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Update (2): You guys know what this is called? COLLUSION. A perfect 50/50? What on earth!? Sure, it's good to see that both girls have their fans, but still.

The way I see it, this leaves me with two options. 

  • 1) I do whatever I want. Though I made the poll in the first place because I was undecided, so that takes me back to square one.
  • 2) I try something crazy and include them both in the same storyline. That would be... difficult, and I don't even have a clear idea of how I'd do it.

Well, I'll just keep writing and see where things go. Should be fun. Thanks for the votes! Even this result gives me some idea of how things are going.


Update (1): reminder to anyone who hasn't voted and wants a say in this matter to get their votes before the deadline. I've finished the Japan arc and I'm about to start the next storyline.

Funny how there are days when I get nothing done, just staring at my computer and thinking until my brain hurts, and then sometimes I can get a week's work done in a day.


Only one of the following two. I have plans for Olivia, Lilian and Jessica, but Katherine and Julia's arcs can go in any order.

As always, if you have more to say than just your vote or you want to give your reasoning, please do so in the comments.


Polar Potato

Granted I would want katherine to win we are at 50/50. While I'm not a good enough writer to post a story I know how stories flow a certain way. I would say that we are all here becase we think you are a good enough writer to pay you to do so. Patreon opinions and votes aside, follow the flow of it, if you feel that one works better then go with it. Stories have a flow to them that make their own rules on who goes first.


I voted Julia but I accept Katherine makes more sense story wise.