted? Just the thought made him excited, and he wasn’t sure that was a good thing.

‘Don’t feel so guilty, you fool. There are humans out there who would do things with my power that even disgust me. With your level of restrain and my own ability to read people, I doubt you’ll force yourself on anyone who doesn’t want it.’

‘I’d been meaning to ask about that. You can read minds?’

‘Yes, but in a very roundabout way. I’ve learned to do it over the years. See, I am naturally able to feel people’s sexual desires. It’s natural. Just like your sense of smell or taste tell you when something is edible, my senses tell me when someone is willing to have sex. What’s more, no matter how much they try to deny it, humans are all horny. There are some exceptions, but you can understand why I don’t care about those. The thing is, you can trace sexual desire back to other things, such as emotional state and physical health. Learning to determine the reasons for someone’s sex drive made me able to read minds, in a sense.’

‘Huh. You’re very talkative.’

‘The more you understand my power, the better you’ll use it. Don’t think I enjoy talking to you.’

‘Well, I’m thankful for the explanation, at least.’

William needed to find a place to find someone to practice on. So long as Ishtar could tell him their state of mind, he should be able to pick someone willing. It didn’t really matter where he went, so long as he could find someone…

‘Just admit it. You like sexy, big chested women. It’s not like you can hide anything from me.’

‘I guess so. Is there anything I like that disgusts you, like you said?’

‘No, or I wouldn’t be with you still. Don’t try anything on children and animals and you’ll have little issues with my opinion.’

‘Uh-huh. Good to know we’re on the same page there.’

With that clear, William set out to find a girl. Somewhere.



...I do feel like for all of William's insecurities, the fact that he's now a homewrecker hasn't even come up since Ishtar basically told him he ruined sex with anyone but him for them? But I stopped in partway, so maybe they're already in failing marriages? I don't know...


I never know how to answer these kind of comments because, of course, i know the answer, but maybe it takes from readers coming up with their own explanations? My take is that William likes the idea to a certain extent. They ARE in failing marriages already, but Will does take pleasure from being considered "the best they've ever had". It's part of the reason Ishtar had an easy time possessing him, along with him being tired of being fucked over by others.