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The first day went by quicker than you would’ve liked, perhaps because you arrived in the afternoon. Now it’s time to go to bed, and as decided earlier, you’ll spend the first night with Emma and Lilian.

“Can I ask why you picked the two of us?” Lilian asks as she removes her T-shirt, the three of you already alone in the bedroom. “I mean… Emma and I get along well enough, but we’re not exactly the closest.”

“I think you just answered you own question, honey,” Emma chuckles.

“Oh,” Lilian exclaims.

“Does it make you uncomfortable?” you ask her.

“N-No. I guess I would’ve been more comfortable with Jessica, Olivia or Katherine,” she answers. “But I’ve already been doing so much I wouldn’t normally have done.”

“Sorry. It’s just me being selfishly naïve again,” you chuckle. “We’re a big group, so it’s not like everyone can be best friends. Still…”

“I get you,” Emma says, slipping out of her clothes to her naked form. She walks up to Lilian and stands behind her, the younger girl now as naked as her. Emma embraces her from behind, making Lilian give her a puzzled look. “At the very least, we all share one thing, don’t we?”

“I guess,” Lilian chuckles.

Emma takes a deep breath and whispers into Lilian’s ear. “I want to watch him fuck you. Can I?”

Lilian swallows audibly. “Y-You don’t want in?”

“Perhaps,” Emma chuckles. “But I got a lot of attention today.”

“Alright…” Lilian looks to the floor, trying to hide a complicated look. But you notice.

You lay back on the bed, against the headboard and supported by a couple of pillows, completely naked. Lilian crawls on the bed, on top of you, while Emma lays down to your right, watching with an excited smile.

The blonde girl studies your face for a moment, running her fingers along your jaw and your cheeks, a smile slowly replacing that weird look from before. She kisses you once, tentatively, teasingly. Then again, and again. And unable to resist all the teasing, you pull her to you and kiss her deeply. Your arms easily wrap around her slender frame, pressing her body against yours, your cock somehow getting between her thighs. She giggles as you make out with her, a hand firmly squeezing her soft ass.

“Like my butt?” she asks, grinning.

“I like all of you,” you tell her.

You take advantage of the position you’re in, gently thrusting your cock between Lilian’s thighs and rubbing its length against her pussy lips. She moans with pursed lips and closed eyes, enjoying it and getting wetter by the second.

You turn you head to Emma, and she know what you want without the need for words. She leans in and presses her full lips against yours, pushing her tongue into your mouth. Her moans join Lilian’s, yet only for a moment before she pulls away.

“Focus on her for now, love,” she tells you, turning to the shivering Lilian with lust in her voice. “Please her. Savor her. Let me see it.”

As much as you’d like to have them both at the same time, the woman already spoke, and you know Lilian would like to be the center of your attention. You lift her hips and she takes your cock in her hand, lining it up with her drenched pussy. Her tongue rolls around yours as she sinks herself into your cock, and she desperately starts bouncing on you.

You wonder briefly if the girls in the other rooms can hear. You wonder if it bothers them. But the smoldering sensation on your dick makes you push those thoughts aside for now. You suppose you’ll find out in the morning.

Lilian’s hard nipples rub against your chest as she rocks back and forth, grinding on top of you. For a moment, her eyes go from yours to Emma. She sees the teacher, calmly and sweetly looking at you two. She quickly turns back to you, kissing you hungrily and renewing her efforts, bouncing her hips on yours until the two of you burst in a powerful climax.

You rub Lilian’s back as she comes down from a long-lasting orgasm. There’s a calm, relaxing silence for a moment as Lilian stares lovingly at you, and you stare back into blue eyes, at her fine features and her now messy blonde hair.

She rests her cheek on your chest as she looks at Emma with a puzzled look. “How can you be content with just watching?” she asks. “When I see him fucking one of the other girls… I don’t know, I feel like I just want to jump in, too.”

“You’re still in the honeymoon phase, so it’s understandable,” Emma laughs. “Of course, I still want him, but I think I’m past the phase where I need him inside me every day.”

“But… do you really get off to just watching?”

“There’s more to it than that, and now I wish we had Anzu here to help me out with this,” Emma chuckles. “Watching is fulfilling in a different way. I don’t climax most of the time, though I know Anzu does.”

“Then why do you like it?” Lilian asks again, further confused.

“The short answer is that David did some naughty things back when we first started dating,” Emma chuckles, making you laugh nervously. You know she’s okay with it, but she’s still never gonna let you live it down, is she? “The long answer is that I like seeing you and the others satisfied.” She brushes Lilian’s bangs away from her face and starts gently combing her messy hair.

“I know how good it feels, both physically and emotionally. It makes me happy to know he’s making you feel the same,” Emma nods to herself, looking satisfied with her words. “But more than that, I know he likes it.” Her hands now move to caress your cheek, which is a little embarrassing, but you let her. “I know there’s nothing he loves more than having all of us around him. Selfish, yes, but he balances it out by being selfless in everything else,” she laughs, seeing the heat go to your cheeks. “And if he’s happy, I’m happy. Besides, even you can tell how hot he looks during sex, right?”

“Y-Yeah.” Lilian smiles.

“You okay?” you ask her.

“Everyone here is so mature,” Lilian groans. “You know how Emily said she felt like a child standing next to Mia? Well, I feel like that too, but emotionally, and next to everyone else.”

“You’re thinking about it, though, and that’s good,” Emma says. “Introspection is good. Questioning ourselves is good.”

“Just don’t take it too far,” you add. “It can be harmful if you start looking down or yourself.” You kiss Lilian’s forehead. “And for the record, I also feel like a kid compared to Emma, Mia, Anzu and Julia. You’re not alone there.”

“Sure, but I feel immature even next to you. And I think I’m older than you for about a month.” Lilian sighs. “Still. Good to know I’m not the only one with these thoughts.” She nuzzles against your shoulder and places lazy kisses on your neck. “Okay then. Let me watch you fuck Emma. I want to see what all the fuzz is about.”

“Didn’t you watch us go at it in the living room?” you ask her.

“I wasn’t really paying attention, or I would’ve tried to get in somehow.” She lifts herself off you, lays down lazily to your left and grins. “I think I can stand to just watch while I rest for a bit.”

“Then don’t mind of I do,” Emma grins as well, licking her lips.

You spend the rest of the night with Emma and Lilian, glad to see that the two are growing closer, even if just slightly. Lilian really does seem to appreciate the advice of the older women.


The next day, the twelve of you sit around the table having breakfast. You remember your passing thoughts from last night and decide to ask.

“By the way, did we make too much noise last night?” you ask them.

“Not much,” Mia says. “The walls are pretty thick.”

“We could still hear when Lilian got loud, though,” Megan teases.

“I-I’m not that loud!”

“You are sometimes,” Olivia points out. “Not that we blame you for screaming.”

The young blonde blushes deeply. “Dammit. It’s one thing when you’re all there, but knowing you’re hearing from another room is really embarrassing for some reason.”

“Certainly rouses the imagination,” Anzu giggles. “Do we have any plans for today?”

“We wanted to see if we could go down the ravine and explore,” you say.

“There should be a way down,” Olivia says. “Though it’s not within the hotel’s private area, I hear there are a few spots that are popular with tourists.”

“If we’re going for a walk there, we should get water bottles,” Julia points out. “But we didn’t bring any.”

“We can buy them at the store in the main building, right?” Jessica asks.

“…” You take a deep breath. After taking the time to relax yesterday, you can now think more clearly. And while you still don’t want to, it might be a good idea to go talk to Taylor. See how things are for yourself. “I’ll go buy them.”

“Are you sure?” Katherine asks you, a worried frown on her face.

You nod.

“I want to get it over with as quickly as I can. I don’t want to leave the matter hanging.”

“It’s settled, David.” Olivia tells you. “You don’t have to see her if you don’t want to, much less even think about her.”

“Come on, Olivia,” you chuckle. “You know me already.”

“I guess I do,” she sighs, still not liking the idea.

You finish breakfast and leave the cabin. You head up the path to the main building, and it doesn’t take you any effort to find Taylor, as she’s cleaning one of the windows. With a deep breath to calm yourself down, you walk up to her. She notices you and turns to you with shock.


“Hey,” you say, forcing a polite smile.

“W-W-What are you doing here?”

“Needed to buy something and saw you here. Figured I’d make sure Olivia didn’t go overboard.”

“…” She swallows and looks around. She spots whoever she was looking for and tells you to wait a second. You watch her talking to a man, probably her boss, and hear something about a break and an old classmate. She comes back with hesitant steps. “Can we… talk for a bit? I’d understand if you don’t want to, though.”

You sigh. “Sure.”

You follow her to a break room in the building and sit at a small round table across from her. You sit with your back straight, arms on top of the table and looking straight at Taylor.

“I… I’m sorry about what I did,” she says.

“Are you?” Your tone is harsh. Harsher than you intended. Harsher than you thought you had in you.

She flinches. “I am. If Olivia hadn’t taken pity on me… I would’ve been fired.”

You swallow a groan. “Are you parents still giving you a hard time?”

She nods silently.

“You know that’s only because you keep pulling stunts like this, right?”

“What other choice do I have?” She shoots back. “I’m not smart like you! You’ll end up with a good job, earning a lot of money, while a janitor job is the best I could manage after high school!”

“…” There are so many things you want to tell her. How she’s still just making excuses. How she’s never put effort in anything and still complains. How you know her mother is worried, because she personally apologized to you after you two broke up. But you don’t. You’ll advocate for solving things through conversation any day, but only if the other party has at least some intention of listening. “I’m not here to listen to excuses. I just want to make sure you’re okay and to know if you’re serious about leaving us alone.”

“I am.” She nods slowly, speaks quietly, weakly. “On both accounts.”

You click your tongue and close your eyes. “Okay. I just wanted to hear that for myself.”

“And you’re just going to believe what I say? Just like you did in high school?”

“I’ve become better at reading people, Taylor. You’re not faking this.” You look her dead in the eyes, and she swallows hard. “But if you are, I’ll do something about it. Olivia’s not the only one with resources, and believe me when I say I can do more damage than she ever could. You know me enough. You know that I don’t make threats, that I’d rather talk things out. But this is the one thing that could make me go back on that. Taylor, if you try to mess with us, I’ll fight back. I’m not letting you or anyone mess with my family.”

She looks down at the table, averting her eyes from yours. It’s the first time since you’ve known her that she’s backed down from a clash with you.

“You’ve changed, David,” she says with a weak laugh. “You used to be such a looser. Now you give off the same vibe as your dad.”

Your heart skips a beat. “What?”

“I know I only saw him twice, but there was this oppressing aura around him that made me scared of him. You feel just like him now. Like you know more than you let on, and that you could do nasty things if you wanted to.”

“If we’re done here, I need to buy some things and get back,” you say coldly.

“W-Wait! I… I really am sorry about what I did. Do you… forgive me?”

“…We’ll see. You’re obviously more interested in being on Olivia’s good side than mine, but I don’t blame you,” you say, standing up with your hands in your pockets. “But like always, I’d rather make friends than enemies. It’s up to you on which side you want to be.”

With those last words, you leave the break room. You feel tired, and what Taylor said about you giving the same vibe as your dad makes you uncomfortable. You go to the men’s restroom to wash your face. As expected of such a high class place, it’s spotless.



Again, updating now because I don't know if I'll have time in the morning.


While it's a small moment, I really like the touch of David commenting on the restroom. Its a subtle little touch showing Taylor may actually be putting work in, in comparison to here own chapter earlier. Great Chapter!