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Reiko walked with a stiffness to her step while Angela beside her walked with relaxed shoulders and her hands in the pockets of her shorts. At the table, she’d been nice enough not to comment on what she knew had happened, but being alone with her now was almost suffocating for the younger girl. Besides, there was too much on her mind. Being with Leonardo was… eye opening in many different ways. One of which she wasn’t sure was… normal. Or healthy.

Being with him felt good. Very good. It was way better than any time she’d masturbated on her own. It made her shiver just to think about him again. But somehow, the moment when he came for the first time made a bigger impact in her mind. He looked like the chains that had been holding and hurting him were broken. He even cried. He looked so… relieved and happy. When she thought of how she masturbated virtually every day, the fact that he and even Angela couldn’t feel anything was criminal. It made her wish they could make up for all the years they’d missed. Him especially.

It was as they walked towards her house that Angela spoke words that caught Reiko by surprise and woke her up from her thoughts.

“So…” the blonde started, coughing to clear her throat. “How did it feel like?”

“Eh?” Reiko exclaimed.

“Come on, don’t hide it,” Angela groaned and scratched her cheek in embarrassment. “What’s it like?” Angela seemed to be asking with honest interest. But well, of course she was interested! Reiko had troubles when going a full week without masturbating. That was what Angela felt constantly, wasn’t it? Just the thought made her mentally wince. There was no one around. The streets of the residential area were empty at this hour. She felt comfortable enough to talk about it.

“It’s… like your whole body gets hot. You start shivering and your body sort of moves on its own,” she started, pushing through the shame of retelling the experience. “O-Of course, we d-didn’t go all the way,” she stammered, “but he touched me all over, and it felt really good. It’s… hard to put into words, but it’s like your body burns from the inside and your mind just stops working.”

“Did you…” Angela swallowed. “Did you come?”

Reiko nodded slowly, looking down at the ground and lifting three fingers.

“Grrrrh! I’m so jealous!” Angela groaned, furiously scratching her head.

“S-Sorry!” Reiko quickly said.

“No, no. I’m not jealous of YOU. I mean, I am, only… Argh! I don’t even know what I’m trying to say anymore!” Angela grumbled, covering her face with her hands. Then her eyes widened, and she grinned. “It’s like… when you see someone eating cake! You don’t really want to stop that person from eating cake, but you wish you got to eat some of it too, right?” She nodded to herself, more comfortable with that analogy.

“But… What if that was the only slice of cake left?” Reiko asked, hesitantly.

“…That’d be bad,” Angela sighed, shoulders slumping.


Reiko wanted to tell Angela what she was thinking, but couldn’t bring herself to. Not now. She wasn’t sure of it yet. She needed time to think. The things she’d said to them before were still true. She wanted them to be able to feel the same pleasure she did. It wasn’t fair that they couldn’t. She understood their situation and had already accepted it, even more so after seeing the occult was real. But now there was something of a more selfish nature growing inside her. The once selfless desire to want them to feel what everyone else did was slowly beginning to transform into something more twisted. She could pinpoint it to the moment she saw her boyfriend orgasm. It was strange. It scared her. But she needed some time to think.

Reiko and Angela walked in silence from that point on, Reiko too immersed in her own thoughts to pay much attention to Angela beside her. They reached her house and said goodbye.

She had a short conversation with her parents, telling them how Wisler-san had ordered sushi and invited her to stay for dinner. She told them she was becoming good friends with Leonardo and Angela, which they seemed to approve of, saying they came from in important lineage and all that. Reiko didn’t care about that. She cared that they were being good friends, and that her parents were okay with them.

She went to the second floor of her house and into her bedroom. She kept it spotless and in order, but that was mostly to prevent her mother from coming in and finding her drawings. Good school performance and perfect responsibility with house chores had earned her the right of privacy in her house. Her parents wouldn’t come in for anything unless she let them.

Reiko had a lot on her mind. The post-orgasmic clarity was helping her think clearly, thankfully. But there was something she needed to confirm. Something about herself and her feeling on a specific matter. And Reiko knew no better way to understand her own feeling than drawing.

She sat at her desk. It was a simple, if ample wooden desk which she used to both study and draw. It was the hardest thing to keep clean in her whole room, considering she drew with ink most of the time. However, instead of taking the G-pen she had slowly grown used to, she simply took her sketch book and a pencil. She took a deep breath and started to work.

The memories of Leonardo’s body were still vivid in her mind, so drawing him was very easy. What was difficult was drawing Angela, as she had to imagine what she looked like under her clothes. They were quick sketches, but they were getting the job done. She drew her boyfriend making out with another woman, she drew him touching her, sucking on those huge breasts and even penetrating her with his recovered erection. She drew as explicitly as she could. She drew Angela enjoying every second of it, drawing on her very recent experience of how being with Leonardo had felt like.

She worked for hours. Her pencil didn’t stop. She filled page after page on her sketch book. And all the while, her heart never stopped pounding violently inside her chest. She grew hotter with every new image her mind conjured.  Her boyfriend sharing a bed with Angela. Why? Why was the thought so appealing? Why didn’t it bother her? Why did it make her ever hornier than drawing her favorite manga characters fucking?

In the last drawing of the night, she included herself. She drew herself, Angela and Leonardo in bed together. She was making out with Leo and caressing his chest while Angela kissed his neck and stroked his cock. Reiko decided that was the drawing she liked the most. She would probably draw that one with a pen tomorrow.