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March 23rd, 2017.

What on earth would drive Leonardo Contreras to accept such a crazy fucking offer? What would drive any man to get on a plane, move to a country he doesn’t know and can’t speak the language of, and all at the offer of a completely unknown old woman?

Leonardo knew exactly what. Desperation.

Due to difficult circumstances, he was a high school dropout. He was working at a construction place, at a restaurant as a waiter, and at a bar as bartender at night. Those were the only places that would hire him. Even so, he could barely make ends meet. His apartment, the cheapest he could find, was still too expensive and ate up most of his income.

The old lady who suddenly approached him when working at the bar offered him both a home and the opportunity to finish his education. It sounded too good to believe, so of course he didn’t. He wasn’t an idiot. No, it wasn’t the offer of free lodging and another shot at school that made him accept.

What did was that the old lady knew everything.

She knew his father; she knew of his death last year; she knew all the jobs he worked, and how even though he slept around three hours a day, he never felt tired; and most importantly, she knew about his condition, and said she had shared it in her youth. She said there were other who suffered from it, and that she had find a way to get rid of it forever.

She knew everything. She knew how Leonardo had broken up with his first and only girlfriend because he couldn’t feel anything during sex. No, that was wrong. He could feel something. He felt the desire, the need for it. Watching his girlfriend’s naked body did arouse him. But he couldn’t get hard, no matter what. His dick felt numb at her blowjobs and handjobs, and even rubbing against her did nothing. He only felt an agonizing need for a release that just wouldn’t come. Masturbation wasn’t so different.

He had gone to the doctor to get himself checked, but they couldn’t find a cause, and he didn’t have the money to follow the treatments they suggested. The old lady said it wasn’t anything biological. She said it was supernatural.

Everything the woman had said sounded like nothing more than crazy talk, but Leonardo slowly started to believe her. For starters, the old lady didn’t look crazy. She was well dressed, her eyes looked focused, and like he said before, she knew everything, including his own emotions. She read him like an opened book. When he nodded politely and said ‘yes’, she knew he was just playing along to not be rude. When she asked sensitive questions he tried to hide the pain behind laughter, but she saw through him. She said her ability to do that came from the supernatural, just like his ability to not feel tired. She even knew how his father had the same ability as him.

She didn’t go talk to him just once. She went several times until she finally convinced him. He spoke to his employers, quit his three jobs and sold most of his possessions. That was a whole month ago, and he was now on the plane, flying to Japan. The old lady even paid for the ticket.

Leonardo used all his free time to try to learn the language, focusing primarily on learning to read the damned characters. A whole month and he was just now starting to easily recognize hiragana, the most basic characters. At least it helped that having quit his jobs and needing so little sleep meant he could study almost all day. Another aspect of his ‘ability’ was that he could keep his focus for long periods of time. He was even practicing writing those characters during the flight.

It took 15 hours to get from New York to Naha. From one unfamiliar country to one even more so. He barely spent two years in the US before he moved to the other side of the world.

He arrived early in the morning, yet the airport was still busy. He got his bag from the baggage claim and found his way to the exit, looking to take a cab to take him to his next destination. But right outside the exit gates, he witnessed a scene.

Not one, not two, but three Japanese cab drivers were surrounding a woman Leonardo could only see from behind. The dudes where speaking broken English, seemingly trying to convince her to let them drive her and offering lower and lower prices. Leonardo wouldn’t have looked twice if not for the fact that when one of the cab drivers grabbed the woman’s arm, he felt a chill down his back.

It was difficult to explain, but he knew that if he didn’t step up, something bad was gonna happen. He saw the woman tense up, and she let out a low growl.

“Alright, that’s enough,” Leonardo said, walking up to the scene and making all four of those involved turn to him. “I already found us a cab,” he gestured back. “Let’s go.”

The woman shot him a thankful grin and left the three cab drivers standing there as she followed Leonardo. It was only when he got a good look at her that he regretted having helped at all.

The woman was gorgeous, and he could understand why the three guys would fight over having her in their car. She could be a supermodel for all Leonardo knew. She was wearing a black leather jacket and blue jeans which both clung tightly to her curvy figure. She had porcelain white skin, shoulder length, straight golden hair and clear, blue eyes. She had fair facial features that said she couldn’t be older than 20.

Her looks contrasted a bit with Leonardo himself. They were about the same height, with her being maybe a few centimeters shorter, but his skin was slightly darker than hers, and his hair was short and dark brown. His face was sharper with smaller, brown eyes. He had a lean frame with toned arms and back due to his work carrying heavy loads.

Really, he regretted helping her. Because, in spite of his best efforts to avoid it, his mind was already undressing her. He couldn’t help but imagine how she would look naked. Her chest looked massive under her jacket and she had a narrow waist. He had the idiotic desire to hold her, kiss her and fuck her, and that only made him more irritated.


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