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You take the finished pasta dough, get it in a plastic wrap and put it in the freezer. That’s the last of your preparations for tomorrow, so long as you remember to take it out, of course. The other key ingredients are also there in the freezer, like meats and seafood, and you’ll be taking them on a cooler Monica lent you. There’s no way you’ll be able to hide the dinner from them, but you are confident you can just chalk it up to you doing something nice for them on a special occasion.

Your bags are ready with clothes for the week, swimming trunks, and general daily necessities. You’re taking your laptop with you, just in case you’ll need it, but you doubt it. You bet you’ll be too busy doing… other things.

You take a deep breath and dig into the bottom of your bag. You take out a towel that’s wrapped around itself and get a box the size of your laptop from it. You open it to see eleven smaller boxes of dark blue velvet. Your heart rate quickens and you take another deep breath. You open each one of the boxes and check their contents.

Every ring, engraved on the inside with their future owner’s name, is right where is should be. The three necklaces are in their boxes as well and engraved with their names on the back, too, against better judgment. Every single one of these pieces carries the heavy weight of a promise. A small piece of metal and jewels for them to have tangible proof of your devotion.

You grunt as you watch your hands shaking. The nerves are hard to control. This is going to be one of the most important moment of your life. You don’t want to screw it up.

It hasn’t even been a full year since you first got together with Emma. It’s only been a month since you got together with Jessica, Lilian and Olivia. And yet you're so sure of your feelings that you, in no way, feel like you’re rushing anything. You know it intellectually, of course. Why would you propose to girls you haven’t dated for more than a year? Most people even question if their one partner of several years is truly the one for them. Yet here you are, sure as 2+2 is 4 that these eleven girls are perfect for you.

Your mind plays with an idea for a minute. An idea of, how would it be if you were only dating one of them.

Emma is easy to picture. She was your first and you were together for a few weeks before Emily and Megan joined you. Yes, it’s easy to picture yourself being married to Emma. But while all the others have had to share you, you feel the connection is just as powerful. You can just as easily picture yourself living with Emma as you can picture yourself with Emily, Jessica or any of the others. But the thought of any of them NOT being there threatens to tear your soul apart. Just thinking about it puts a knot in your throat and the desire to puke at the same time.

When you told the girls about the existence of the AMA, you were shocked by their answers. They accepted it, saying that they didn’t care because, if it allowed them to feel so deeply in love, they’d welcome it. And now, with the jewels of promise in your hands, you feel exactly the same. You don’t doubt the multiplier works on yourself as well. You have no proof, but you’re somehow aware. You care about these girls to the point it hurts. To the point of being terrified of the thought of hurting them in any way.

Your resolve solidifies again. You’re marrying these girls. You don’t care if you have to rely on supernatural bullshit to do it. The thing you all share would be impossible if not for it. But supernatural bullshit won't be enough. You need to put in human effort and strive to improve yourself every day for their sake. They deserve the best you can give them, because they’ve given you more than you deserve. They accepted you with all your flaws. They accepted you for the nerd you are, with your naiveté, your greed and possessiveness. They’d be within their right to call you out on those last two in particular. You want them to be solely yours while they have to share you. But they accept it and even encourage it. Does any single man deserved to be blessed like this? To have such selfish wishes come true? You fear answering that question, because you fear your happiness will be taken away somehow. It’s an irrational fear that comes with loving so much. But you can’t let it consume you, because you have a job to do. You need to give these girls the life they deserve. You’ll work tirelessly to make every single one of their dreams come true.

You’ll start with the week-long trip. A week to pamper them as much as they want and answer to their every whim. You’ve had this thought before, but you feel confident thinking like that because you know their wishes don’t contradict yours, and yours don’t contradict theirs. It’s the reason this relationship works.

You don’t know if the AMA is the cause, but you’d like to believe you were lucky enough to find eleven women who are perfect for you, supernatural bullshit or not.


You leave on Monday. The morning chill makes you shiver for a bit as you wait outside your shed, which you already locked. It’s 6:00 AM when Emma picks you up in her car, a sleeping Olivia leaning against the window of the backseat. You smile at the sight, but when you get your things on the car trunk and close it, Olivia wakes up.

“Why did we have to pick six in the morning to leave?” she groans, sluggishly rubbing her eyes.

You sit on the copilot seat, greet Emma with a quick peck on the lips and turn back to Olivia.

“You said it was a six hour trip, right?” you tell her.

“I would’ve liked to leave earlier,” Emma says, giving Olivia a grin. “But we remembered some of you still need a good few hours of sleep.”

“I fucking hate mornings,” Olivia says, laying back across the backseats and using her purse as a pillow. “Wake me up when we’re there.”

“You won’t be able to sleep for six hours straight…” you tell her.

Still, you and Emma share a soft laugh as you let Olivia go back to sleep.

“Everything ready for the week, love?” Emma asks you.

“Yep. Everything ready.”

She has NO idea!

Or at least you well damn hope she doesn’t.

The way you’ll be traveling is three people in each car. Emma is driving you and Olivia, Mia is driving Sophia and Katherine, Julia is driving Emily and Megan, and Anzu is driving Lilian and Jessica. You all came to this decision sharing the deep desire to not have an uncomfortable six hour trip in a car that was too full. There’s enough space for everyone and their luggage in each car.

Emma drives you to the outskirts of town, where you meet with Mia and Julia’s group and wait for Anzu’s. They arrive some ten minutes later.

“What took you?” Emily asks them.

“Lilian overslept,” Jessica laughs.

Anzu joins with a light chuckle. “Apparently she was too excited for today and couldn’t sleep early.”

“And you just HAD to tell everyone, didn’t you?” Lilian sighs.

“The same happened to me!” Megan laughs. “Give me five!”

The blonde girl shakes her head, but still gives Megan a high-five.

If everything goes well, you should be arriving at your destination at around 12:30 pm. A quick bathroom break is planned along the way, and you hope to not make any other stops. It’s gonna be a long trip, but it’ll be worth it.


Just as expected, about an hour into the trip, Olivia wakes up with a stiff neck. She rubs her eyes and lets out a big yawn.

“Feeling better?” Emma asks her.

“Yeah,” Olivia answers, now massaging the back of her neck. “I just don’t function during early morning.”

There’s a comfortable silence in the car, and that’s a problem for you. Silence means introspection, introspection leads to remembering the plan, and remembering the plan leads to mild anxiety. Your leg starts to move without you noticing at first, and you make several conscious attempts to stop it, but it’s a nervous reflex at this point.

And of course Emma wouldn’t miss it.

“Love? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” you say, somehow managing to keep your nerves out of your voice. Maybe. “Just hoping we don’t run into any trouble.”

“And what kind of trouble could we run into?” Olivia asks, leaning forward between the two front seats to look at you.

“I don’t know. What if there’s a blackout when we’re there?”

“There’s not gonna be a blackout, David,” Olivia frowns at you. “The place might be new, but it’s ready to be used. My dad doesn’t settle for low quality.”

“Sorry,” you chuckle. “Just hoping everything goes well.”

“You need something to distract yourself, love.” Emma tells you. “Why don’t you sit back there with Olivia and you have some fun together?”

“A-Are you serious?” It’s Olivia who asks. “Wouldn’t that be… distracting?”

You nod in agreement with her.

“Oh, please. I’m used to David fucking right beside me.” Emma laughs. “I’m more than capable of paying attention to the road while you do it. I’ll just think of it as ASMR noises in the background.”

You and Olivia share a quick glance. You can easily tell she wants to and you’re tempted to do it yourself. You give Olivia a quick nod.

“Alright,” she says, “but we swap after the bathroom break. I drive and you can have him. It’s only fair.”

“Thanks, and I’m very tempted to say yes, but can YOU pay attention to the road while we’re having sex back there.”

Olivia groans.

“Go at it without worry,” Emma reassures. “I’ll make sure he pays me back when we’re at the cabin.” She winks at you.

“You don’t even have to ask,” you tell her.

Emma stops by the side of the road and you change seats quickly. The driving resumes at a steady pace, the cars with the other girls still in view.

Licking her lips and eyeing you with mischievous desire, Olivia turns to sit on your lap, facing you and very deliberately pressing her chest against yours. She takes her hair and moves it away from her face and neck, giving you access to every part of her that you wish.

“Always a go getter, aren’t you?” you say, holding her by her narrow waist.

“I’ve always been clear on how much I want you and all the things I want you to do to me,” she says, playing with the collar of her T-shirt to give you the faintest view of cleavage. “I belong to you, David. I want to belong to you. I told you this when you asked me to be your girlfriend. Do with me whatever you want, whenever you want.”

“You give me too much leeway.”

“So what?” She shrugs. “I don’t want you to pee on me, but you’re not gonna do that, are you?” She grins confidently.

“Of course not!”

“See? You’re not gonna do anything I don’t like. All you ever do is rock my fucking world.”

“Love, if you don’t fuck her after that I’ll be VERY disappointed in you,” Emma says, her yes still on the road. “She even got me a little wet.”

“Hey, I don’t need convincing,” you say.

You push Olivia slightly away, lift her T-shirt, pull down her bra and start sucking on her tits

“Oh yes.” She moans, wrapping her arms around your neck and enjoying your tongue on her chest. Her breathing get heavier, and she starts grinding her hips against the bulge in your pants.

“Fuck. I like this so much,” Olivia groans in pleasure. “I seriously envy Katherine for having those sensitive tits.”

“Yours are pretty sensitive, too,” you tell her, your fingers sinking in the flesh of one of her extremely supple breasts.

“Not as much, apparently. She can come just from you touching her.”

“We have a lot of time to kill. We can try that.”

You focus your efforts on her boobs. You savor her with your tongue, sucking hard as if hoping milk will come out of them. You grope her greedily and even press your face between them, making Olivia laugh. You kiss her, sucking each other’s tongues as you keep teasing her nipples with your thumbs. Her body shudders on top of you, both of you growing hotter by the second. The bulge in your pants is painfully uncomfortable, but you ignore it in favor of pleasing Olivia with your mouth from the chest up.

Your combined moans get you more excited, and Emma even turns off the radio to hear you better. You feel the car slowing down a bit, but not outright stop. She must be taking some precautions, you think.

It takes a while, but eventually Olivia climaxes on top of you, her lips desperately pressed against yours as if scared you’ll leave her during her orgasm. You hug her shaking body tightly against you, rubbing her back as she comes down. You look at her face, at her flushed cheeks and her half-closed eyes.

“I love you,” she whispers breathily. You can see the hints of a couple of tears around her eyes. “I love you so damn much.”

“I love you too,” you whisper back. “I’m never, ever letting you go.”

You pull her pants and panties down, only enough give you access. You unbuckle your belt, pull down your zipper and get your cock out. Desperate, Olivia sinks into it, this time with much more ease than ever before. Her walls welcome you, sending jolts of pleasure through your body.

“David…! David…!” Olivia moans your name and bounces on you. You kiss her and rock your hips against hers. You hold her with one arm on her back while your free hand keeps playing with her tits.

“Yeah, babe! Fuck! I’m coming again!” Her body shudders once more, your cock driving her to her second orgasm and yourself to your first in a matter of minutes. You stay inside her, making out with her for a long time.

“How are you feeling?” you ask.

“Don’t ask stupid questions,” Olivia says, giving you an adoring smile. “Fuck, you already fit perfectly inside me.”

“Not scared of me anymore?”

“Fuck no.” She grins.

The drive continues, and so does your lovemaking with Olivia. Sex in a moving car is definitely a new experience, and it’s also a great way to pass the time. Though you do take some time to rest, especially after Olivia falls asleep after about three hours.


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