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Chapter 183 -  Intermission 15: Katherine Brown (2).

She can’t concentrate at all on her last class. It’s impossible, so she doesn’t even try. It’s only the first day of school, after all. She’ll be able to catch up in no time. Thinking about what happened at lunch hour is WAY more important.

She has a date.

She has an honest-to-god date with her crush!

Sadly, having to think about all the other stuff he said doesn’t let her feel as giddy as she’d like. He got together with the school nurse during his trip to Japan, AND he’s been secretly dating Ms. Campbell and Ms. Owens. Not only that, but he admitted that he’ll probably try to date even more girls in the near or distant future.

Honestly, that last one wasn’t much of surprise. The BIG surprise was the he’s dating two teachers. Of course, he begged her to keep it a secret. It’s obvious that he would, as that would pretty much get him expelled and the teachers fired, not to mention a serious hit to their reputation.

David, the guy that has haunted her dreams for weeks is currently dating 6 different women. And even if they get together, she won’t be the last. What does she think about this?

Only that she wishes she hadn’t gotten mad at him for something stupid the first time they met. Maybe they would’ve become fast friends, and they would’ve started dating far sooner. It’s all her fault, but there’s still time to fix things.

Being honest, there are two things that bother her about the amount of women he’s dating/will date:

1) She can get along with Sophia, Megan and Emily, but what about Ms. Campbell, Ms. Owens and Ms. Fujiwara? What about any others that come after? She likes her teachers, but… they’re very strict. Ms. Owens more so than Ms. Campbell, and she doesn’t really know Ms. Fujiwara. Will she be able to get along with them and not screw up somehow? What if she says something insensitive or push her boundaries without knowing? Will they convince David to dump her?

The thought frightens her.

2) This one is far more selfish, but… how much time will David have for her? Will whatever time she gets only get shorter as he dates more women? Are those fair questions? If they start dating, how much will Katherine be able to see him? She can’t help but feel like she’d want him all to herself, like a spoiled child not wanting to share her favorite toy.

That’s a terrible comparison, she realizes, but not entirely inaccurate. Katherine is aware she can be spoiled at times. Quite often, really. Maybe even a lot.

Urgh. Her stomach’s starting to hurt. She’d almost want to excuse herself and go to the nurse’s office, but that would mean meeting Ms. Fujiwara, and that would probably make the pain worse.

She knows she should only focus on her date for now. She’s thinking WAY too far ahead. But… she’s worried. Not only because this is the first time she has a date, but because she genuinely likes Sophia, Megan, Emily and David as friends. She doesn’t want to screw up and lose them.

These worries make David’s supposed secret of something called The Affection Multiplier fairly irrelevant. She likes these people. They’re truly starting to form a real friendship. Even if the thing turns out to be real, so what? Does that erase all the times David put up with her and helped her with her essays? The times they went out shopping, studying and hanging out? Even if there’s something that’s making her “like him faster”, that doesn’t make their interactions meaningless. Far from it. They mean a lot to her.

David’s not the type to ruthlessly throw her aside if she screws something up. She knows this already. He forgave Those Three, for god’s sake! He’s pretty much a saint already. And the others? Sophia said once that everyone agreed that she deserved a chance with David. That means they trust her. Well, she should just answer that trust as best she can.

The bell rings, and she wastes no time in standing up and leaving the classroom. She has to go home and prepare for her date. Sure, it might be on Friday, but she will need a whole week to mentally prepare.

What's next?


Chapter 184: Formally introducing Anzu to the harem.

They finally found time to meet on Wednesday after class. Everyone’s at your place, and… yes, it’s definitely getting too small for all of you. You all FIT here, sure, but no one can move around without asking another person to step aside.

There’s nothing you can do, though. It’s not like you can move to another apartment, especially not when the girls went through the effort of making it look so nice. You also can’t just go to Emma’s, Mia’s, or Anzu’s apartments since, well, neighbors could get suspicious as to why orgies are happening in the room next to theirs.

To make matters worse, you no longer have a usable desk. Why? Because you borrowed an old and small CRT TV from Mia and set up it up along with you new (old) consoles on it. It’s fine, though. It’s not like you’re unfamiliar with working on the bed.

The interesting thing about hanging out together is that, the more you do it, the less you all feel obligated to spend your time solely on group activities. Since Anzu’s “introduction” only consisted of telling her of the rules, habits, practices and whatevers and it all went smoothly, you’re all doing something different around the room.

Megan and Mia seem to be looking at something on your computer, both sitting on your bed and having a lively conversation. They seem to be checking the online prices for art supplies. Maybe Mia is thinking of picking up painting again?

The topic of workouts somehow led Emma to show Emily some yoga positions she knows, and they’re both made some free space for that. 

Meanwhile, you are getting your ass kicked by Anzu at fighting game while Sophia watches, seemingly enjoying your losing streak. The three of you are sitting on chairs, which further take space away from the room.

“It’s hard getting used to these controllers.” Anzu comments, looking at the white controller in her hands.

“So she says, executing near-perfect combos.” You groan.

“What happened, David? I thought you were good at this.”

“I thought so too! I think I’m genuinely getting upset.” You admit.

“That’s petty, sweetie.” Mia comments behind you.

“I know! That makes it even worse!” You groan again.

“Do you want to play something else?” Anzu offers. 

Great, now you have her taking pity on you.

“I don’t want you going easy on me.” You tell her. “But… I do think we could take a break.” You sigh, admitting defeat.

“So, do you guys always hang out like this?” Anzu asks, looking around the room to see everyone doing their own thing.

“It’s been getting to be like this.” Emma clarifies with a nod.

“Yeah. It used to be a big deal when we all got together.” Megan adds. “Well, it still kind of is, but… mmmh, how do I put it?” She wonders.

“I think we’re growing used to being together as a group.” Mia nods, smiling.

“Yeah, that’s it!” Megan agrees. “It’s like, even if we’re not doing anything special, I just love having everyone around.”

“I wouldn’t complain if the place was bigger, though.” Sophia says.

“I think it’s cozy.” Anzu says. “It feels like a bachelor’s apartment.”

“Sure, but when you have seven people inside…” Sophia trails off and is suddenly hugged from behind by Emma.

“What? You don’t like having us so close?” She rubs her cheek against Sophia’s for emphasis as she grins.

“That’s not what I mean!” The black-haired girl laughs. “You know I don’t mind having you all VERY close.”

“Are we starting the innuendos already?” Emily asks, stretching her arms as she stands up from a yoga position Emma left her in.

“They’re part of our life already.” You tell her, enjoying the small bouncing of her boobs as she tretches. You turn to Anzu when you hear her laughing, and she looks so cute that you can’t help but close in and give her a quick kiss on the lips.

Her laughter stops, but her cheeks start blushing as she smiles and asks. “What was that for?”

“Yeah, he does that.” Emma nods. “Takes me by surprise even to this day.”

“Gets you feeling all tingly inside, doesn’t it?” Megan asks.

“Yeah.” Anzu nods.

Is that so? Huh. You just do on a whim because they all look so kissable. Good to know they like it.

“Hey,” Emily starts. “Remember that time we played truth or dare? Mia and Anzu weren’t with us that time. How about we go again?” She suggests.

“That’s not a terrible idea.” Sophia says, prompting the blonde to answer with a whining “Hey!”

“Truth or dare? God, how many years has it been?” Mia laughs.

“I’ve never played truth or dare before.” Anzu says, matter-of-factly. 

“Never?” You ask.

“Never. Not for any specific reason. It just never happened.”

“Do you want to play?”

“I… You know what? Sure. But isn’t it a little redundant with the ‘no secrets’ rule?”

“Think about it as a chance to ask whatever you want, then.”

“What are the limits for dares?” Mia asks, closing your laptop. She seems to be ready to go, which is interesting.

“Keep it inside the house, I guess?” You suggest.

“Alright, let’s play! Last time was fun!” Megan says and then looks at Mia. “Do you remember David texting you about your underwear before your date? That was me daring him to do it.”

“Oh. I did think it was a bit out of the blue.” The teacher chuckles.

You all sit around on the bed, forming a circle as best you can. Since you’re seven people this time, you get a ‘spin the bottle’ app on your phone and set it in the middle of the group. Counting from your right, there’s Sophia, Megan, Emma, Mia, Emily and Anzu to your left.

The first spin determines who’s asking the first question. You tap your phone and you all watch the digital green bottle spin and stop, pointing to Emily.

She taps the screen and the bottle now points to Sophia.

The game starts immediately.

“Alright, girl. Truth or dare?”


Oh wow. You didn’t expect that, and considering Emily’s reaction, neither did she.

“Fine. Uh… OH! I’ve got one!” She smiles devilishly. “Get your ‘special’ notebook and read aloud the last scene you wrote.”

You all have to hold your laughter when you see Sophia’s face falling and panic start settling in.

“You bitch.” She says, but it does nothing to stop Emily from looking very proud of herself. Honestly, you’re proud of her, too. That’s a very nice dare.

“Wait, what special notebook?” Anzu asks, being the only one who doesn’t know.

“Oh, you’re in for a treat.” You tell her.

“Fine! I’ll do it!” The talented writer gets her notebook from her backpack and sits back down on her spot. She aggressively opens it to the last place she wrote something but that aggressiveness quickly leaves. Her shoulders drop and she looks at Emily with a sad, pleading look. “Can I at lease CHOOSE what I read?”

“You do realize that only makes us more curious about the last scene you wrote, right?” Megan tells her, much to her dismay.

Sophia’s face blushes furiously, but she tries her best to calm down, breathing in and out. She clears her throat and starts reading.

The cool, salty breeze brushes against their skin, making their n-nipples h-harden.” She stammers, but cools down quickly and continues. “All around them are naked people, yet they choose to be oblivious to it all. All they want is to enjoy themselves in their own little world.

In this nudist beach, people are free to be as promiscuous as they wish, and more than a few couples can be seen having sex under their parasols. Yet there are more people focused on their group. That’s to be expected.

“There’s a man calmly applying sunscreen on the backs of six different women. There’s no other guy in the group, which means all those girls are with him. It’s not difficult to see the envy glowing hot in the eyes of every man around.

“As David rubs his oily hands on Megan’s back, reaching down to her shapely behind, he– And that where it ends. Sorry!” Sophia suddenly finishes, obviously not apologetic in the slightest.

“He does what!? HE DOES WHAT!?” Megan screams, holding a hand out to Sophia, pleading for more.

“This is the last thing I’ve written, and it’s not finished. Too bad, right? Anyway, my turn!” The debate captain smoothly evades any other complaints by tapping the phone and making the bottle spin.

It’s obvious everyone wanted to hear more, and Anzu blinks several times at the revelation of Sophia’s writings. Your own question is, does Sophia also have an exhibitionist fetish or was that just something she wrote on a whim? Well, you’re sure everyone else has similar questions in mind, so Sophia has to be careful about choosing truth in the near future.

The bottle stops spinning and lands on…



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