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The dream he had that night was not like the one he had about Angela. It was similar, but it felt different. Once more, his mind didn’t draw unnecessary details. The background didn’t matter. The room didn’t matter. All that mattered was that the sofa he was sitting on embodied the concept of a very comfortable sofa.

He was naked, and his mind could understand it was a dream due to the erection he had. The full length of his cock pressed against the stomach of the naked woman sitting on top of him, Reiko.

His hands held her hips and roamed up to her waist, fingers gently brushing skin, until they found her breasts. He grasped them in his hands, earning him a sweet moan from Reiko’s lips.

“Mmm! Yes… Leonardo-san… Touch me more…!”

Reiko closed her eyes and breathed in while enjoying Leo’s hands on her chest. Her hips naturally started rocking back and forth, seeking pleasure on their own. Her pussy rubbed against Leo’s hard length, making her purse her lips to keep her moans in.

“Don’t hold it,” he said. “I want to hear it.”

He took his lips to her nipple and began sucking on it. Reiko held his head in place and her hips ground more violently against him.

“Haaah, ah, mmmm! Yes… I like that…” Reiko gasped.

He could tell his desire was rising. Her voice was both arousing and soothing at the same time. It was weird. He could feel his longing for her rising, yet he also wanted to watch her more. Her flustered face, her rocking hips, her slender, sexy figure. It was a contrast to the bigger, more voluptuous Angela, and he enjoyed that. Something in the back of his mind felt calm about the comparison. He didn’t have to choose. He could have them both. And right now, Reiko was in his arms. His cock slid easily inside her pussy. Reiko bit her lip in ecstasy, sinking into it with glee.

“I love you,” she gasped. “Fuck me…! Fuck me…! Haah! Ah! Yes!”

She bounced on his cock and she grunted in pleasure. And the more Leonardo watched her, the more he wished he could share that with her. Despite her having sex with him, he felt like an outsider, watching someone enjoy herself while he couldn’t participate.

He kissed her, and she twirled her tongue inside his mouth with wild abandon. Like he expected, he didn’t feel any different, but at the very least, he got to feel her warmth against him.

She came hard, throwing her head back as she held onto his shoulders. Like before, Leonardo woke up when he thought his own orgasm was about to come. But now his eyes opened slowly. He calmly sat up on his futon, body hot and covered in sweat.

“Not again…” he groaned, holding his face. He didn’t even bother trying to masturbate this time. It was pointless. He was frustrated, and more than that, he had the contradicting need to see Reiko. He knew seeing her would only make things worse, but he wanted to.

Needed to.


It was stupid.

It was childish.

He knew he was too old for this shit. If things had gone normally, he’d have graduated high school by now. He knew very well in his head the whole concept was idiotic. But sitting next to Reiko at school now had a completely different meaning. Somehow, it put last night’s dream to shame.

WHY!? Why did having her so close made him feel like his stomach was upside down? They weren’t touching, they weren’t talking, and they weren’t even looking at each other! He was a grown man, dammit! Had he been worrying about sex so much that he forgot what a normal relationship felt like? He’d had a crush on a girl during middle school that went nowhere, but he remembered feeling like this back then, too. He had a girlfriend in his junior year of high school, but… yeah, that was only due to both of them wanting to fuck, and that had ended in nothing, of course.

Leo couldn’t pay attention to the teacher at all. He was too aware of the girl to his right. But the girl in question looked at the board and listened to the teacher with enviable laser-like focus. Her eyes didn’t turn to him even once, and although he wished he could concentrate like her, it also hurt a little bit that she wasn’t feeling the same idiotic giddiness as him. When the bell for lunch rang, the usual sighs of relief were heard, but it was the moderately loud sound of Reiko’s forehead hitting her desk that startled him.

She groaned. “Someone kill me. My brain hurts,” she complained.

“Are you feeling okay?” he asked, concerned. Yet his… girlfriend turned to him with an annoyed glare.

“It’s your fault!” she said, sitting up and pointing a finger at him, which she pressed against his cheek.

“Hah? How is it my fault?” he asked defensively.

“Because of you I could barely sleep last night! And now I had to focus on the lectures so much because I knew that if I so much as looked your way I’d be giggling like an idiot!” She sounded genuinely annoyed, yet she also looked cute while pouting.

“Don’t blame me for that! You’re the one who insisted!” he shot back.

“W-W-Well… Yes, but that doesn’t mean I have all the responsibility, does it?” she asked, not backing down.

Their voices were loud enough that their classmates started looking at them with odd expressions. Some with worry, some with amusement and other with clear annoyance. They were whispering things, but with so much going on, Leo couldn’t discern anything. Only moments later, however, something came to distract them of their… was it even a quarrel?

“Hey, Leo, Reiko!” Angela called them from the doorway. “Come eat lunch with me!”

Both Leo and Reiko blinked at her, then looked at each other and shared a soft chuckle before going after their blonde friend. The eyes of the other students were glued to the odd trio. He only noticed Reiko had brought her school bag with her as they were going up the stairs.


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