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Hello everyone. I come here today, not with a new chapter, but with a quick message. 

Next week, I will be uploading chapters for the Simon Sinclair branch of TAM instead of the main one.

Sadly, this week has been a little rough. I've been feeling sick and it's been hard to write. Thankfully nothing terrible. Stomach pains, mostly, so nothing corona related, just in case you were wondering. I have chapters ready to upload next week for David's branch, but since this isn't a huge emergency, I would like to update the other branch to avoid ruining my schedule. I will still be delivering on the promised weekly word count, but I still hope this isn't too much of an inconvenience. 

Of course, tomorrow there will be another David chapter as usual.

Thank you very much. I hope you have a nice day.


Kiro Haas

Hey, your health comes first!


Get well soon, health before work, though I fully understand it's not that easy :-)