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Author's Note: Following Kiro Haas' idea for a side story, but since it fit with what I was doing I put it here.  I basically gave the vibrator-in-public idea another shot, but I still find it very difficult. I understand intelectually why people would like doing it, but since I can't feel that excitement myself, it's hard to properly convey it. I hope the last scene makes up for it a little bit.

I hope you enjoy the chapter!


You go to Julia’s office during the first break to confirm what you and the girls theorized yesterday.

“So I’m actually going?” You ask her.

“Yes.” She gives you a nod and a sweet smile. “I had to push for it a little, but you’re going. There might be some restrictions on you, though.” Her smile fades as she groans. “…bunch of old prudes.”

“I’m assuming, then, I’ll be in my own tent roughly 5 kilometer away from everyone else?” You half-joke. There’s a chance you’re correct even on the second part.

“Not that far, but yes.” She smiles wryly. “I do have a tent you can borrow, since I’ll be sharing one with Emma, Mia and Anzu.”

“Oh! They’re going too?”

“Yes. Anzu is the nurse, so we really need her there in case something happens. And Emma and Mia volunteered to come with me, which the old guard was thankful for.” Julia smirks devilishly. “The older teachers, headmistress included, are not very fond of camping.”

“I imagine more than a few students aren’t, either.” You offer.

“Which is why we’re doing this. I’ll be a good experience, regardless if they like it or not.” Julia nods to herself. “I’ll try to give you a little freedom, but seriously, be discrete with whatever you and the others do, okay?”

“What about you?”

“Oh, I’ll try to get in on the fun, sure. I’ll need to be on top of everything, but I’m sure the others can cover me every once in a while.” She winks at you.

“Alright.” You chuckle. “But you’re right. Let’s try not to get wild. On another note, I’ll go shopping with the others for some stuff I’ll need, since I don’t even have a sleeping bag. You lending me a tent is already a weight off my shoulders.” 

Julia smiles mischievously. “Can I get a ‘thank you’ kiss, then?”

“You sure?” So you ask, but you’re already walking up to her.

“A quick one won’t hurt.”

She wraps her arms around your neck, and isn’t even subtle about pressing her chest against yours. You hug her by the waist and lean closer. You lips meet tenderly, with Julia simply pecking yours a few times as she giggles.

But after you give her toned butt a little squeeze she finally gives and opens her mouth to allow your tongue inside. Her moans are soft and quiet, but her hold on you tightens. It’s the sound of loud chatter of students walking outside the office that breaks you both out of your trance.

“It hasn’t been that long, but I already want you again.” Julia admits, biting her lip. “You must think I’m stupidly thirsty.”

“I’m in no place to judge.” You tell her with a sheepish smile. “It’s just… gratifying to hear that you want me as much as I want you.”

“Your place tonight?”

“Others might be there, too.”

“I’d welcome it.” Julia giggles. “Now go. Classes will resume in about two minutes.” She sends you off with a light spank on your butt and you head to your classroom.


Of course they had to come up with a crazy idea like this. Though you guess it’s less that they came up with it and more like they’re revising it. All you wanted to do was go shopping for camping supplies with your girlfriends, but suddenly you find yourself in the middle of a mall with an egg shaped remote control in your pocket and a red-faced Sophia tightly holding your hand as her three friends at least try to act like everything’s normal.

You actually do walk around the mall looking for everything you need, but the girls (Katherine included) had to insist on you carrying the remote while Sophia has a vibrator in her pussy hidden under her underwear and a very long skirt. Though you have the setting on the second lowest intensity, so Sophia is able to keep her composure to some extent.

“You doing okay?” You ask her, squeezing her hand.

“Yeah.” She answers, taking a deep breath. “I can handle this.” Even though she says that, her eyes move from one stranger to another, as if feeling everyone’s eyes on her.

“How do you feel?” Katherine asks her.

“So fucking nervous.” Sophia bites her lip and you feel her squeezing your hand hard in return. “And horny.” She mutters.

“If it helps, you look like you’re just embarrassed from holding David’s hand.” Megan offers with a light chuckle.

You find the store you’re looking for, one that should meet all your camping needs. And the moment you enter, you casually put your left hand in your pocket and up the intensity of the vibrator by two.

“Eep!” Sophia lets out a cute yelp, but you don’t acknowledge it, still holding her hand and looking around the store.

“Let’s see… The things I need the most are a sleeping bag, a flashlight and a big bag to carry my stuff.” You say.

“How are you paying for it?” Katherine asks.

“I’m using some of my savings.” You say with an annoyed groan. “I’d rather not ask my dad for extra money if I can help it.”

Beside you, Sophia has her lips tightly pressed together as she starts squirming ever so slightly. You feel a little bad for her, but since she hasn’t said anything, you’ll leave it there.

You all start looking around the store, with Sophia never once leaving your side and the others looking to her every so often. And it’s as you’re looking at the different flashlights that something unexpected happens.

“Sophia? What are you doing here?”

A girl you don’t know walks up to you and Sophia with a smile on her face. On her part, your girlfriend puts the most relaxed face she can manage and turns to the girl.

“Laura!” Sophia smiles. “I’m here shopping for some stuff. Our school is having a camping trip soon.” She explains, but you feel her grip on your hand tightening as she tries to calm herself through that. Thank god she doesn’t have a lot of grip strength.

“And who’s this handsome fellow?” The girl named Laura asks with a teasing grin.

“H-He’s David. M-My boyfriend.” Sophia answers, and you don’t know if her stammering is due to the vibrator or she’s just simply embarrassed. She then turns to you. “This is Laura. She was a classmate back in high school.”

“A pleasure.” You nod to Laura with a polite smile.

“Urgh. I swear.” Laura shakes her head. “This girl is too embarrassed to talk to guys all throughout high school and then she snags a top-shelf boyfriend. Not fair, I tell you.”

“Uh… thanks?” You say with an embarrassed chuckle. It feels weird to be complimented like that.

“Hey, your face is red.” Laura notices, looking at Sophia with worried eyes. “Are you okay?”

“Y-Yeah!” She answers, maybe a little too quickly. “It’s just… uh…”

You decide to give her a helping hand.

“She’s just embarrassed.” You say with a soft laugh as you raise your hand holding Sophia’s and take the opportunity to turn up the vibrator intensity once more. “She looks cute like this, doesn’t she?”

“Ahahaha! She sure does!” Since Laura laughs heartily, she doesn’t notice Sophia flinching. “Oh boy! To think I’d ever see you blushing like that! It’s really made my day!”

“Sh-Shut up!” Sophia’s face starts getting even redder, but she should be safe from getting found out.

As the two old friends talk a little more, you completely turn off the vibrator. Sophia visibly relaxes. She catches up with Laura for a while before saying their goodbyes. Then Sophia turns her narrowed eyes to you. “I hate you.”

“I love you.” You say sheepishly.

“Humph.” She snorts and drags you away from that spot, but still doesn’t let go of your hand.

“B-But the flashlights…!” Your complaint falls on deaf ears as Sophia drags you with her to look for the things she needs.

Though she also needs a flashlight, so she reluctantly drags you back to the place you needed to be.


Emily and Megan had to go home right after you were done shopping. Rather, you had to send them home despite their protests because you found out they hadn’t finished all their assignments. Katherine had plans to talk to some of her old friends online later, so she also went back home.

And as you and Sophia are walking to your place from the bus stop, you get a message to your phone.

Julia: Is it okay if we go now? I’m bringing Anzu along.

You: Sure. Sophia and I are about to get there.

Julia: Great! See you in a few.

You tell Sophia that they’re coming over, and she nods.

“I wonder if Anzu talked to Julia already.” She says.

“I don’t know, but I bet they did. I guess we just need to ask Anzu later.” You nod. “By the way. How was it?”

Sophia clears her throat. “Better than the first time.” She says. “Thanks for actually turning it off once in a while. I helped calm me down.”

“No problem. Did you…”

“A couple of times, but they were really short.” She admits, smiling shyly. “I seriously need to get back to your place.”

“It’s always a relief to get confirmation that I’m not the only one with a dirty mind.” You say.

“Sex feels great. More news at 11. Now hurry up!” Sophia says, walking faster.

And it just so happens that, as you’re arriving, you catch Julia’s car parking near your place. You and Sophia wait for Julia and Anzu before going inside.

“How did shopping go?” Anzu asks.

“I got everything I needed. Sophia got more than that.” You tease.

“Oh?” Both women ask with interest.

You take the remote from your pocket and show it to them. Their eyes widen in understanding.

“Oooooh” Julia grins. “Kinky.” She chuckles.

“So… you have it in now?” Anzu asks, swallowing nervously.


“You must be itching for it more than I am, then.” Julia laughs. “That’s alright. We’re willing to watch, aren’t we?” She says, wrapping a comforting arm around Anzu’s back.

“More than willing.” Anzu laughs, looking completely relaxed.

You guess that answers your previous question.

“Alright then. Do you have anything in mind?” You ask Sophia.

The young woman swallows and looks up to the ceiling. When she speaks, she’s still looking up. “David… you just bought a rope, didn’t you?”


What you bought is a relatively thick plastic rope, but you didn’t buy it for THIS. Sophia asked you to tie one end to one of the beams in the ceiling and the other… to her hands. You’re careful to tie the rope tightly to the beam while Sophia discards every single article of clothes she has on and takes the vibrator out. Then she raises her hands as you tie the other end of the rope to them, leaving her with her hands up in the air yet feet firmly on the floor. You can see her trying to rub herself with only her thighs as a few drops of her juices run down her legs.

“You okay there?” You ask her, confirming that she’s feeling well.

“More than okay.” She says, biting her lip. “Although it is embarrassing to have this be the first thing Julia sees of me.”

“Hey, I applaud you!” Julia nods. “It’s good to see you’re both comfortable doing what you like!”

Meanwhile, Anzu silently watches you two, her eyes glued to the sight. She watches Sophia shiver as you run your hands along her body and lick her neck. But you decide to stop focusing on them for now. Sophia has had to endure a lot today, and it’s time to give her the relief she needs.

“Do you want it already?” You whisper in her ear, grasping and squeezing one of her tits as you do. Your thumb playing with her hardened nipple. She squirms as she answers.

“Yes! God, yes! I’ve had enough edging for today!”

You only pull down your pants and underwear enough to let your cock free. You don’t even undress. The tip of your already eager shaft presses against Sophia’s entrance, and it’s like she could come right then and there. But having all that buildup end up in a half-hearted orgasm would be too cruel.

You wrap an arm around her back and thrust into her with one, powerful motion.

“FUCK!” Sophia groans as her body starts shaking uncontrollably and her pussy clenches around you. You hold her against you and kiss her naked shoulder as all her pent up frustrations of the day are released in a violent and blissful orgasm. Her breathing is heavy next to your ear, but even then she still manages to weakly mutter, “More…!”

You kiss her deeply as you fuck her where she stands, helpless to do anything but let you do as you want. Just as she likes it. Your cock has an easy time sliding in and out of her tight and extremely wet cunt, getting harder as your submissive girlfriend moans next to your ear.

You spank her butt with your free hand, resulting in a loud sound. You look at her face to see if you went overboard, but see that Sophia has her eyes closed and is biting her lip, letting the pain enhance the experience even more.

“Again…!” She pleads, so you give her another spank, making her shiver even more and tighten again down there. “Yes…!”

A spark of a memory reminds you of your night with Julia, and you wonder if Sophia would appreciate some dirty talk as well. You lean closer and nibble her ear. You give one of her tits a firm squeeze as you whisper in her ear.

“Who’s my naughty girl?”

“I…I am…” She answers with a caught breath as you keep thrusting into her. “I’m your naughty girl… who need to be punished…” Her dazed eyes try to meet yours, but they’re lost in the pleasure.

“Walking around with that thing in you all day, talking to your friends as if everything was normal. You truly deserve a good spanking.” You growl, now giving her ass a firm squeeze.

“Yes! Keep spanking me!”

The sound of your hand slapping her ass joins the sound of your hips meeting hers. You can almost feel the stares of the two other women behind you, but you try not to let that distract you.

When Sophia’s pleasure peaks again, you orgasm along with her. You thrust once more deep inside her as you shoot your load into her, leaving her quivering from the aftershocks of her own climax.

You hold her gently as she comes down, and when it seems like she can’t stand on her own anymore, you ask the other girls to help you untie her. Julia gets the rope off Sophia’s hands and the dazed girl lets her arms fall on your shoulders, breathing deeply and with a blissful smile on her face.

“I love you so much…” She says, tiredly kissing your cheek.

“Love you too.” You chuckle and give her ass a very gentle rubbing.

“That was intense.” Julia says, laughing softly with you.

“How are you feeling?” Anzu asks Sophia, though her own face is flustered.

“I’m in heaven. Seriously. I never thought I’d feel so safe actually doing stuff like this.” She giggles tiredly and then her eyes meet yours. “That said… I think this is my limit. I can feel it. I don’t think I’d be able to go further than this.”

“Alright. Tell me whenever you think I’m going too far.” You tell her.

But at this point, Sophia simply nods and lets her body rest against yours. You bring her to the bed and let her rest there.

“You still have energy, don’t you?” Julia asks, leaning closer with a hand on your shoulder.

“Sure.” You say, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Anzu?”

“Let me go last.” She says, chuckling. “It’ll feel even better that way.”

“Thanks.” Julia smiles at Anzu before she lets loose and pounces on you, laughing heartily as she gets rid of your clothes.

God, you love your life.

What's next?


Kiro Haas

I think you did pretty well with this! The entire concept is basically one of being constantly teased and edged, while also getting that thrill of being on the cusp of being caught, despite being fairly safe (if your partner isn't an ass). Because of the latter part, I wouldn't be surprised if Katherine might be into the remote vibrator too, eventually at least, as she gets off on people watching her, and this can be fairly similar.