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After excusing herself to the restroom for a moment and leaving you in a very uncomfortable silence with the headmistress for a couple of minutes, Emma comes back and sits behind her desk. She looks more composed now.

Mrs. Hayes sits across from her and you just stand around awkwardly, not wanting to be too close to either of them for very different reasons.

“Well then, what can we do for you, Mrs. Hayes?” Emma asks her mother.

“Drop the formalities, Emma. I’m here on personal business.” Says your future mother-in-law.

Emma tenses at her words, but to you they’re a huge relief. After all, you’re sure that if she’d found out about you two, she would’ve approached you in her capacity as headmistress and kicked you out first.

The older woman looks at you with a cold stare that suddenly softens with a resigned sigh.

“I assume you have an idea of what this is about, don’t you, Mr. Walker?”

Oh. “So he already contacted you?”

“He did. And I agreed to his request, if only because I have a lot of things to explain to him.”

“Wait, what are you talking about? Why am I the one out of the loop?”

Of course Emma is confused. How could you and her mother share any kind of information when you avoid her like the plague?

You put your hands in your pockets and look away. It’s not your place to tell Emma about this. Besides, revealing that she’s already met your brother would lead to questions.

“There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll be blunt.” Mrs. Hayes starts. “You have a brother.”

Yep. That’s pretty blunt.

Emma stays silent, processing what she’s just been told. Her eyes suddenly meet yours before she hesitantly asks her mother.

“Y-You don’t mean…”

“No, I don’t mean Mr. Walker, here. However…” Mrs. Hayes looks at you, her tone and expression wordlessly telling you to explain your involvement here.

“My older brother came to visit me yesterday.” You tell her as if she had never been there. “He’s been working with my dad in Japan but came back because of some personal business. After some talking, he revealed we’re brothers from the same father, but not the same mother.” You sigh. Telling the story almost makes it sound stupid. “Turns out… my brother’s biological mother is… Mrs. Hayes.”

“Wha…. What the hell!?” Emma stands up abruptly. She opens and closes her mouth several times, as if wanting to ask questions but not really knowing what to say.

You’d like to answer her questions, but for now it seems best to just focus on the headmistress.

“You said you accepted his request. What was it?” You ask.

“That you’d be there when we talk, of course.” She answers, then looks at Emma. “I’m not planning on keeping you in the dark so I’ll throw it in my face later, so I want you to be there as well.”

“W-What about dad?”

“Your father already knows. He’s known from the beginning.” The older woman sighs. “This is sudden, yes, but that’s just the way it is. We decided to meet the day after tomorrow.” She then shifts her gaze between you and Emma. “It’ll be at my house. You’re both invited. I don’t care if you go or not. I’ve done my part.”

The woman stands up and leaves without another word. It does a good job at making you dislike her even more. That makes two out of five future mothers-in-law you have issues with.

Emma sits there in silence. You sit across her and hold her hand across the desk, rewarding you with a small smile.

“Can I… get some more context, please?” She asks tiredly.

You tell her everything you know, which is everything your brother told you yesterday.

“It seems my dad and your mother didn’t quite see eye to eye. According to my brother, he only just found out about this.”

“…” Emma remains quiet for a while, squeezing your hand for comfort. “It doesn’t sound to me like this comes as a surprise to my mother.” She frowns and bites her lip. “What was she thinking? She had a son and… never tried reaching out to him?”

“I think there might be a lot more than that. My dad is… hard to understand.” You tell her.

“And now it turns out I have a brother. Wait-!” Her eyes suddenly widen, and panic starts showing in her face. “W-We’re not… siblings, are we?” She asks with hesitation.

“We aren’t.” You give her a reassuring smile. “I was sure to ask my brother right after laughing at him for hitting on his sister.”

“Oh! That’s right!” Emma starts laughing. You’re glad to see she’s taking this relatively well, considering how sudden it was. Her mother has no tact.

You take the opportunity to check Mrs. Hayes score. Better know what you’re working with.

-Hayes, Elena-

Affection Score: -15

Oh wow. That’s right. You have the No More Enemies trait. Negative scores are reduced slowly over time. Well, in about two months it went for -60 to -15, so it really does work slowly. Still, it’s a way better position to work from.

You spend a couple more minutes with Emma before leaving to tell the others what that was about, much to their shock. Even so, they’re relieved. Their worst fear was that you’d been found out.


Really, if it were up to you, you wouldn’t study at all this week. There’s too much going on. Your brother came here and revealed a huge secret, you’ll be meeting Mrs. Hayes at HER house in two days to hear her story along with Jonathan and Emma. What’s more, you still want to talk about the new trait with your girls, no matter how awkward it might get.

Finals are the last thing in your mind. However, you still have to ace them. Even more so since you’ll be meeting your father in a couple of weeks. You know he’ll ask and won’t accept excuses if you do poorly.

After classes are done, Sophia finds you outside your classroom.

“Hey.” She greets you with unusual shyness, shifting in place. “So… can we meet at your place to study today?”

“Sure.” You tell her. “You have debate club right now, don’t you?”

She nods. “Clubs are shorter during the week before finals, so I’ll be at your place in an hour.” She gives you a shy smile. “Also… I hope you don’t mind, but I invited Katherine.”

You raise an eyebrow at that.

“Don’t give me that look! You said you were okay with it this morning!”

“Yeah, but I didn’t expect it to be today. Fine, that’s no problem.”

“Hey, Sophia! What did Katherine say?” You hear Emily’s voice approaching, so you turn to the hallway to look. She and Megan are walking in your direction.

“She said she’d go. I was just telling David.”

“We’ll see you two in an hour, then.” Megan nods. “Shall we go?”

You nod, give Sophia a quick peck on the lips and leave with Emily and Megan. However, you’re stopped at the school gates by a familiar voice calling your names from behind.

“David, Megan, Emily!” The three of you turn to look and see Jessica jogging to catch up to you. Her school blazer is open, so you can’t help but stare at her chest bouncing in her white shirt as she gets closer. Funny thing is, sparing a quick glance to your left and right, you see Emily and Megan doing the same.

“Hey, Jessica. What’s up?” Emily asks, surprisingly casual.

That’s right. You’d almost forgotten, but these three get together every once in a while. It’s terrible of you to forget, though, since you’re the one that asked them to get along. They don’t need to know that, right?

“Sorry to be a busybody, but I overheard you guys talking outside the classroom.” The Brazilian girl says. “You’ll be getting together to study, right?”

“That’s the plan.” Megan nods.

“I don’t want to meddle in the plans you have for today, but… I was wondering,” Jessica bites her lip, looking conflicted. “Would you… be up for one or two study sessions with Olivia, Lillian and I?”


“Oh.” Megan voices your coherent thoughts. 

Emily scratches the back of her head. “Look, we’ve been getting closer, so I’d have no issue if it was just you, but… those other two…”

Jessica clasps her hands together. “Please! Finals are looking harder and I’m not good enough to tutor them for this! I overheard you’ll be getting together with Sophia and Katherine, too. With them, you’ll have the three smartest first-years in the school in your group.”

“Please, I’m not that smart.” Megan says, looking bashful and earning herself three raised eyebrows from you, Emily and even Jessica. At that, she pouts. “You could’ve played along…”

You sigh. “We’ll talk about it today, but I make no promises. I have no problem with it, but I’m not sure Katherine is going to be very eager to help.”

Jessica visibly flinches at that.

“Y-You’re right.” She says with a grimace.

“We’ll try to convince her,” Emily says. “But you convince your friends that we don’t want any funny business.”

“I promise you, they’re VERY serious about this!” Jessica nods. “They’re both getting serious about their families’ business.”

“Very well. We’ll get back to you tomorrow.” You tell her. She smiles brightly and thanks the three of you with a tight hug before leaving.

On the way to your place, you see Megan walking while looking down at the floor… no, rather, she’s staring at her own chest.

“Megan?” You ask.

“Jessica’s tits are so big!” She groans. “I felt them against mine when she hugged me and I got so jealous. Turned on, too, but mostly jealous.”

“I know, right!?” Emily agrees, furiously messing with her hair. “Urgh! And her ass is out of this world, too! I was so tempted to give it a squeeze!”

You start walking as if in autopilot, stunned by the conversation happening beside you. Your mid too busy conjuring images of you, Emily, Megan and Jessica all tangled up and naked in your bed.

“I mean, sure, Sophia’s tits are amazing, too. And none of us holds a candle to Mia, but Jessica is just so… exotic!” Megan giggles.

“If you haven’t realized it, we’ve warmed up to her.” Emily tells you with a grin. “I guess we took too long, though. Now Sophia has to get to know her, too. Oh, but we wanted to bring in Katherine first, so I guess she’s still on hold, huh?”

“Just thinking about it makes my head spin.” Megan shakes her head. “How do you manage all of this?”

“I… I don’t know.” You let out a tired sigh.

“Hey. We have a little less than an hour before the debate girls get here.” Emily says, speeding up to walk in front of you as you reach your place. “Think we can… play a little before starting?”

“Come on,” Megan whispers in your ear, hugging your arm and pressing her tits against it. “I know you’re just as frustrated as we are that yesterday’s orgy didn’t happen.” You don’t see it, but you know she has a lustful grin on her face.


 Is there time? 


Finn 0815

I think, especially after the last chapter, it's not a good idea to write that David is hiding something from the girls. Perhaps you should still write that he intends to tell them that. I don't see that that would negatively impact the story. I still think of adding Katherine to the group first and then focusing on the other three. But I'm sure you've already solved it. And when the heading of your next chapter says 'No, we have to study', I get angry. ;)