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The Gods did not create the world. It was the world that gave birth to magically powerful creatures to watch over it.

The oceans gave birth to the Water Spirit.

The blazing core of the planet gave birth to the Fire Spirit.

The gentle breeze and powerful storms gave birth to the Wind Spirit.

The land and its raising mountains gave birth to the Earth Spirit.

Every part of the world that wished for protection gave birth to a different spirit, and for their immense power, they would later be come to be known to everyone as Gods.

They lived along with that which they protected, being yet another part of the planet. The Water Spirit swam with the fishes, the Wind Spirit played with the birds, the Earth Spirit nourished the soil and the Fire Spirit kept control over the wild flames.

Times passed, and more Gods were born into the world. They came to settle on a small continent that bloomed with magic. Although they watched over the whole world, they would soon find themselves calling this place "home", and would be later known as The Land of The Gods, Deus Terra.

Over the years, life evolved. Some gods took interest in some of these creatures and blessed them with their power. That's how cratures such as elves and Lizardfolk came to be.

And when humans saw themselves missing the blessings of the Gods, they, too, wished for something to protect them.

But what they created was different.

Eventually, the Gods left the material plane in order to indirectly watch over the world. The planet's creatures are now alone. Kingdoms have risen and fallen, races have gone extint and others have thrived.

But though it all, Humans remain. Because for all their faults and weaknesses, they're the most resilient of all.


Alright, I decided to reveal what I've been working on. I admit, I'm a nervous mess right now. This project means a lot to me. I mean it. I've wanted to write something like this since I was a kid, and I finally decided to get off my ass and do it.

I realize this kind of stuff is not what you've seen of me. You've seen me write modern times harem love stories. I know I'm unproven in this field. I just hope you'll give me a chance when this comes and I'll be able to provide you with another, if very different, fun story.


  • The story is still in its outlining process. I have most characters ready, and although the protagonist gave me the most trouble, I think I finally have something I can work with.
  • One of my biggest fears before even attemting to start this was that I wouldn't be able to come up with anything original for my world. And as you can see from the teaser, I was right. You've seen the elemental spirits, gods, elves, whatever in a medieval fantasy setting a million times. However, I love that setting with a burning passion. I'm taking inspiration from several sources that have shaped my love for these kinds of stories. I'm talking everything from books, to video games, to anime and movies. This is going to be a mess, I just hope to makes it the most fun mess I can.

Things you can/shouldn't expect:

  • You can expect a harem story. You know me already. it's my thing. And when I say harem, I go all out. It's not a "many girls like one guy but he settles for one" kind of deal. This will be "One guy is with many women at the same time and they're all okay with it".
  • Expect knight, warriors, monsters, fantasy races, magic and all that good stuff.
  • While a lot of things here have been inspited by video games, this won't be a LitRPG (Literary Role Playing Game) story. I'll probably have character pages with stats and skills for warriors and mages, don't expect numerical values like [Stregth: 100]. Rather, expect something like [Stregth: B]. Things you normally see in games will be explained in a more organic way that fits the magic system I have in mind.
  • Finally, yes, this will be a story with explicit sex. It won't be the main focus, but there will be sex scenes of the wholesome variety. No, I'm not writing a medieval story where every girl gets raped by orcs.

Everything in this teaser is up for change. I might make adjustments to the map or to the lore if I feel it's necesary. Please, if you have any opinion on this, any suggestions or criticism, I highly encourage you to tell me. I can't stress enough just how much this project means to me, and I want to make it the best I can. I hope this makes you curious enough to look forward to Deus Terra.

Note: In case you were wondering, the map was made using inkarnate, a browser based map maker. It's really cool and has a free version. Check it out if you're into tabletop RPGs or just want to make your own maps.




Hey man, I love what you do with TAM so I'm keen to see what you do with this setting! As someone who reads almost exclusively fantasy books though, I think you're right in saying you need some unique point to differentiate your story from others. One way to do that would be to focus initially on creating a unique magic system. You might already have a start with the spirits giving almost a warlock-style benefactor system. So what if a new god or someone with intrinsic power came along to shake things up? Or magic based in artifacts instead of people? I'm sure these have been used before but point is a little left of field works in my opinion :) as for races, to change that up a little what if elves, dwarves, humans etc were all treated equally? Surprisingly, rarely done haha. Perhaps they're forced to due to a greater threat? Apologies for rambling, but my point is, you don't necessarily need to reinvent the wheel, you can just give us your own take on worn out tropes to make it interesting again.


Also, I'm a sucker for those huge "fuck yeah motherfucker" moments where the protagonist does something completely overpowered at the point its needed most. I'm thinking like the arena scene from Feist's Magician.


I already settled on a magic system that I hope is understandable enough to follow along and not make every power an asspull, but also vague enough to allow me to introduce new things over time. Also, I, too, am a fan of those "fuck yeah" moments, so I'll be learning how to pull them off with this.