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Hello everyone. I hope the start of this new year is treating you well.

Let me start with an update on how work is going.

The Affection Multiplier is going well. It's coming out smoothly, though there's a specific chapter I'd like some direct feedback on. I'll be sure to tell you when that chaper drops. I had considered at first having this arc happen entirely from the girls' point of view to have David's plans be a mystery with the big reveal of the proposal near the end, but I scrapped that. We've followed David from the begining and it would be jarring to suddenly leave him for a long period of time and watch him from outside.

Work on Deus Terra is very slow. I have to put a lot more thought into it to have the world make sense. I think I made many mistakes during the brainstorming process that stuck in the story. Basically, I followed advice from a book that, while a good book and good advice, wasn't the right way to write for me. I'm trying to fix that.

Finally, I've been hard at work on whatever my next project will be. I have many ideas, some of them good, some of them terrible. I've discarded like 6 3K words drafts alread. But from that, 2 ideas have stuck:

  • One is a reboot of The Spirit of Lust. I feel like I've learned a lot mistakes I've made writing Deus Terra and reading more books that I could pull this off. It would keep the premise of a man getting possesed by a spirit of lust in a moment of great weakness and pain, but now I'd like to turn the story into an urban fantasy where the supernatural is real and interweave erotica and fantasy better than I have with Deus Terra. This idea hasn't left my mind for almost half a year, so it's a strong contender.
  • The other idea is something that I'm temporarily calling The Book of Eros. It would be something more in line with The Affection Multiplier. A man find a weird book, and uppon reading it realizes it contains several challenges that are sexual in nature, but promise to grant power. For example, if he manages to kiss five different women in the span of two hours, he'll gain to power to be an irresistable kisser. With that premise, I'd like to introduce another story of self-improvement and harem antics.

Honestly, I'm pretty excited for both, but I'm conflicted. One has the potential of becoming a really big and exciting story, and the other is more in line with what you know me for. I wish I was a faster writer so I could do everything at the same time.


Now into Side Stories.

As usual, comment down here your ideas for a side story for The Affection Multiplier. I won't add anything myself this time and we'll have the usual poll so long as there are two or more ideas.

However, I'd like to skip next month's side story in order to work on drafts of the two ideas I mentioned and present them to you as proposals. Think of them as test one-shots or pilot episodes to test the waters and see how good they are.

As always, I wish you all the best! Stay safe everybody!



Nah that's totally understandable now that I thought about it what about having the AMA malfunction and end up pushing everyone scores with him pass there cap?