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Hello everyone. I hope the week treated you well.

I come to you with another update on how work's been going.

To start, some good news on The Affection Multiplier. Basically, I spent my time writing focusing solely on it and it flowed really well. I'm going to be editing, adding or removing stuff as I see fit from still unpublished chapters, but I got a lot of work done.

Following the good news. The new project, The Book of Eros, should start publishing this month. Not completely sure which day exactly, but most definitely this month. I've been editing, re-writing and fixing some stuff from the preview chapter while also reusing stuff I can.

On some bad news. I think I'll have to stop work on Deus Terra. I've been feeling like this for a while, but something about it isn't clicking with me. I really wanted to be able to write high fantasy since it's the genre I most like to read. I don't know if the genre is beyond me or if I just approached this project in the wrong way. I know what I did wrong, and at least I feel like I learned a lot from it. I'll try to at least give it an ending, but it'll be slow. I'd much prefer to focus on current projects. I'm sorry to those of you who enjoyed it. If you were here only for it, I sincerely apologize. I was taking it in directions I personally didn't enjoy writing. I might try my hand at it again in the future, but we'll see.

Finally, for the [Poll]. I want to work on another of my already published stories that are currently on hiatus, uploading at least some short chapters every week along side Book of Eros. Which story should I focus on? The Simon Sinclair branch of TAM or Spirit of Lust? Vote in the poll.

Best regards, everyone. I hope you all have a great weekend.



What ever happend to your branch in Cheerleader destiny


It was the first piece of erotica I ever wrote. Did it on a whim. It's not my original idea. And when I first posted chapters for it, they got approved only months later. Never even knew where I wanted to take that. Just a vague idea because I liked the concept.


Really hoping for Simon SinClair, that story was super interesting 😄😄