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Getting out of bed by 8:00 am is a struggle when you have Katherine next to you, but you don’t want to neglect your morning routine. You’d normally do it by 4 or 5 in the morning, but you fell asleep at four, so there’s nothing to be done.

Before you start anything, though, you check Katherine’s score.

-Brown, Katherine-
Affection Score: 100 (+27)
Love Score: 100 (+60)
Lust Score: 85

Like you thought, her scores did max out. Her lust did, too, since you were awarded points, but it went down from 100 due to all the sex. Honestly, it’s incredible her libido is still so high after last night.

You get +50 friendship points, 100 love points and 100 lust points, leaving you with:

Available points: 550 Friendship points / 200 Love points / 350 Lust points

You start your workout as silently as you can to not wake up Katherine. As you start lifting your weights, you wonder if it’s truly okay for her to have stayed here, but when she called her maid to tell her she was staying, she even passed the phone to you and you were asked several questions. It seems that maid really cares about Katherine.

About an hour later, you hear your phone buzzing on top of the TV and pick it up. It’s a message from Sophia to the group chat.

Sophia: How’d the date go?

You: Katherine is sleeping in my bed right now.

Emma: Then it went particularly well, huh? ;)

Mia: I don’t think I have to ask, but still. You used protection, right?

You: Yes. We don’t use the condoms much, so there were a lot left.

Emily: So there are not many left now? Hahaha!

You: Katherine is… very eager.

Megan: I don’t blame her.

Anzu: Did you have fun dancing?

You: I guess. I wouldn’t mind going again.

Emma: Should we get together for the usual?

Sophia: Actually, I wanted to ask if we could do it by groups this time.

You: What do you mean?

Sophia: You know how Katherine is. She can be awkward, and I think she’d be extremely uncomfortable if all six of us went to meet her today, especially when she only knows Anzu, Emma and Mia as the nurse and her teachers.

Emily: Yeah, I think I get you.

Mia: So you want us to split the group so three of us go today and three go tomorrow?

Sophia: If possible, yes.

You: Katherine did say she wanted to stay the weekend. She has permission… sort of.

Anzu: What do you mean ‘sort of’?

You: Her parents aren’t home, but her maid knows.

Megan: She has a maid???

Emily: She has a maid?

Emma: Back on topic. I think splitting is a good idea. Who should go today?

Sophia: I think we should mix students and adults.

Mia: I was about to suggest that. I think Sophia, Emma and Anzu should go today while Emily, Megan and I wait until tomorrow.

You: I have no problem with that.

Anzu: Me neither. I’m free today.

Emma: Agreed.

Sophia: At what time do we go there?

You: We could eat lunch here. I’ll prepare something.

After everyone agrees to the plan, you finish your workout and check the fridge. You’re missing some things to make lunch for everyone, so you should go out and buy some. You don’t feel comfortable leaving Katherine to wake up alone, however, so you start getting breakfast ready for her. You already ate, but you’ll still drink a cup of tea with her.

You sit down at the edge of the bed and look over Katherine’s sleeping form. She barely makes any noise and her breathing is very calm. You almost don’t want to wake her up, but it’s already 9:40 am and she has to get out of bed if she doesn’t feel ready to be caught naked by the others.

“Katherine.” You call her name softly and tracing the back of your fingers along her cheek.

You watch her eyes twitching as she wakes up. She looks up at you with a drowsy expression, blinking several times as she starts remembering everything that happened. Her face starts getting red, but instead of hiding, she smiles brightly at you.

“Good morning.” She says, rubbing her eyes and looking at you already dressed. “It is morning, right?”

“It is. I just wake up very early.”

“…I wanted to stay in bed with you.” She says, shyly and lazily as she stretches her body, letting the bed sheets fall off her chest and allowing you to see her naked tits again. It only lasts a second though, because she gets self-conscious again and covers herself.

“I think it’s a little late to be shy, isn’t it?” You chuckle.

“Y-You’re right. Sorry.” She giggles. “It’ll take me a while to get used to this.” She says, sitting up without covering herself. Any other comments are stopped by a wince of pain that worries you.

“What’s wrong?”

“Well… it’s kind of sore down there.” She smiles wryly. “I guess… we really did it a lot?”

“We did.” You nod, mirroring her smile. “Sorry. Maybe I was too rough.”

“No, I asked for it, and I loved it. I… God, my heart is still pounding so hard.” She giggles, taking a hand to her chest. “Let me ask, just because I don’t want to get anything wrong. Am… your girlfriend now, right?”

“If you want to be, which I want you to.” You answer.

“I do. I want to be your girlfriend.” She nods firmly. “You told me yesterday to wait until I’d calm down. Well… I think I’m as calm as I’ll be today, so let me say it again. I love you, David.”

Your heart starts pounding faster when you hear those magic words. You lean in and hungrily kiss your new girlfriend. She’s pleasantly surprised and moans into your mouth.

“I love you too, Katherine. You’re mine now, and I’ll make damn sure you don’t regret that for a single second of your life.” You declare.

She bites her lower lip and shudders. She wraps her arms around your neck and whispers sultrily.

“Say that again.”

“You’re mine and mine alone. I’ll make you and the others the happiest women alive.” You promise.

“I think I already am.” She says, leaning in and kissing you for a long while before she speak again. “Fuck me again.”

“I’d love to, but Sophia, Emma and Anzu are coming over for lunch and I need to go buy some stuff. Besides, I think you need a little more rest.” You say, grinning and finding her crotch over the sheets.

Katherine winces again at how sensitive she is and smiles wryly at you.

“Fine. I get your point. And… are the others coming because of me?”

“Yes. I hate to push you into it, but I want you to meet everyone as soon as possible.”

“Don’t worry. I promised I’d try my best. I know what I’m getting into.” She chuckles. “What about the rest?”

“Emily, Megan and Mia will be coming tomorrow.”

“I see.” Katherine nods slowly, then smiles faintly. “Yes, that’s better, I think. Thank you.”

Huh. She got it in one.

You have breakfast with her and show her to the shower while you go buy some stuff. While you’re out, you get a message from Katherine on your phone.

Katherine: I realized I didn’t bring a change of clothes. Can I use one of your T-shirts?

You: Sure. Any should fit you fine.

Katherine: Thank you.

…Why do you find the thought of a girl wearing your clothes… hot? Well, it’s not unheard of. You had friends who let their girlfriends borrow their hoodies. But still, picturing Katherine only wearing one of your T-shirts…

You end up walking back home in more of a hurry than is necessary.


You come back to your place and find Katherine sitting on your chair while doing something on her phone. And of course she wouldn’t ONLY wear your T-shirt. She’s still wearing her pants from yesterday plus one of your two plain black T-shirts. There’s something about the way it hugs her chest that’s just… very appealing.

“Sorry. Did I take too long?”

“N-No. It just feels a little awkward being in your room when you’re not here. Feels like I’m intruding.”

“Well, you’re not. Feel free to touch anything in here. It’s not like I I’m hiding anything. Oh! But yeah, I guess the last drawer in the closet is off limits for now.”

“Why?” She asks, raising an eyebrow.

“That’s the one the others keep a spare change of clothes, so it’s technically THEIR drawer.”

“Oh. You guys have a whole system set up already, don’t you?” She says, impressed.

“It’s been almost half a year since this little arrangement started. We’re adapting as we go.”

“…What are the things I should know?”

“That’s what the others are coming here for. Though it’s not like everyone should get together just for that, but at this point it’s almost tradition. A weird one, but everything about us is weird.” You sigh.

“So… you get together whenever you get a new girlfriend?”

“It’s come to be like that, yeah.” You admit, shyly. “It’s kind of like a welcome party.”

“Yes, this is very weird.” Katherine laughs.

Well, she’s relaxing a bit, at least.


The silence is not as awkward as it is bothersome. Emma, Sophia and Anzu arrived by 1:00 pm. They greeted Katherine warmly and everything was going pretty well. You all explained most of the rules you’ve set up and how things are currently working amongst you while you ate lunch.

The real problem starts when you run out of things to talk about.

Everyone can easily tell that Katherine feels out of her element. The fact that you and Sophia are here helps, but seeing Emma and Anzu in a different light is… difficult for her, and it’s hard to blame her.

You need something to break the ice. To let Katherine know that she can be herself with other people. Especially THESE people.

In their search for a topic of conversation, Anzu looks around the room and her eyes land on you new (old) game consoles. You can practically see the light bulb lighting up on top of her head.

“Katherine, do you play video games?”

“Eh? Umm… a little.” Katherine nods slowly.

“Have you ever played Mario Party?”

“Y-Yes!” Her face brightens up. “Although only on my own… All my friends back in middle school thought Mario Party was boring.”

“Well, there’s five of us here and David has Mario Party 2 and four controllers. Why don’t we play?”

“C-Can we?” Katherine’s head snaps to you and se looks at you with eager eyes.

You are going to kiss Anzu so fucking hard! God bless her!

“Sure, if everyone’s up for it.” You nod. “Have you ever played, Sophia?”

“With my cousin, back when I was 14.” She nods. “Haven’t played since.”

“I’ve never played a video game before.” Emma admits. “But don’t worry about me. I’ll just watch.”

You gather the chairs around the TV and set up all controllers. After you do, Anzu walks up to you with a serious expression on her face, gently holds your face and kisses you gently.

“I’m so sorry for what we’re about to do.” She says, regretful.

…What is this terrible feeling in your stomach?

You all sit down with the oddly shaped controller in your hands, and not long after the game starts, you realize what’s happening.

The three of them seem to have wordlessly agreed to gang up on you. They take all stars and coins from you while they laugh and help each other out. Fine, if this is what it takes for Katherine to warm up to them, you’ll be the sacrificial lamb.

You play different things throughout the day, and you can see Katherine slowly getting used to having more people around. She laughs a lot more and even answers to the playful banter going around.

Man, Anzu had a great idea, and the others are also great at making Katherine feel welcomed.

What's next?


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