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 Core idea by suspiciouscoffee and set during the events of chapter 130: Getting things done, when David and the girls are shopping at the mall.

This turned out more important than I intended, so it's canon to the main plot. I think it's a good chapter for more Katherine characterization, but as always, I'm open to feedback.

This chapter will go public on Friday and I'll conect it to the mentioned chapter 130.


Katherine’s legs tremble as she walks, and the desire to scream for help grows stronger with every step closer to their destination. The women beside her smile and laugh as if nothing was wrong.

Bunch of sadists!

Why are they taking her to a lingerie store!? Why!? She could’ve stayed with David while they got the last of their shopping done, right? She would like to believe that she’s just tagging along, but from what she’s seen of her new ‘friends’, she has a very bad feeling about this.

A poke on her ribs makes her jump and let out a yelp, causing the two soccer players to laugh beside her.

“Relax, girl! Why are you so tense?” Sophia asks.

“I-I’m not tense…!” 

“You totally are.” Megan tells her, but gives her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry. We won’t force you to do anything you don’t want. We just want to spend some time with you, get to know you better.”

“You mean we needed to get away from David for a minute, right?” Emily says.

“That too.” Megan chuckles and nods.


“Look, we all know how you feel about him,” Emily starts. “Hell, even he knows.”

“He does!?”

“Of course he does. Honey, you’re not very subtle once you get figured out.” Sophia tells her, making the redhead hide her head between her shoulders.

“Hey, David likes you too. It’s just that things have been really hectic lately.” Emily continues. “He’s taking some time to get used to things. That’s why he hasn’t asked you out.”

“…” It’s awkward, and Katherine doesn’t really know how to answer. What the hell do you tell your crush’s girlfriends when they’re trying to cheer you up?

“I still think she could stand to be a bit more aggressive.” Sophia nods to herself. “You could stop dressing like an old lady, for starters.”

Right now, they’re all wearing their uniforms since they came here directly from school, but they’ve hung out on weekends. Katherine usually dresses very conservatively, with long skirts and baggy clothes.

“It’s like you’re TRYING to hide how hot you are.” She adds before pointing a finger to the athletes. “You two, save your comments.”

They both raise their hands, keeping their mouths closed.

They arrive at the store and waste no time getting in. Thankfully for Katherine, there’s no one here else other than the store clerk.

“So, what are we specifically here for?” Sophia asks.

“We were serious when we said we went up a cup.” Megan says with a sigh. “I know David likes big tits, so that’s good, but it means we have to get a whole new set of bras.”

“Should we make him pay for them?” Emily suggests. “It’s his fault for being so touchy.”

“We still live with our parents, Em. Don’t get greedy.” Megan tells her.

The conversation and the implications quickly make Katherine’s face light up like a torch. She can’t help but see images of David fondling the two girls walking ahead of her, and while it gets her hot, it’s also really embarrassing.

Emily and Megan start browsing through the bras while she stays behind for a bit.

Sophia groans beside her. “Sorry about that. We are used to being open around each other, so they’re forgetting we’re with you now.” She then smiles and gives the redhead a small pat on the back. “Just think about it as them being comfortable around you.”

“Thanks… I guess…” Katherine smiles weakly. “Do you guys really… just casually grope each other?” She asks in a voice that’s almost a whisper.

“…Yeah.” Sophia smiles wryly. “We don’t have to talk about this if it makes you uncomfortable.”

“No.” She shakes her head. “I guess I should know what I’m… trying to get into. I guess it’s easier to ask when David’s not here.”

“I guess it is.” Sophia laughs and agrees. “Well, we really like each other, so it should come as no surprise that… we do it a lot. As in… sex.”

Katherine swallows, her face burning and making her just a bit dizzy. Still, she nods. She knew that. Of course they do it. It’s just different hearing Sophia admit it.

“We’re comfortable with each other, which I think it’s amazing considering we haven’t been together for long.” Sophia finds herself smiling widely. It really hasn’t been long at all, but the closeness she feels, not just with David, but with the other girls is incredible.

“It seems like you’re happy about it.” Katherine comments with a small, honest smile.

“I am. And I’m just waiting for you to join us.”

“…I don’t know if I can handle casual groping.” Her face falls.

“You’ll come to love it.” Sophia grins. “And if you don’t, then we’ll compromise. I think we’re good at that.”

“Thanks.” It’s weird for Katherine how everyone talks as if her getting together with David is inevitable. It’s like they all know it’ll happen and it’s just a matter of when. Slowly, she starts believing it, too, but she’s not sure that’s a good thing.

If she starts thinking that it’ll eventually happen, but it turns out it never does… it’ll only hurt more. Would she feel better thinking that it’s never gonna happen?

“Hey, are you two not getting anything?” Emily asks. “Might as well take the opportunity since we’re here.”

“You know what? Sure.” Sophia nods. “Come on, let’s take a look.”

Okay… looking can’t hurt, right? 


As soon as she starts looking through the double D bras, she hears a whistle from behind her that sends a chill down her spine.

“Seriously? Doube Ds? You REALLY do try to hide them, don’t you?” Megan says.

“I j-just…!”

“I’m kind of jealous, but at the same time, if mine were that big I think they’d get in the way when running.” She adds.

“Some of our teammates are about that big and they do fine.” Emily tells her.

“Yeah, but they complain that it hurts sometimes.”

“Do you do sports, Katherine?” Emily asks.

Desperate to change the topic from her boobs to anything else, she answers. “I have a swimming pool at home. I’ve been doing that since I was little.”

“Really? That’s so cool!” Megan beams. “What about winter, though?”

“It’s an indoor pool. We keep it at a good temperature, so we can use it all year.”

“So, do they get in the way when you swim?” Sophia asks.

“Can we please stop talking about my boobs?” Katherine pleads.

“Look where you are, Kat. Where else would you talk about boobs?” Sophia then points a finger at Megan. “And don’t say David’s house!”

“Woah! Mind reader!” Megan’s eyes widen.

“You know what? That does it.” Emily nods to herself. “We need to get you more comfortable with your own body!”


“How are we doing that?” Megan asks, already on board with the idea.

“Girls, don’t be too pushy.” Sophia reminds them.

“It’s just frustrating, you know? I’m not saying Katherine should be flaunting her body and walk around dressed like a slut,” Emily says, making the redhead flinch. “But being uncomfortable with your own body is just as bad!”

“I have to agree.” Megan nods. “It’s not about how you look. It’s about feeling good about yourself.”

“Yes! YES! That’s completely right!” An unfamiliar fifth voice joins the conversation. Before anyone noticed, the store clerk is right next to them, her eyes shining and almost watering from emotion.

She looks older than any of them, but not so much. She’s probably 20 or so. She’s on the shorter side, with a body that’s not quite fat, but definitely has more curves than the usual standard for female beauty. She has very short black hair, and all girls can smell the scent of coconut coming from it. She has skillfully applied a thin layer of makeup to her face, and is dressed in a yellow cardigan and blue jeans.

“I’m so sorry! I overheard your conversation and I couldn’t resist! You’re absolutely right, dear!” She tells Megan, who seems a little taken aback by the sudden intrusion. The woman then starts addressing Katherine. “Listen honey, there was a time when I would’ve killed to have a body like your friends’, but not anymore! Yes, it took some time and help, but I finally understood how to start liking myself.”

“How did you do that?” Emily asks with honest curiosity. From the four girls, she seems the least affected by the sudden fifth member of the conversation.

“Truth be told, I was a lot fatter a year ago. I started exercising and doing diets, but all they did was make me feel even worse.” She shakes her head. “Then I met a couple girls at a yoga class. They were going through the same and we ended up getting along really well. You have no idea how much it helps to have someone to share your troubles with.” She nods enthusiastically.

“I have an idea.” Megan smiles and gives Emily a meaningful look.

“Before we knew it, just being surrounded by people who cared made us feel better. We lost just the right amount of weight to stay healthy, we started shopping for clothes we liked and learning to apply make up the best we could. Not so we could pretend to be pretty, but to show everyone that we FEEL pretty!”

The woman’s enthusiasm is contagious. Even Sophia finds herself contributing. “Well, you ARE pretty, I admit. But I’m more impressed by your confidence. You have this air of… self-assurance that’s worth admiring.”

“Honey, hearing that from a stranger is the best compliment I could hope for!” The woman giggles. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to come here to tell you my life’s story. I’m here to say that I want to help. If there’s anything you need, just let me know!”

“Thank you!” Megan says. “Katherine, what are you measurements?”

“…” The girl looks very hesitant. “Do we really have to?”

“We don’t, honey. But no one but you can take the first step.” The clerk tells her seriously.

Katherine groans internally, but gives in eventually. She has absolutely nothing against Emily, Megan and Sophia, but there’s no denying that they’re almost picture-definitions of the word “confidence”, and while David tries to help, he’s… well, a guy.

Hearing this from a stranger who sounds so sure of herself somehow has a bigger impact.



“…” Katherine just stands there inside the changing room with the door opened, shifting nervously in place in front of four other women while she only wears a pretty, matching set of teal-colored silk bra and panties with a lace embroidery.

“Okay, now I feel a little dumb.” The clerk, who the find out is named Maria, says as she looks at Katherine. “How do you not feel confident with a body like that, girl?”

Katherine has a sexy, curvy, lean body. It’s not quite toned to the level of the two soccer players present, but it definitely shows that she wasn’t lying about swimming. There’s not a hint of extra fat in her body, and if there is, it all goes to her boobs or her butt. Seriously, those can rival’s Sophia! Her pale-ish skin, long, flowing red hair and lightly freckled face make her a woman who could very well be a world-class model.

“You don’t get it…” Katherine mutters.

“We never will if you don’t tell us.” Emily points out, crossing her arms.

“I…” She sighs. “It’s not that I think I look ugly or anything. I just… don’t want to stand out. I don’t WANT to look pretty.”

“…is it because of what happened in high school?” Sophia asks, to which the redhead slowly nods.

“Well, the point still is that you’re not happy with yourself, isn’t it?” Megan asks with a scowl that intimidates Katherine a little bit. “So what, are you going to eat until you’re obese and people call you ugly?” She asks, and both Sophia and Emily are taken aback by how aggressive she sounds.

“N-No! I don’t want that either!” Katherine answers immediately.

“Then what do you want? Seriously, it’s like you’re contradicting yourself!” Megan walks up to Katherine, making her step beck until her back is against the wall. The brunette’s face is inches away from the cowering girl. “You say you don’t want to stand out, but you want the boy you like to notice you, you’re one of the top members of the debate team, you want to get the top scores in tests. This all sounds to me like you WANT to stand out…” Megan sighs deeply and her scowl is slowly replaced by a kind, wry smile. “…But you’re scared, aren’t you?”

Katherine swallows. Her eyes start to water. She wants to talk back, but can’t. Because Megan is right.

“Come here.” Megan says and gives the redhead a comforting hug. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get like that. I don’t know what came over me. I just don’t want to see you suffering because of something stupid. Tell me, was I right?”

“…” Katherine doesn’t speak, but nods against Megan’s shoulder and hugs the girl back.

“Look. I’m not saying you should change right away. I don’t think anyone is capable of that. But we’re your friends now. You can rely on us whenever you need to. You’re free to talk like you want, dress like you want, be what you want. We promise to help.”

“…” Again, Katherine only nods in response. There’s a small knot on her throat and she almost feels like crying, but she holds back. She still has her pride, and crying in public while wearing nothing but underwear would be too much. “Let me get changed.” She speaks in a low voice.

“Sure. Again, I’m sorry for getting like that.”

“No, it’s… it’s fine. Thank you. I think I needed to hear that.”

“Take your time, okay?”

Megan steps out of the changing room and everyone walk away from the door. The clerk, Maria, sees other people coming into the store and excuses herself to attend to them.

“What the hell was that?” Emily asks.

“I just couldn’t stand seeing her like that. She obviously has low self-esteem for stupid reasons.” Megan frowns.

“I don’t think her reasons are stupid, Megan.” Sophia offers with a frown of her own.

“Whatever. I don’t regret what I said.” She sighs. “I need a hug.”

Sophia chuckles and shakes her head. “Fine. Come here.” She says with opened arms. The shorter brunette hugs her tightly, and it’s not long before Sophia feels Megan’s hands on her ass.

“What are you doing?” She asks, unamused.

“I wanted to grope her so bad!” Megan whines. “It’s not fair! She’s so hot!”

Emily laughs and hugs her girlfriend from behind as well.

Katherine does take her time, but when she finally comes out, she seems to have calmed down. She thanks Megan, but Emily and Sophia still think that she was way too forceful and scold her for it in front of the redhead, who manages a chuckle.

When they finally return to David, he’s none the wiser about what happened. 


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